View Full Version : about siege ratbat and red bot

10-28-2021, 07:19 PM
i cant find siege rabat localy aint got hobby shops here sucks cant seem to find him for a decent price online too only found china ebay sellers i dont trust thank you im in quebec too

10-28-2021, 07:29 PM
These are long sold out anywhere. You're going to have to pay secondary market prices. If those Chinese eBay listings have good feedback you don't have much to worry about other than possibly getting a KO (not sure if they even exist for these molds.)

Other option is getting the Gen selects 4 pack with Knock and Frenzy ect which I have seen still available from places like toysnowman.

10-28-2021, 07:32 PM

Canadian seller with great feedback

11-02-2021, 08:15 PM
I had the same problem as you and was worried to buy a cheap set on ebay. I was advised to look on aliexpress, some people said the chinese sellers were more reliable than on ebay. Tried with one with good ratings and fair price. Got the real deal, not KO.

11-02-2021, 08:23 PM
Back during the end of Siege, I ordered mine from (TFSafari I think?)
The card backing was crumpled, but figs were fine

Couple weeks later I found a copy or two at a TRU in Ottawa, so I could have had a better shape one, but didn't buy em
Figured someone else would need em more

Point is, the copy I ordered, pretty sure it came from China/wherever, and it's fine, not a KO

11-02-2021, 10:41 PM
I grabbed one from China too. They over-killed the package with a styrofoam box completely taped up everywhere but the backing card arrived undamaged and the micro masters are fine.

The Nemesis
11-02-2021, 11:23 PM
Back during the end of Siege, I ordered mine from (TFSafari I think?)
The card backing was crumpled, but figs were fine

Couple weeks later I found a copy or two at a TRU in Ottawa, so I could have had a better shape one, but didn't buy em
Figured someone else would need em more

Point is, the copy I ordered, pretty sure it came from China/wherever, and it's fine, not a KO

Same thing happened to me. I got one off eBay from some Chinese seller. Not long after that I was doing christmas shopping in TRU and there was several of them hanging on the peg.

I had similar difficulties finding the Ravage/Laserbeak pack but was able to snatch that from Amazon.com

11-03-2021, 12:17 AM
f you're looking just for Ratbat and ever happen to come by the Gatineau/Ottawa area I have a spare one sitting on my desk that I'd be fine selling for something like 5$...I don't do shipping.

Because of their sizes and as can be somewhat fragile (one Rumble had a bad rivet at one leg on my first one), I doubled (even triple) up on the cassettes, ended up painting a Rumble into a Frenzy way before the multiple cassette set with an official one was announced (please no stupid argument) so have that extra Ratbat.

11-03-2021, 11:38 AM
That one was super hard to find, took me forever (and a lot of luck) to finally come across one. Good luck!!

11-03-2021, 12:39 PM
I actually had a tough time finding them last year, too. Luckily, TRU actually had them online for a few days during black friday/cyber monday last year. I think they actually had some siege springers as well.

11-04-2021, 12:16 PM
f you're looking just for Ratbat and ever happen to come by the Gatineau/Ottawa area I have a spare one sitting on my desk that I'd be fine selling for something like 5$...I don't do shipping.

Because of their sizes and as can be somewhat fragile (one Rumble had a bad rivet at one leg on my first one), I doubled (even triple) up on the cassettes, ended up painting a Rumble into a Frenzy way before the multiple cassette set with an official one was announced (please no stupid argument) so have that extra Ratbat.
Darn not in that area :crying:
I had the same problem as you and was worried to buy a cheap set on ebay. I was advised to look on aliexpress, some people said the chinese sellers were more reliable than on ebay. Tried with one with good ratings and fair price. Got the real deal, not KO.
Got the link to the one you bought from

11-04-2021, 05:02 PM
I need it to and was going to try
https://www.aliexpress.com/item/4001035607869.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.0.0.31db5 b8aXXCQBJ&algo_pvid=39b0ee40-7a54-4445-90b1-ee5109bbbb70&algo_exp_id=39b0ee40-7a54-4445-90b1-ee5109bbbb70-0&pdp_ext_f=%7B%22sku_id%22%3A%2210000013672496140%2 2%7D