View Full Version : A moment of Silence

07-29-2009, 01:47 PM
For our fallen brothers.

So I need to vent here.Friday was my wifes birthday.I got her this really kick@$$ LCD TV and she loves it.Well the shelf that i keep my Autobots on was mounted above our old tv.Now the shelf was bolted into a concrete wall,so I thought.I went to remove our old tv and CRAAAAAAAASH!!My entire G1 Autobot collection goes smashing to the ground.Ok,it is my wifes birthday,I am putting her present up for her.I cant exactly flip out,but if you could have seen my face.I really think my brain exploded.I tried my best to stay calm,but I mentally went apesh!t.I still have not brought myself to inventoring everything,but all bots are accounted for and not broken.Pieces are missing and I want to cry :(

So to make it interesting,has anything like this ever happened to you?Or am I the only moron that is so engulfed in the plastic crack that maybe the shelf was not secure enough. Oh what a sad,sad day..... :| Cheers

07-29-2009, 01:52 PM
well good to hear the G1's aren't damaged. You should get a glass case for those.

07-29-2009, 01:55 PM
well good to hear the G1's aren't damaged. You should get a glass case for those.

Yeah I should,but I fear my lil ones will shatter the glass somehow.It was my fault.The Decepticon shelf is hung well.I need to make sure I do the same when I put the Autobots back up.

07-29-2009, 01:58 PM
I have mine on a couple of those large Ikea bookshelves (the "Billy" me thinks) and once I did bump into one. It was not secured to the wall so it wobbled a bit and all kinds of Transformers came crashing down.

I threw myself in between the falling robots and the floor, catching or deflecting all that I could. In the end I did not loose anything. But there was one damaged bot, the 20th Anniversary Prime...so sad, one of his smokestacks broke. I have since repaired it and one cannot notice it was ever broken, but I know. And now so do you.

FYI: The shelves are now secured to the wall.

Autobot Hound
07-29-2009, 02:01 PM
......... (moment of silence)

I feel you bro! I would have had and internal breakdown cause i love wifey and could never flip out on her day. Kuudos to you buddy for keeping it together for ur wife!
On the flipside, a few years ago my MP Megs fell off my pc desk (it was a dodgy desk anyways) and the metal bar on his left shoulder cracked in half. Thanks god the tabs can still hold it in place.

07-29-2009, 02:05 PM
Thanks guys.It is just one of those things I could have avoided,but chose not to.I had to get my dissapointment off of my chest and you guys would understand.Thanks for listening.

Team Jetfire
07-29-2009, 02:09 PM
Yikes dude that sucks....

***pours out some canned Energon on the street in honor of the fallen bots***

I have had myshare of broken figures, but nothing that crazy...Be strong, but they can be replaced!

07-29-2009, 02:15 PM
i have those white shelves with the tracks attached to the wall, and one time my roommate knocked off one of the bots, i bent down to pick it up, and when i stood up, (not paying attention) i smacked my head off the shelf, causing the bots to hit the shelves above, (i banged it pretty hard) in the end three shelves and the bots on them hit the floor, only one was damaged though

the shelves have since been relocated to a safer place

07-29-2009, 02:16 PM
Yikes dude that sucks....

***pours out some canned Energon on the street in honor of the fallen bots***

I have had myshare of broken figures, but nothing that crazy...Be strong, but they can be replaced!


07-29-2009, 02:18 PM
i have those white shelves with the tracks attached to the wall, and one time my roommate knocked off one of the bots, i bent down to pick it up, and when i stood up, (not paying attention) i smacked my head off the shelf, causing the bots to hit the shelves above, (i banged it pretty hard) in the end three shelves and the bots on them hit the floor, only one was damaged though

the shelves have since been relocated to a safer place

:eek:OUCH!! But for everything to go and only one break,you did good.

<----- looking for a safer place now.

07-29-2009, 02:23 PM
i have those white shelves with the tracks attached to the wall

That's the kind of setup that I use too. I fear that one day the wall or the screws will give up under the weight (4 x 6' shelves fully loaded).

My brother-in-law once knocked down my transformable resin $300 Studio Half Eye Shin Getter 2. Broke in 3 different spots. Took me hours to repair.

07-29-2009, 02:25 PM
well my only breakdown was when i was moving a put all my g1, g2 and half of my beastwars collection in one big box, it was loaded in my aunties van, who was helping us move. My cousin had brought the box in and later that month when my shelves were set up i went to go put them up on display and the box was empty about 40-50 tf's gone.

I had called my aunt to talk to her about the missing tf's she said nope she never saw them and my cousin didn't have any of the ones I'm talking about. Well I haven't seen my cousin since then and that was about 8 years ago. he recently added me on facebook and he has pics of his tf collection up on his profile, what do I see.... all of my tf's there were missing, including my MISB G1 Optimus Prime.

07-29-2009, 02:27 PM
I haven't had the misfortune of experiencing what you have (yet) but I'm glad to hear that nothing was broken. Too bad about the missing pieces though. If it were me, I would have spent hours and hours scanning every nook and cranny to find everything.

07-29-2009, 03:09 PM
Yeah I should,but I fear my lil ones will shatter the glass somehow.

Look for one with plexiglass instead of real glass. If your lil ones can shatter that, they ain't lil.

07-29-2009, 03:40 PM
For our fallen brothers.

So to make it interesting,has anything like this ever happened to you?Or am I the only moron that is so engulfed in the plastic crack that maybe the shelf was not secure enough. Oh what a sad,sad day..... :| Cheers

To honour your toys, I did indeed have a moment of silence just now. I tilted my head down and put my hands together and on the desk in my office.
Definitely koodos to you for keeping your cool for your wife.

Anything like this happen?
Sort of, different cause.

We had a family party and 2 of my friends' 3 kids got into my room and messed up alot of my Transformers.
Normally, 2 of them would individually be careful with the toys and the 3rd not so much, but all together they went on a rampage.

Nothing was permanently broken, but alot of them were taken apart (arms & legs snapped off) and weapons were displaced.
But I salvaged it as a learning experience. I learned not to morally give them any more TF toys to break.

They all like the toys and have many (broken or at least severely loose) but as their Transformer uncle, I now only gift them with TF books and hats and un-delicate stuff.

07-29-2009, 03:43 PM
I threw myself in between the falling robots and the floor, catching or deflecting all that I could.

That is very courageous and cavalier of you!
Well done, you are a shining example for us all! :)

07-29-2009, 03:46 PM
I had called my aunt to talk to her about the missing tf's she said nope she never saw them and my cousin didn't have any of the ones I'm talking about. Well I haven't seen my cousin since then and that was about 8 years ago. he recently added me on facebook and he has pics of his tf collection up on his profile, what do I see.... all of my tf's there were missing, including my MISB G1 Optimus Prime.

That sucks when a friend or stranger does it, it's a whole new low when a family member is involved

07-29-2009, 03:49 PM
well my only breakdown was when i was moving a put all my g1, g2 and half of my beastwars collection in one big box, it was loaded in my aunties van, who was helping us move. My cousin had brought the box in and later that month when my shelves were set up i went to go put them up on display and the box was empty about 40-50 tf's gone.

I had called my aunt to talk to her about the missing tf's she said nope she never saw them and my cousin didn't have any of the ones I'm talking about. Well I haven't seen my cousin since then and that was about 8 years ago. he recently added me on facebook and he has pics of his tf collection up on his profile, what do I see.... all of my tf's there were missing, including my MISB G1 Optimus Prime.

Ouch! :eek: :mad:
All's I can say is good on you for being so forgiving. If it were me, I would have written your post with the words "ex-cousin".

Seriously, I don't know if I could ever speak to someone like that again or consider him family. If you can, maybe you are a nicer person than me, so you can take solace in that. :cool:

Sun Swipe Prime
07-29-2009, 04:22 PM
well my only breakdown was when i was moving a put all my g1, g2 and half of my beastwars collection in one big box, it was loaded in my aunties van, who was helping us move. My cousin had brought the box in and later that month when my shelves were set up i went to go put them up on display and the box was empty about 40-50 tf's gone.

I had called my aunt to talk to her about the missing tf's she said nope she never saw them and my cousin didn't have any of the ones I'm talking about. Well I haven't seen my cousin since then and that was about 8 years ago. he recently added me on facebook and he has pics of his tf collection up on his profile, what do I see.... all of my tf's there were missing, including my MISB G1 Optimus Prime.

You know, family or no family, I would pay him a visit and make "his" collection disappear. Stealing is stealing. Either that or be spiteful and everytime you go over to his place "Accidentally" break a figure or two.

As for my personal mishaps. Tall hanging shelf. Below it, low bookshelfs with transformers all around. I have a couch to the right of things. I'm dusting things on the tall shelf while standing on a small stool. I turn my back to the transformers to check something out and loose ballance. As I'm flailing my arms trying to regain my ballance, two things pop into my head. 1 - Frak, this is going to hurt. 2 - This is going be expensive. But the weirdest thing happend. I fell into this sort of pocket between the couch and the bookshelves. One elbow hit the bookselves and everything tumbled over and the other hit the arm of the couch and that broke my fall and saved all the transformers on the floor that my fat arse was about to crush. In the end I was kind of lying there buried in a pile of transformers, nothing broken, lost or hurt. But man that was one of the biggest WTF moments of my life.

07-29-2009, 05:36 PM
ya i had posted a comment on his album saying hey i don't remember you having a MISB Optimus or having this guy and this guy and this guy, odd how i can't seem to find mine. all he said was he found them at a yard sale. oh well he'll have some bad karma coming his way.

07-29-2009, 05:39 PM
oh well he'll have some bad karma coming his way.

"Your name, is Earl." :)

07-29-2009, 05:48 PM
Beast Wars Transmetals Megatron fell from the Beast Wars section of my collection...... he was never the same again.

07-29-2009, 08:35 PM
well my only breakdown was when i was moving a put all my g1, g2 and half of my beastwars collection in one big box, it was loaded in my aunties van, who was helping us move. My cousin had brought the box in and later that month when my shelves were set up i went to go put them up on display and the box was empty about 40-50 tf's gone.

I had called my aunt to talk to her about the missing tf's she said nope she never saw them and my cousin didn't have any of the ones I'm talking about. Well I haven't seen my cousin since then and that was about 8 years ago. he recently added me on facebook and he has pics of his tf collection up on his profile, what do I see.... all of my tf's there were missing, including my MISB G1 Optimus Prime.

I shall never complain again.I am very sorry.

07-29-2009, 08:54 PM
hahah it's all good. I just can't wait till he get's his own and It'll come, maybe i'll go over and slowly start taking some of my tf's back. Or just wait for the karma either way he'll get his.

07-29-2009, 08:56 PM
hahah it's all good. I just can't wait till he get's his own and It'll come, maybe i'll go over and slowly start taking some of my tf's back. Or just wait for the karma either way he'll get his.

If you didnt live so far away,I would help you.That is the lowest of lows...

07-29-2009, 09:57 PM
hahah it's all good. I just can't wait till he get's his own and It'll come, a) maybe i'll go over and slowly start taking some of my tf's back. b) Or just wait for the karma either way he'll get his.

go with option a)
and pascal, that worried me too, when i moved my shelves the one track was only attached by one screw, the others had pulled out of the wall thankfully it didn't fall off

07-29-2009, 09:58 PM
when it's family it's even worse, he's wanted to meet up since then but at my house cause he has been dying to see my Shadow and City Commander. I can only imagine what would happen...

07-29-2009, 10:12 PM
Maybe he'll be creative and replace them with the new bootleg Commanders. :D

07-29-2009, 11:24 PM
mine isnt technically a shelf fall, but my classics ultra magnus was suicided off the top of my stairs by my brother, because i dint take him to the autoshow :(

Hobbyist Prime
07-30-2009, 12:06 AM
I have 8 of those 72" Stack-A-Shelf bookcases that you could buy at canadian tire and I went out of my way to make sure that they were secured to the wall before I started to fill them. For the most part everything went as planned until it came to displaying my bots, I have so many that there usually isn't any more room on each shelf for anything else. As I finished the shelf with the 84/85 bots I bumped the shelf and caused a domino cascade 4 1/2 feet to the floor damaging 8 of them! I eventually managed to repair or replace them but I'm not afraid to tell you I still get a little misty eyed when I think back to that moment when my heart sunk!!!!!

Sun Swipe Prime
07-30-2009, 12:55 AM
when it's family it's even worse, he's wanted to meet up since then but at my house cause he has been dying to see my Shadow and City Commander. I can only imagine what would happen...

Dude don't let this guy anywhere near your transformers ever again. If he wants to see Shadow Comander, send him a pic. And if you ever have to let him into your place, put a lock on your TF room door. Tell him you can't let him in to see your stuff because you're holding something valuable and fragile in that room for a friend. I know it's a little lame but just keep using the same lame excuse over and over. Eventually he'll get the hint. But if he ever confronts you about it, deny it and use the same lame excuse. It's not much of a mind frak but take what you can get...hahha.

07-30-2009, 09:55 AM
If that ever happened to me, cousin or not, you'd have to surgically remove my foot from his... err, you get the picture!

My TF Collection received a harsh blow back in December. 2 13yr old lowlife scum broke into my house, and knocked over about 60% of my collection. They just crashed it all on the floor, leaving my room a bloody mess... Luckily there are no broken ones. I have no motivation to set them back up anymore... most were put back on the shelves, but not standing up, just to get them off the floor. I have a big pile at the foot of my bed.

There are a lot of TF's that had pieces fall off, but not broken. And those ones the pieces are everywhere.. It will take days of work to re-organize them. Again, no motivation... The TF's that hit the floor were my entire Alternators and BT collection, all of Cybertron, Energon, Armada, RiD, and 07 Movie. They didn't knock over my G1 or my Anime figures.

I still can't find Binaltech Shockwave's arm... that came loose and apperently flew somewhere.

There is one thing we can all laugh about in this story. The kids later broke into the house across the alley, and the guy came home, and I mean the BIG guy came home. He caught them, and physically held them until Cops arrived. And while he was reaming them out, one of the kids pissed himself out of pure terror. I laughed very hard when I heard that. the kids got off with a slap on the wrist though... #$%^ Canada's laws, these kids burnt down a house in their break-in spree, and the worst they got was house arrest. Somebody needs to set fire to their house. That'll teach the kids, and teach the parents how stupid they were for having kids.

Sun Swipe Prime
07-30-2009, 01:43 PM
There is one thing we can all laugh about in this story. The kids later broke into the house across the alley, and the guy came home, and I mean the BIG guy came home. He caught them, and physically held them until Cops arrived. And while he was reaming them out, one of the kids pissed himself out of pure terror. I laughed very hard when I heard that. the kids got off with a slap on the wrist though... #$%^ Canada's laws, these kids burnt down a house in their break-in spree, and the worst they got was house arrest. Somebody needs to set fire to their house. That'll teach the kids, and teach the parents how stupid they were for having kids.

Man, in my day, my dad would have tanned my hide so bad I'd be begging to go to jail. Slap on the wrist not good, but big dude making kid pee his pants is priceless.

Darth Wave
07-30-2009, 02:05 PM
you're the only moron... hahaha j/k.

Dude I have done things like that many times. I have the Ikea billy bookcase's which I put all my TF's in. The floor in the room is carpet so the case isn't on stable ground. My case has doors on them which I had closed at the time. So I go to open both doors to add my new toys in them and what happens next.... *^%##^%# *CRASH*.

My wife hears all the big crash and comes running in to see what happened.... " Oh my god what happened... ahahahahahah". There I was on the ground with a billy bookcase on top of me with my hands sticking out from under holding TF's in my hand. The doors some how managed to close on the way falling down and didn't break, but contained all the toys in it. I was more in shock and pissed off the I didn't even think to screw the back of the bookcase into the wall. Well... now that explains what that leftover extra bracket and screw was for.

So once everything was back up I noticed I had broken a Animated BB and 2 Star Wars figures...

Mega-Prime 316
07-31-2009, 02:11 AM
Something like this happened to me, but to my TFs. Back a few years ago there was a U.S.S. Enterprise-D fiber optic model kit released. In building this kit you had to place a single strand of fiber optics thread into the windows which had to be drilled out. Then after placing the optic strands you had to instal the rigging for the lights and actually sodder the wire to the power supply and and actuall LED light bulbs. Not to mention the actual paint jobs and assembly of the kit!
I had hours and hours invested in this damn thing and finally got everything painted and all lit up. It was Christmas Eve and I had just finished it the day before and had my GF over and wanted to show her this project of mine which was safely resting on a shelf.
When I reached over to turn on the lights, I must have bumped the model ,which is kinda front heavy from the huge saucer section, and it nose dived from the shelf. It was all lit up then it impacted the cement floor of my basement and looked very much like the crash scene in "All Good Things"! After I just witnessed that I was soooooooooo pissed I could not even speak! Grrrrrrrrrr. Oh well!! ;)

07-31-2009, 02:50 AM
It's interesting that in my experience of having TF's falling off shelves or being dropped, it's only the G1 toys that tend to break.

In this case, it's a good thing that "they don't make them like they used too."

Hobbyist Prime
07-31-2009, 07:48 AM
Something like this happened to me, but to my TFs. Back a few years ago there was a U.S.S. Enterprise-D fiber optic model kit released. In building this kit you had to place a single strand of fiber optics thread into the windows which had to be drilled out. Then after placing the optic strands you had to instal the rigging for the lights and actually sodder the wire to the power supply and and actuall LED light bulbs. Not to mention the actual paint jobs and assembly of the kit!
I had hours and hours invested in this damn thing and finally got everything painted and all lit up. It was Christmas Eve and I had just finished it the day before and had my GF over and wanted to show her this project of mine which was safely resting on a shelf.
When I reached over to turn on the lights, I must have bumped the model ,which is kinda front heavy from the huge saucer section, and it nose dived from the shelf. It was all lit up then it impacted the cement floor of my basement and looked very much like the crash scene in "All Good Things"! After I just witnessed that I was soooooooooo pissed I could not even speak! Grrrrrrrrrr. Oh well!! ;)

I owned the very same kit I feel for you! the work involved with that one was far more than any other kit I ever bought!

Hobbyist Prime
07-31-2009, 07:51 AM
I have been giving this a lot of thought recently and I have made a plan of action! I am going to buy those little tiny eyelet screws for picture frames and place them at intervals along my walls and use fishing line to make a little strap so nothing falls over anymore!