02-09-2024, 02:10 PM
Re: Is Hasbro Okay?
We will know on Tuesday when hasbro releases their Financials.
02-09-2024, 02:16 PM
Re: Is Hasbro Okay?
Hasbro/WOTC also sent the Pinkertons after someone because they got Magic cards early which is a totally cool and normal thing to do.
Hasbro is a corporation who is beholden to their shareholders and as such their only incentive is to make more money even if that comes at the expense of their customers. A company having "values" is just marketing.
02-09-2024, 03:37 PM
Re: Is Hasbro Okay?
A company having "values" is just marketing.
I would agree with you. For the most part when a corporation claims to have values i am skeptical at best, distrusting at worse. Because of exactly that fact you mentioned... Shareholder supremacy. But shareholder supremacy is just an idea. We can have other ideas. Corporations pre 1970s used to do actual public good and actually fostered intense loyalty both up and down the ranks. Then some professors of management had the bright idea to say the only objective of business is to make shareholders money. This was a shitty idea and we're still suffering from it half a century later. But its just an idea. Its just a concept. I can point to dozens of corporations who are starting to do things differently. B corporations are sprouting up everywhere. Companies that genuinely put people first are starting to thrive. Mattel did amazing with the Barbie movie. Its like Black Panther for women. Its possible to care. Its genuinely good business to care.
02-09-2024, 04:05 PM
Re: Is Hasbro Okay?
Originally Posted by MotionBlue
We will know on Tuesday when hasbro releases their Financials.
As realize that Q1 results are polished and skewed to impress investors. Not to provide a realistic view of the companies success
02-09-2024, 04:19 PM
Re: Is Hasbro Okay?
There's mention that they're having difficulty to meet paying shareholders dividends.
That is a big red flag on the corporate financial health and outlook.
As much as the crap we deal with them, I really would not want the Transformers IP to go to a toy manufacturer/company that's even worse for technology, innovation, development and distribution.
Please not to Mattel and not to Bandai.
02-09-2024, 04:43 PM
Re: Is Hasbro Okay?
As I understand it, if Hasbro were to go under the Transformers IP would go to Takara. At that point Takara would need to find a new partner for US distribution.
02-09-2024, 06:52 PM
Re: Is Hasbro Okay?
Also.... by the numbers. Under Chris Cox.. Hasbro has lost over 50% of its value over the last two years. Peaks of 101$ in 2022 with peaks of only 50 bux in 2024.
Chris Cox also tripled his executive compensation from 3.7m to 9.4m by cutting staff to hit his targets.
02-09-2024, 06:52 PM
Re: Is Hasbro Okay?
Megabloks will buy Hasbro.
02-09-2024, 07:25 PM
Re: Is Hasbro Okay?
Go read Wikipedias entry on Hasbro.
The Wall Street Journal said it best; Hasbro is no longer a Toy company. It's a Geek game company (Wizards of the Coast), with a Toy Division (Hasbro).
Basically, D&D geeks are keeping Hasbro afloat.
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