View Full Version : Transformers Animated Episodes 28 & 29 Official Discussion Thread

Code of Honor
06-27-2008, 11:54 PM
The 2 part season finale of Transformers Animated airs on YTV Saturday, at 11:00am EST, with episodes 28 and 29, titled "A Bridge Too Close, Part One & Part Two"

This thread is here to discuss these episodes only,
please save the toy discussion for another thread.

Please refrain from posting spoilers until the airing, discuss your expectations and guesses of the episodes until then.

06-28-2008, 11:35 AM
part 1 was excellent! can't wait for part 2

- glad the contructicons changed into familiar devastator colours
- blur is as crazy fast as ever
- bulkhead is an expert haha
- starscream's clone army reflect different aspects of his personality

06-28-2008, 12:01 PM
part 2 pros:

- omega supreme kicked butt
- we finally see sari's robotness


- omega supreme didn't last very long
- the end conversation between megs and starscream was cut off by the vj

06-28-2008, 12:01 PM
stupid ytv cut into megatron and starscreams conversation at the end of the episode. i really hope that doesnt happen when it airs in the states so at least we get to hear what they said. now we just have to wait another week.

06-28-2008, 12:06 PM
i really liked everything about these episodes, except omega supreme going back offline. the clone army was sweet, blurr was awesome, and i really liked omega,

06-28-2008, 12:06 PM
The last 20 minutes made me wish I had seen the first 40 minutes. If only for Megatron saying Starscream was hiding behind an army of "cheap knockoffs".

06-28-2008, 12:06 PM
OMG!!!!!!! The most awesome episodes ever!

Pros: Blurr
Omega Supreme Pwns
Space Bridge
SS clones
Sari's a robot! OMG!

Cons: What happened to Blurr?
Part 2 ends and leaves mystery, and we'll have
to wait for I don't know how long!:mad:
What happened to Starscream?

06-28-2008, 12:07 PM
*Thanks for ruining the end YTV!*

-One of the best Transformers episodes ever
-Omega Supreme is amazing and I think he will be one of my only animated purchases
-A female seeker! I see kitbashers across the world repainting seekers of every generation to look like her as I write this.
-I love Shockwave's voice

06-28-2008, 12:10 PM
Very, very good. Not sure who the female seeker is, but I'd assume the others are Thundercracker, Skywarp, Ramjet and Sunstorm? Shockwave's voice is right on! Blurr was alright and Omega Supreme was a nice surprise.

I agree that it seemed like the end of the episode got cut off a bit by YTV, though I'm not positive the converation wasn't over anyway.

Sari is revealed as a robot and Sumdac is rescued. Bulkhead is the spacebridge expert. :D Hope the series moves off of Earth in season. Still more questions than answers at this point, but an excellent episdoe none the less. :)

06-28-2008, 12:10 PM
I smell an Omega Supreme Supreme Scale toy.

Also I doubt it's the last we hear of him.

Make way for season 3!

06-28-2008, 12:14 PM
Awesome episode, even if some of the new characters like Blurr and Omega Supreme didn't last all that long. But who knows what happened to them? Hopefully there is another season in the works.

- the end conversation between megs and starscream was cut off by the vjThat's the one huge pet peeve I have with YTV too. It's annoying, to say the least.

06-28-2008, 12:20 PM
i also liked when sumdac used the headmaster to take over starscream's body and said "total pwnage n00b" :D

06-28-2008, 12:28 PM
First off, may Corus Entertainment burn in hell for their annoying station promotions.

Loved the episode. Original voices for Blurr and Shockwave pleased the G1 in me, and Starscreams best "aspect" being female made me laugh and remember all the "CLANG CLANG CLANG" jokes with him and Megatron.
Omega Supreme kicked more tailpipe in his brief Animated appearence than in all of G1 or Energon.

Fortunently I taped the Episode so I can watch it again (and scream at AJ again).

06-28-2008, 12:48 PM
Pretty cool, one question though who was that female jet? "Blackarachnia is that you?!"

06-28-2008, 01:00 PM
It was an awesome Episode and I even made an appearance during part 2 , here I am in the top 6 things to transform into! woo! 3 more hours of sleep! :D



06-28-2008, 01:52 PM
This episode was fantastic. Way better than Megatron Rising. It delivered.

But now it's over till season three starts to air.

Pretty cool, one question though who was that female jet? "Blackarachnia is that you?!"That was a clone dude. She represents a specific part of the Original Starscream. (since they're all powered by a small part of the Allspark peice in his head) She was based off G2 Ramjet's colours.

"Don't start with me, woman!" LAUGH OUT FREAKING LOUD.

06-28-2008, 02:06 PM
Dang, couldn't find a download so I'm watching it on TV right now instead. Will post thoughts after. So far it looks good. :D

06-28-2008, 02:48 PM
loved it! omega was awesome but too brief!!
same with blurr!!! I can't wait to see waht the omega toy is going to look like!!!
the clone seekers rocked!

06-28-2008, 02:50 PM
me like! me like lots! :D

poor Omega :( i hope he's okay and finds his way back.

Blurr seemed to irritate the rest of the autobots :rolleyes:

stupid move by YTV to cut off the conversation between SS and Megs at the end! I bet it was very important! :mad:

06-28-2008, 03:02 PM
Don't cut off the end, I am writing a VERY angry e-mail to them right now. Who does that? seriously? Shows that have, ya know, dialog in the credits, other channels WAIT to do anything...

Great episode, awesome finale. But... still very mad at YTV.

06-28-2008, 03:02 PM
That was great! Omega Supreme was awesome. :(

Don't cut off the end, I am writing a VERY angry e-mail to them right now. Who does that? seriously? Shows that have, ya know, dialog in the credits, other channels WAIT to do anything...

Great episode, awesome finale. But... still very mad at YTV.

I know, wtf was up with that?! Guess I have to wait till I can download that episode now....

06-28-2008, 03:13 PM
Wow it tied together the storylines and took aspects of stuff from so many episodes. Bulkheads spacebridge tech aspirations like we saw in autobot boot camp, Ratchets references to Omega we saw in previous episodes, Sari being a robot, the headmaster, so many more! I'm glad they brought up Wasp closer to the end I can't wait to see where that storyline goes.

06-28-2008, 03:13 PM
There's only one thing that could have made this episde better, not that there's anything wrong with it now, but it would have been nice to see a finale where everyone gets to come to the party.

Black Arachnia was missing still and the Dinobots never get to kick butt, Me want to see Him Grimlock Kick Butt.

Also, Soundwave hasn't appeared since his debut episode. Can we say more please and what about Wreck-Gar? Ok well, maybe everybody doesn't need to make an appearance, but still it would have been nice to see the Dinobots get more screen time and maybe have Swoop and Slag actually. I don't know. Talk.

This double thing was great though, I can't wait to see where they'll take the series come next season. Here's hopeing they do something totally original and make Galvatron a brand new non-Megatron upgrade character who comes in to rescue Megs or something. That would be awesome.

Oh yeah, Omega Supreme, so much better then his Energon re-imagining I mean this one actually sounds like a big hulking weapon of destruction compared to his Energon Scott McNiel counterpart. :rolleyes:

06-28-2008, 03:19 PM
I voted excellent. I loved the characterization of Omega, and how Ratchet was 'propping' him up to fight...so war torn, seen so many battles...Omega reluctantly goes to battle.

The Screamer clones are great...all I could think was $30 for each of those, and I have to get all of them...better start saving...and praying of course that they resculpt the head for the female version.

Nice to see Sari's dad back on the Autobot's side...but will his 'goodness' last? Or will Sari forgive him?


06-28-2008, 03:33 PM
So yeah, AJ is going to get online-crucified when the torrent goes up and the Americans all dive on it. XD

Awesome episode though. Omega Supreme's scale REALLY got across in the scene direction. And the scenes leading up to his transformation totally made me think of Hypergalactic Gurren Lagann (yes I englished the prefix, yes I became That Guy and made the Gurren Lagann comparison).

06-28-2008, 03:34 PM

06-28-2008, 03:40 PM
I hope this results in Sari pledging allegiance to Megatron.

06-28-2008, 03:47 PM
Loved these episodes! I absolutely LOVE the fact there's now finally a female Seeker! I can't wait to learn her name. If a certain about-to-be-slagged VJ hadn't interrupted the ending, maybe I could have seen the credits and found out!

Here's hoping they'll make a toy for her too. Please Hasbro? Pretty please?

I loved hearing Shockwave's deadpan, G1 voice again, and Blurr's. I also loved how most of the major plot points for season "2" were at least mentioned: Wasp, the Seeker clones, Blurr revealing his robotic self.

For next season, I'm hoping to actually see one of those Decepticon uprisings in the rest of the galaxy, and I want to see how the 'Cons deal with Megatron disappearing, again.

Overall, awesome episodes! Perfect, except for YTV cutting off the ending. May they burn in all the flames on the internet for that.

06-28-2008, 04:01 PM



06-28-2008, 05:12 PM
I found the previous 3 episodes to be a bit of a debacle so I was fully expecting to hate this finale. Fortunately, Blur was a lot of fun to watch and he proved the Elite Guard is worth a damn. Also Starscream's clones came off really well, so I did enjoy the episode for these elements. However, the lack of a proper build up and sloppy writing overall really dragged things down.
It's a shame John Moschitta Jr., wasn't contracted for more than one episode. Blur's exit really felt contrived and unnecessary along with the two clones. Omega Supreme's appearance surprised me. Ratchet held him in such high regard that it's puzzling that no previous effort was made to revive the old warrior. Allspark fragments and Sari's key made Omega functional, but the Autobots had the entire Allspark at one time. It's kind of illogical to let a powerful ally rest at a bottom of a lake, or in the side of a mountain if the means were there to repair him.
The ending didn't have that great a payoff. The Autobots haven't progressed enough to deal with a Decepticon threat. Even now they seem to just get lucky in there battles. Bulkhead came off looking more like a buffoon for building the space bridge. I was half expecting that he'd somehow sabotage his own efforts, just like Sumdac alluded too, but that went nowhere. BB was absolutely useless. Not only did he lose his Speedster title, but it was revealed he put an innocent bot in the stockade. It's an interesting hubris for this character and I'm hoping the resolve is handled well. I didn't like that Prowl suddenly developed a means to escape from his cuffs. That was a pivotal moment in the battle, and it's tiring that plot devices drive the story forward. I wished Prime was more significant in this episode. He got knocked around way too much.
As a whole, I wasn't too fond of how things ended, but Sari's storyline is just becoming intriguing, and future developments hold promise.

06-28-2008, 05:24 PM
AMAZING episode!!!! OMEGA SUPREME!!!! I was watching it with my wife and once I heard is voice I was telling her "I can't believe it, Omega Supreme..." My jaw was literally open! Can't wait for his toy! I loved they characterized him and how they played up his friendship/relationship with Ratchet.

Lots of cool little parts in these episodes. Loved how Bulkheads shoulder pad things turn into a seat for him.

Seekers = Awesome. Hope they release them, but it would be better on the budget if they made Deluxe versions.

Missing bots:
Blackarachnia - getting it on with Grimlock
Dinobots - watching Grimlock get it on with Blackarachnia
Wrekgar - Making Lake Michigan as dirty as good ol' Lake Ontario
Soundwave - someone is going to bring him back with an all spark fragment.
Wasp - I suspect he is going to be a big part of the future story lines. A whole behind the scenes kinda guy not really affiliated with any sides. Just super insane
Elite Guard - busy fighting across the universe. I am hoping to see episodes showing different sectors of the battle.
Rest of Devastator - I really hope they do this. Hasbro knows comibiners make them money so even though they say it wont be done I think down the line we will see it happen.

And yes that ending did SUCK. I HATE AJ. Every time I see him on TV I tell him I hate him, we need some PJ Phil action back on YTV... Hahhahaha

Anyone know when season 3 is scheduled to start? I have nothing to live for on Saturdays anymore.... :(

Thats it. Too much goodness this weekend I could go on forever!

One last thing.... If Sumdac can build a robot like Sari can he make more Autobots? Has he found other bots that he reverse engineered to make Sari? What a sneaky guy this Sumdac is...

06-28-2008, 06:04 PM
Wow... what a great finale to the season.

I loved Starscream's clones. Skywarp the coward, TC the boaster, Sunstorm the suck up, Ramjet the liar and Femscream the "don't ask"... priceless! They weren't just generic, during the fight scenes they all played their own roles. Looks like Starscream's fem side is the most effeciant in battle.

Loved the fact that they brought up a bunch of loose ends from previous episodes including Sari = robot, Longarm being a double agent, Wasp being wrongfully imprisoned and Blurr being an Elite Guard spy. So many loose ends tied up... not to mention Omega Supreme being revealed! I can't believe they were able to cram so much awesomeness into just one episode.

On top of that we get great moments for Blitzwing, Lugnut and the Constructicons. All 5 main Autobots got their time to shine in different parts of the episode. Megatron and Prime fighting back to back... only for a bit though. Sumdac using the Headmaster...

This series has now officially surpassed BW and G1 as my favorite Transformers series ever. Can't wait until season 3.

06-28-2008, 08:41 PM
Best episodes in the series. Omega Supreme owned some Decepticon.

On a side note, did anyone notice that after the Constructicons' transformation to Decepticons, their eyes were sometimes red, and sometimes yellowish green? Or was it just an animation mistake?

Tech Spec
06-28-2008, 09:53 PM
Downloading it right now from Demonoid... can't wait :D

Autovolt 127
06-28-2008, 10:32 PM

But they're too many unanswered questions.

What is Sari Bionic or a robot?

Are Scrapper,Mixmaster,The Seekers,Lugnut and blitzwing all dead aswell as Omega Supreme and Blurr?

Next season must be big with every charecters from every season before and i mean all the transformers (from the Dinobots to the seekers to the Elite Guard to the constructicons to Netrual charecters like lockdown/Swindle/Blackarchinda/Wasp.

And the first episode should be the Revenge of the decepticon with all and this season shuld be like G1 with all of them but mostly in the background but always their kinda like it was every other series.

06-28-2008, 11:04 PM
Holy. Shit.

Now THAT was a season finale... and then some. For as many previous episodes that I thought were complete filler stinkers, this one more than made up for it. Excellent dialogue, insane amounts of action, a fangasm overdose of Shockwave backed by the unbelievable appearance of Omega Supreme... epic wow.

Suddenly feeling the urge to start collecting this line afterall...

06-28-2008, 11:10 PM
The episode: AWESOME! Well done in every regard. Suitable cliffhanger for the next season.

The network airing the episode: EPIC FAIL! Come on YTV, why would you have the ever popular AJ (or anyone else for that matter) talking through show dialogue??? Yes, it was the ending credits... but there was still speech.

First Unicorn and now this. You rule YTV!

Downloading it right now from Demonoid... can't wait :D

You mean watching it on your PVR... right? ;) Otherwise that would be illeg... wait... that law hasn't passed yet. Download away!

chans formers
06-28-2008, 11:40 PM
imo the best animated episode yet!!!!lots of action.finally seeing blurrs bot mode,more of shockwave,omega supreme kickin skid plates and taking names.my favorite phrase was from blitzwing... im going to hit you so hard youll need a gps to find your own exhaust port!! heres hoping that next season starts off with a big bang.

06-29-2008, 01:48 AM
Poor Omega Supreme...

06-29-2008, 07:26 AM
Blurr was sweet!

06-29-2008, 08:41 AM
Only two things, could of improved the two parter,
1), Being able to hear then end conversation between Megs and Scream,
2), Where were the Dinobots?..

06-29-2008, 08:54 AM
Awesome...Excellent...Brilliant!!! This season wrapped up so nicely.
-From the ceremony speech of becoming a decepticon,
-to SS still trying to become supreme leader of the decepticons (this battle must be the longest ongoing battle in the history of TV animation! 1984-???)
-To the Ark (which i thought it was) Transforming to Omega supreme :0
- No dinobots? (I guess no comic relief needed until season three again!) thanks TFcon panel and the Q & A session with Mr. Berger- LMAO

And so on. Oh man i will watch that episode again.
Oh and F'N YTV (shakes fist in the air!!!!!!) I dont need to repeat what will be probably a future thread on this board? LOL

Dangard Ace
06-29-2008, 11:35 AM
Omega Supreme. Pure ownage. Can't wait for the Supreme toy to come out....and we all know it's coming.

06-29-2008, 02:42 PM
Only two things, could of improved the two parter,
1), Being able to hear then end conversation between Megs and Scream,
2), Where were the Dinobots?..

I think you just have to wait for a Dinobot story arc. I mean, you can't shoehorn them into every episode, and then if it's just a cameo, it would seem like a token appearance and that they didn't do anything. There are a lot of characters and just because people love the Dinobots doesn't mean they have to be included in all the major episodes.

06-29-2008, 03:32 PM
wow, what a way to finish it..... I love the Knock off joke. lol.

06-29-2008, 05:05 PM

Just wished that Shockwave would not have revealed his true identity to the Autobots, not a wise move.

Makes me wonder if the Omega Supreme story arc will take a Star Trek Voyager approach?

Love the end dialog, or at least what was audible...

Megs: Stop starring at me.
SS: No, you stop starring at me!
Megs: Do you think I actually want to spend the rest of eternity ...
SS: Ha ha ha ha...
Megs: Ohhh shut up!

06-29-2008, 05:26 PM

Just wished that Shockwave would not have revealed his true identity to the Autobots, not a wise move.

Makes me wonder if the Omega Supreme story arc will take a Star Trek Voyager approach?

Love the end dialog, or at least what was audible...

Megs: Stop starring at me.
SS: No, you stop starring at me!
Megs: Do you think I actually want to spend the rest of eternity ...
SS: Ha ha ha ha...
Megs: Ohhh shut up!
Did Cartoon Network show the dialog end credits? I also loved how Megatron says "shut up" at the very end.

06-29-2008, 05:34 PM
Did Cartoon Network show the dialog end credits? I also loved how Megatron says "shut up" at the very end.
cartoon network has yet to air these episodes

06-29-2008, 06:46 PM
Loved the episode.
I'm not so pissed that Omega Supreme is "lost" / destroyed. You can't have that huge dude as a main character - it would be too easy for the autobots, therefore no storyline.
It would be like the power rangers using the megazord right at the beginning of any trouble. Sure it makes sense, but it's complete overkill and doesn't make for a great 'struggle' theme. We know the autobots will win eventually, but we don't want it to be easy.

Loved the voices of Omega, Shockwave and Blurr. I was skeptical on this show at the start. Now I'm hooked.
Still not blindly hooked on the toys, but if there is an in-scale omega supreme, I'd hit that.

06-29-2008, 06:56 PM

Just wished that Shockwave would not have revealed his true identity to the Autobots, not a wise move.

Yeah, that whole bit with him revealing his identity and the discussion about Wasp being innocent seemed really forced.

06-29-2008, 11:24 PM
We know the autobots will win eventually, but we don't want it to be easy.

Actually, I'm rooting for the Cons... c'mon people give tyranny a chance :D

06-30-2008, 10:56 AM
Omega Supreme's appearance surprised me. Ratchet held him in such high regard that it's puzzling that no previous effort was made to revive the old warrior. Allspark fragments and Sari's key made Omega functional, but the Autobots had the entire Allspark at one time. It's kind of illogical to let a powerful ally rest at a bottom of a lake, or in the side of a mountain if the means were there to repair him.
From the way Ratchet said it, it sounded like "open-spark surgery" was a bit of a risky business. Besides, he knows what Omega Supreme had been through, and may have viewed his special stasis as a well-deserved retirement after watching so many good 'bots go off to the well of all sparks.

Still not blindly hooked on the toys, but if there is an in-scale omega supreme, I'd hit that.
You mean, in-scale with Ratchet? If I recall, Ratchet was about ankle-high on him. That sounds expensive. (In-scale with the Decepticons would be even worse. I don't recall him interacting with any of the other characters in this episode.)

At any rate, I loved it. When's the countdown to third season start? :D

06-30-2008, 11:22 AM
there will be a supreme sized Omega.

06-30-2008, 12:11 PM
You mean, in-scale with Ratchet? If I recall, Ratchet was about ankle-high on him. That sounds expensive. (In-scale with the Decepticons would be even worse. I don't recall him interacting with any of the other characters in this episode.)

hahahaha, yes ok "close to in-scale" maybe.
Meaning like an ultra or supreme. Not a deluxe or minicon.

Dak - awesome.

06-30-2008, 01:38 PM
Great Season Finale!!

Lovn the SS clones and how typical it was for all of them to betray him at the end! hahaha!!

It was cool seeing Omega obliterate some Cons!

Prowl using his ninja abilities to free himself from the stasus cuffs. Although this BB is really beginning to annoy the hell out of me!!

One thing tho i thought Prime would play an important role in this one but he didn't. I know im all about Prime!! instead he got punked off and played a good cybertronian shield for megs!! i don't know why but i was internally upset when i saw that. He used him like a ragdoll. Worse than movie prime! Oh well he can't win'em all. Gotta give other bots a chance. oh hold on a tick....i forgot he sent megs through the space bridge while slapping a pair of stasus cuffs on him!! Go Prime!

I enjoyed it!! Can't wait to see wats next for this series.

06-30-2008, 01:52 PM
god knows if they repaint Screamer into all his clones i will have to buy every single one. (I think i read somewhere the TC and SW where for sure repaints) I think they should have swtich TC and SW personalities in the show

06-30-2008, 02:54 PM
From the way Ratchet said it, it sounded like "open-spark surgery" was a bit of a risky business. Besides, he knows what Omega Supreme had been through, and may have viewed his special stasis as a well-deserved retirement after watching so many good 'bots go off to the well of all sparks.

This is certainly plausible, and that's probably the writer's explanation, but thematically it's still illogical. In the third episode, Sari used her Key to resurrect Optimus after his apparent demise. So, it wouldn't have been too much of a stretch to do the same for Omega. There have been many occasions where the Autobots where no match for the Decepticons. They should've explored every advantage they could, and certainly Omega is one of them. As powerful as Omega Supreme is, there should have been a more concerted effort to revive him. Storywise, Omega needed a better build up for his debut. The way it is in the finale is just too rushed to have meaningful impact.

Prowl using his ninja abilities to free himself from the stasus cuffs.

This was too much of a plot device for me. We've never seen Prowl display this level of skill before and I can't recall a time where he attempted to do something similar. That entire moment was too superficial to be believable.

One thing tho i thought Prime would play an important role in this one but he didn't. I know im all about Prime!! instead he got punked off and played a good cybertronian shield for megs!! i don't know why but i was internally upset when i saw that. He used him like a ragdoll. Worse than movie prime!

I agree, and I was miffed that he was so marginalized for the finale. I think the problem is that this character hasn't shown significant growth since episode three. The Autobots certainly didn't win the day because of Optimus' leadership abilities. In fact, it doesn't seem as if any of the primary characters have evolved much since the premiere. That's probably why I didn't enjoy this finale apart from some elements like the clones.

General Tekno
06-30-2008, 05:32 PM
Yes, Sari used her key. But it DID get a power boost from the Allspark IIRC.

And a comment on that YTV "fun fact" with Prowl - isn't that wrong? For some reason I'm thinking he was a racecar in another series.

And of course there's Beast Wars' owl and lion Prowls.

06-30-2008, 06:08 PM
Yes, Sari used her key. But it DID get a power boost from the Allspark IIRC.

And a comment on that YTV "fun fact" with Prowl - isn't that wrong? For some reason I'm thinking he was a racecar in another series.

And of course there's Beast Wars' owl and lion Prowls.

Racecar in Energon

I'm pretty sure that RID and G1 were the only times prowl was a police car.

Team Jetfire
07-01-2008, 11:26 AM
Racecar in Energon

I'm pretty sure that RID and G1 were the only times prowl was a police car.

Well in fact, both are true.

In Energon he was a police/Race Car (had the lights and everything.)

After checking TFU I found that there were only 3 times that the name Prowl was used for characters other than Police cars.
In Machine Wars he was a IndyCar (Repaint of RID Skid-z)
In Beast Wars he was a Lion and I/3 of the Combiner known as Magnaboss
and In Beast Wars trans-metals he was an Owl.

Dang I love TFU :)

But in every other series he was been a police type vehicle.

As for the Ep-
-Good end to the story arc
-Great end battle
-Bulkhead has a purpose
-Starscream's clones
-Blurr, Mix and scrapper get more screen time.
-Sari's secret
-Omega supreme

-No additional characters like soundwave nd the Dinobots
-Short appearance of Blurr and OS
-YTV in general.

Can't wait for next season.

07-01-2008, 08:36 PM
Best friggan animated episodes ever!

Blurr and Shockwave having original voice actors was amazing. Omega Supreme and his voice being so G1-esque as well as his kick ass awesomeness was also amazing. Not to mention his firepower, size, and alt mode made me remember why I love huge Transformers. The Starscream army was cool too but I thought could have been introduced better and tell me its not just me but I think the female SS's colours are based off of G2 Ramjet. The Decepticon initiation was also nice to see but I stilll wonder where Blurr is...bring on season 3!

07-02-2008, 08:54 PM
OMEGA SUPREME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That rocked

07-02-2008, 11:48 PM
There have been many occasions where the Autobots where no match for the Decepticons. They should've explored every advantage they could, and certainly Omega is one of them.

While on the subject of Omega Supreme...I just watched the first episode again, during the Ark battle against the Decepticon War ship, Optimus orders Telatran to activate emergency defense system "code name Omega". However Teletran informs Prime that that function is disabled in compliance with Cybertons on going efforts to conserve Energon.

Imagine if the Autobots weren't so stingy with their Energon the entire conflict could have ended there and then! :p

07-03-2008, 01:09 AM
Imagine if the Autobots weren't so stingy with their Energon the entire conflict could have ended there and then! :p

Yeah, but then we'd have no cartoon! ;)