View Full Version : Canadian Slag Episode 70 Now Online!

03-08-2013, 09:44 PM
The Plastic Pantomime

You media monkey's and you junket junkies, it's Toy Fair time, when we Transformers fans can either have our minds blown and torn or wind up deflated and jaded with what Hasbro has to offer the fandom in the new year. With all the Beast Hunters, Generations, Masterpiece, and more that was shown there was more then enough for the Slaggers to eyeball and yammer about for a couple of hours. Also, because they're so good, they managed to squeeze in a few of your listener questions. Sit back, relax, and enjoy a funky funky chit chat about all things Toy Fair 2013!

Check it out! (http://www.cybertron.ca/boards/showthread.php?t=45819)