View Full Version : So, has PCC Grimstone passed us by?

Shockwave 75
02-05-2011, 02:47 PM
I remember seeing one sighting posted here before Christmas, but since then, nothing.

So do you think we'll see him when the post-Xmas TF drought ends, or are we basically screwed if we don't buy him online? :scalper:

He's really the only PCC that I want, though his wave-mate looks pretty cool too.
Most of the stores I go to are still clogged with the second wave of PCC's, some still with the first!

02-05-2011, 03:18 PM
Wondering the same thing, I've been really looking forward to getting PCC Grimstone, but haven't seen him anywhere.

General Tekno
02-05-2011, 04:50 PM
Well, I don't think he's really turned up much ANYWHERE, let alone Canada.

02-05-2011, 04:58 PM
If you look at BBTS, I'm not sure they've ever had him in stock and he is labeled a 2011 product. Maybe he was produced but added to cases with Over-Run, who hasn't come out yet at all?

If you're really, really keen on getting him I'd probably go for online, since PCCs rarely go on sale and few stores have all that many. A couple TRUs I went to during the 40% sale had no more than four or six PCC 5 packs (sherway had like 30, though) while several Zellars I went to had zero at all. And he will be in much higher demand than the other 5 packs, since a ton of people are really excited about anything Dinobot.

Otherwise just wait it out, he should show up when Over-Run is released as he's in the same case - But he's one per case 'set'.

Cheers Ian
02-05-2011, 05:25 PM

He's only been sighted once or twice, much like Windcharger until the recent RCSS sightings.

I'd say the set will be out in full force within a month, much like the newest Generations and RTS items.

02-05-2011, 05:37 PM
What he said ^

Autovolt 127
02-05-2011, 06:02 PM

He's only been sighted once or twice, much like Windcharger until the recent RCSS sightings.

I'd say the set will be out in full force within a month, much like the newest Generations and RTS items.

Well i frickin hope so.

I went to my crappy RCSS looking for Windcharger, hell even Chopsaw but no they had a Brimstone......:banghead:

My TRU at St.Laurent started get some RTS stuff like Battle in Space and some legends.

02-05-2011, 08:03 PM
The other problem is that if PCC toys out on the floor dont sell quick, it takes longer for the new stuff to come out. Go buy a bombshock if you dont have one already.

02-05-2011, 08:35 PM
If I remember BBTS has had him listed as early as Nov of last year, but he never came out.. not for them anyway,

02-05-2011, 09:49 PM
The only time I saw one was when I bought mine at Zellers awhile ago.

chans formers
02-05-2011, 09:52 PM
haven't seen him,or the "crankcase" set for that matter:(

02-05-2011, 09:56 PM
If I remember BBTS has had him listed as early as Nov of last year, but he never came out.. not for them anyway,

Lots of stuff was listed with a November release date, but I don't think much of it (if any of it) was actually released in November. :banghead:

02-05-2011, 10:03 PM
haven't seen him,or the "crankcase" set for that matter:(

My local Zellers has quite a few of those packs (the Crankcase/Destrons one) But I havent seen the dinobots or the constructions sets yet.

Paradigm-Shift Prime
02-05-2011, 10:12 PM

He's only been sighted once or twice, much like Windcharger until the recent RCSS sightings.

I'd say the set will be out in full force within a month, much like the newest Generations and RTS items.

Thirded what he said

02-06-2011, 12:10 AM
Picked mine up at a Zellers to with steamhammer just after Christmas. Haven't seen or herd of him from any other stores :(

02-06-2011, 10:56 AM
I was really surprised tow find a couple Grimstones and Steamhammers at my local Zellers just before Christmas. I'm glad I bought mine then and there, because I haven't seen any since.

Just wait it out, bud. It shouldn't be too much longer before we'll be complaining that all we can find on the shelves are Grimstones and wave 1 RTS stuff.

02-06-2011, 12:09 PM
At my local Zellers (Strausburg) , I saw 2 Steamhammers before Christmas, so I picked one up, but someone already bought both Grimstones that were in the same case, so I'm still on the hunt too. As of yesterday, they still had the second Steamhammer set, so if someone wants the PCC Constructicons, they have one set.

Shockwave 75
02-06-2011, 05:49 PM
The only time I saw one was when I bought mine at Zellers awhile ago.

Picked mine up at a Zellers to with steamhammer just after Christmas. Haven't seen or herd of him from any other stores :(

I was really surprised tow find a couple Grimstones and Steamhammers at my local Zellers just before Christmas. I'm glad I bought mine then and there, because I haven't seen any since.
Drop on your faces, all of you. :D

02-06-2011, 06:13 PM
I come across Steamhammers more often than not, but that's been about it for some time.