View Full Version : Knocking out tiny pins

05-16-2019, 02:55 PM
Don't know if this question should be on the Customs/Mods Board or not, apologies

I got a Titan Master with backwards (leg/feet piece below the knee)

I did that mod in the past where knocking out that one pin from POTP OpOp separates the smaller "actionmaster" body from his massive backpack

This pin (and surrounding plastics) are way smaller though

Anyone have any favorite tools/tips to use when knocking out pins? I don't want to ruin this little guy

05-16-2019, 03:30 PM
maybe try the kits on watched to remove the links

https://www.wish.com/product/59f81b15d4fd9842c6691800?hide_login_modal=true&from_ad=goog_shopping&_display_country_code=CA&_force_currency_code=CAD&pid=googleadwords_int&c=%7BcampaignId%7D&ad_cid=59f81b15d4fd9842c6691800&ad_cc=CA&ad_curr=CAD&ad_price=2.00&fallback_cids=5ac988a78fa54c35e6ef89f25a69a83d5983 510f4bc03e4c59cf033f528c346bb9fc56315be3e9df807db2 2fbd7ddb1b5ac320d2d236a50949e010f4567e3387ca8f7726 b3cce26f&campaign_id=1643927883&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI6anYweSg4gIVRvbjBx30WAXVEAQYASAB EgLL-fD_BwE

no idea if this site is any good, its the first image I found

Black Spidey Boy
05-16-2019, 05:57 PM
How wide of a pin is this?

05-17-2019, 12:57 AM
I'll use whatever I can use. I have a watch pin remover and it's been handy for some but not all types and angles.

I've used paper clips, plain wire, nails that I've dulled the tip (or flatten with my sander), even a regular pin (for cork-board). Also used jewelry screwdrivers, earrings with a long pin, dental tools.

It's all about getting a solid and straight pin and pushing it straight.

If I was to recommend something, I'd say a 40-50 piece multi-head jewelry/electronics screwdriver, which has very fine and sturdy heads that are very small and multiple sizes...

Something like this: https://www.ebay.ca/itm/Electric-Screwdriver-Set-58-in-1-Precision-Magnetic-Driver-Kit-Repair-Tools/173754862969?hash=item287498cd79:g:CncAAOSwjMtcRui p

The important heads to use for pin removals would be the torx (should go down to T3 at least and up) and the hex types (H0.9 and up).

05-17-2019, 05:55 AM
maybe try the kits on watched to remove the links

https://www.wish.com/product/59f81b15d4fd9842c6691800?hide_login_modal=true&from_ad=goog_shopping&_display_country_code=CA&_force_currency_code=CAD&pid=googleadwords_int&c=%7BcampaignId%7D&ad_cid=59f81b15d4fd9842c6691800&ad_cc=CA&ad_curr=CAD&ad_price=2.00&fallback_cids=5ac988a78fa54c35e6ef89f25a69a83d5983 510f4bc03e4c59cf033f528c346bb9fc56315be3e9df807db2 2fbd7ddb1b5ac320d2d236a50949e010f4567e3387ca8f7726 b3cce26f&campaign_id=1643927883&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI6anYweSg4gIVRvbjBx30WAXVEAQYASAB EgLL-fD_BwE

no idea if this site is any good, its the first image I found

It's not bad, takes quite a bit to get things at times and sometimes they never show up. Of the 19 items I've ordered 2 never showed up. Quality is what you would expect for the price you pay which isn't much.

05-19-2019, 09:51 AM
Thx for recommendations everyone

From the Wish listing, sent to wife & ordered a similar item for like a dollar more off eBay

The previous OpOp pin knocking, I used a hammer and a very thin specialty screwdriver as the "pushing" instrument

This titanmaster knee-joint pin, is smaller so I'm open to anything

We'll see how it goes