View Full Version : Number codes on the Botbots multi-packs?

Shockwave 75
01-08-2019, 05:19 PM
I don't know if anybody has posted about this before, I haven't seen anything; but I'm sure by now most of us know about the numbers on the blind packs of the Botbots? Well I've noticed that the multi-packs have them too!
Yesterday I picked up two 8 packs; a Greaser Gang, and a Jock Squad.
I failed to document this the first time I saw it but I did this time.
In the GG set my blind pack figure was Bonz Eye, and the JS blind pack was Burgertron. This lines up with what is posted on Tformers.com (https://tformers.com/transformers-botbots-series-1-analysis-how-many-of-these-are-duplicates-and-how-many-do-you-have-to-buy-for-a-full-set/34437/news.html (http://Tformers)).
Here are the pics I took of the markings on the packages, the first two are from the Greasers, the other the Jocks.
The outside marks are hard to decipher, the first looks like an upside down "A", while the inside mark could be an "S7" or a "57". The mark on the Jocks looks like possibly a "SO" or a "50", while the inside mark looks like a "J" and either a sloppy 6 or 0.
Now obviously these need to be corroborated, but if they are the same line wide, it could be a way to tell who the blind figures are in the multi-packs.
