View Full Version : eHobby & Encore TFs?

03-12-2011, 11:35 PM
I don't have any G1s (except for Perceptor) and have been looking at some stuff online... can someone tell me what it means by eHobby TFs and Encore series TFs? They both look G1-ish... and they both seem to be from Takara... so are they both just re-issues of G1s? Thanks!

03-12-2011, 11:43 PM
encore are reissue
ehobby are more like special edition (ie; g1 anime colored galvatron, black op...)

03-12-2011, 11:45 PM
Encores are complete reissues of the original G1 toys, with instructions and everything.

eHobby G1 toys are an homage to something...like a Diaclone design, and have sticker sheets and colour schemes to represent this

so In essence: Encore = G1 reissue, eHobby = G1 repaints

hopefully that helped. :)

Ground Zero
03-12-2011, 11:50 PM
Most of the Encores have some retouching -- stamped emblems instead of stickers, corrected eye color... stuff like that... vs. the originals.

03-13-2011, 12:00 AM
encores are streight reisuses
ehobby has g1 figures to be painted to be represented as charecters that didnt have toys in g1. example: sunstorm and the guardian robots.

03-13-2011, 03:43 PM
Focus on the japanese Encores, they are the most true to the original G1 toys. The bookbox reissues of G1 are nice from Takara, but they did tweaks and color changes to all the toys. Avoid Hasbro releases unless your on a budget.

Shockwave 75
03-13-2011, 04:55 PM
Ehobby's are good too though, I got the Orion Pax & Dion repaint of Targetmaster Kup & Wheelie, and their release of Twincast & Flipsides, which is even better because, AFAIK, Twincast never had a normal reissue and now he comes with a new female cassette. And the cool thing is she has a secret!