View Full Version : Prices of TF2 toys

09-07-2009, 09:46 AM
First is it just me or have the prices for TF2 figures been jacked up then the ones from the last movie. I know the in my area the price for a deluxe is nearly $17.00 and the cost of the scouts is $12.00, heck even the legend class is nearly $8.00 Why is that and I understand the cost of shipping and packaging but come on. I think that some of these companies should be given a good swift kick in the pants and find ways to cut the prices. What do you guys think?

09-07-2009, 10:22 AM
Here in Brantford the prices for deluxe were 11.92 for a few months. It was cheaper to get the ones you want. Now they are up to 15.92.

Hobbyist Prime
09-07-2009, 10:45 AM
It also depends on the price of oil when the manufacturing process begins because all plastics are made in one way or other from oil and when the ROTF toys started production is about the same time that prices were going really stupid!

09-07-2009, 10:54 AM
First is it just me or have the prices for TF2 figures been jacked up then the ones from the last movie. I know the in my area the price for a deluxe is nearly $17.00 and the cost of the scouts is $12.00, heck even the legend class is nearly $8.00 Why is that and I understand the cost of shipping and packaging but come on. I think that some of these companies should be given a good swift kick in the pants and find ways to cut the prices. What do you guys think?
Hasbro put up the whole sale cost of their toys around the time ROTF launched. Deluxes it was $1, can't say about the other size classes.

09-07-2009, 11:08 AM
Don't they also price them according to demand? If they are wanted more, they cost more. Isn't that the way it goes? I've also seen prices for evertything go up since the rece3ssion started. That may also factor in there somewhere.

09-07-2009, 11:31 AM
For all those prices, does they include taxes or not? For example, the Legends, $8.00, with tax, it does kinda make sense. But if they are $8.00 without tax, it's pretty overpriced.

Are these prices from big retails like Walmart or smaller individual store, cuz those stores often sell it for more bucks.

09-07-2009, 01:26 PM
Prices on Transformers toys, and everything for that matter, food, books, the lot, have been increasing as time goes on. That's just part of the economy, and that's just how things are. No matter how well the Canadian dollar is, the prices on Deluxes, Voyagers and what not will steadily rize unless there's two things, a sale, or buy one, get one free. Because $16+ for a Deluxe these days...well c'mon, 8 years ago we were paying $22 Canadian for a Voyager. Just be smart, wait for a sale, and be done with it

09-07-2009, 01:53 PM
^^ agreed! I wouldn't be too surprised in a couple of years deluxes will go up in price by another dollar. inflation is just another way of life

09-07-2009, 01:57 PM
Is it me or my salary is increasing every year? I'm outraged! :D

09-07-2009, 02:06 PM
Dunno.. but i think there was a thread about price incease on TFs few weeks ago... I got a factory source that cost for a delux figure is about 29 RMB, so aroun 4.5 CND. transportation wont be expensive since hasbro probably has their own cargo ships. So ya, they are making a killing with the current price, even if they have sales at retail for 9.99, hasbro stil making close to 100% profit for each delux

09-07-2009, 09:32 PM
All you are paying for is name. If you go to your friendly neighbourhood dollar store you will see what I mean. I saw the classics jetfire legends mold painted a different colour for $1.25. And a few yrs back they were selling the entire G1 devastator for a dollar a piece. Transformers don't seem to be for kids anymore anyways, apart from the FAB's and ones that don't transform. So they want to drive up prices for us collectors seeing as on ebay the older stuff is selling for more than newer stuff.

09-07-2009, 09:38 PM
All you are paying for is name. If you go to your friendly neighbourhood dollar store you will see what I mean. I saw the classics jetfire legends mold painted a different colour for $1.25. And a few yrs back they were selling the entire G1 devastator for a dollar a piece. Transformers don't seem to be for kids anymore anyways

Umm...those would be knock offs....

09-07-2009, 10:04 PM
Umm...those would be knock offs....

lol, yuppers

Sun Swipe Prime
09-07-2009, 10:39 PM
All you are paying for is name. If you go to your friendly neighbourhood dollar store you will see what I mean. I saw the classics jetfire legends mold painted a different colour for $1.25. And a few yrs back they were selling the entire G1 devastator for a dollar a piece. Transformers don't seem to be for kids anymore anyways, apart from the FAB's and ones that don't transform. So they want to drive up prices for us collectors seeing as on ebay the older stuff is selling for more than newer stuff.

Not knocking you but FYI the quality on those knock offs are probably, for lack of a better word, shite. They will not hold up to any sort of stress. I own a knock of devastator and a 5/6ths of real one and it's not even close. I made the mistake picking up KO devastator by grabbing one of scavenger's treds and it snapped off like it wasn't even attached. From my experience, the dollar store knock off's plastic isn't even as good as the plasic in a model kit.

As for the price hike, it's not unexpected, inflation and all. Just means I'll have to cut down on the impulse buys and wait for sales more. Correct me if I'm wrong, but ten years ago deluxes were around $10. Times change and so do prices. Man I'd still like to get G1 prime for $20.

09-08-2009, 01:25 AM
that was a news for the US Walmart to increase the Deluxe price first at the beginning of this year. The Canadian listing price seems to be factor some value by relating the US price.

well, bad news is; we will be expected to pay more for the HST next year...Hence, it might be a good idea to buy stuffs before the end of this year ><

09-08-2009, 02:27 AM
Bwahahahaha, screw HST, Go Alberta!

09-08-2009, 10:51 AM
With the economic freefall in Alberta they may introduce a PST.