Devonman17's Sales Thread
CURRENT STATUS: ACTIVE (Updated July 21, 2024)
More will be added from time to time.
Most MP and 3rd Party are Mint in Box (no seal but in packaging) or MISB (sealed in packaging).
All items are loose and complete (
NO INSTRUCTIONS), unless otherwise noted. Conditions may vary -- major conditional issues will be noted.
If you want pictures let me know.
Prices (in Canadian $$$) do not include shipping fees.
If you find the prices to be unfair / outrageous, i'm happy to negotiate.

(Keep in mind, typically the prices reflect how I value the item)
Deals can be struck when purchasing multiples at once. (The discount is larger when more money is spent)
Blitzwing MiB $155
3rd Party
Fans Toys
FT29T Quietus $265 MISB
FT10 Phoenix $305 MIB
FT19 Apache $170 MISB
FT47 Rig $95 MISB
FT09 Tesla $105 MIB
FT16M Sovereign $280 MISB
FT25 Outrider $180 MISB
Swarm Team (3 Figures) $300
Lorry MiB $40
Sunsurge MiB $20
Ocular Max
Riot MiB $120
Furor MiB $120
Toy World
Leia MiB $20
Takara (100% Authentic MPs)
MP43 Megatron (Beast Wars) $320 MISB
MP46 Blackarachnia $130 MISB
MP41 Dinobot $280 MISB
MP50 Tigertron $270 MISB
MP32 Optimus Primal $110 MIB
YES MODEL Thundercracker MiB $35
THF Soundwave $25 MIB
Thanks for looking!
- Devonman17