Originally Posted by Protoman
Yes it did have a lot of figures that I too felt a little disappointed about after removing them from their plastic prison (what I call packaging). Mega Cheetor was..... just terrible.
Throw in the Unicron.com Accessory pack with his big honkin swords and Mega Cheetor looks better armed and not so weak against the hordes of Vehicons.
I found Beast Machines to be quite a good toyline and am still miffed that I could't get them all in Canada because I really want figures like Motorcycle Drone and Night Viper. (Which for some reason I never once found at Retail despite being an early toy in the line.)
A shame fans of the Transformers didn't really get Beast Machines until after the fact especially in Canada; if they had we might not have seen the clogging of shelves that was so abundant in those days and maybe would have managed to get the cool Battle for the Spark sub-line in greater abundance.
I really never understood all the hate for both series and toys to be honest; heck back in the day I'd bought two of some of the Vehicons before I realized building an army of them would be impossible and sold them off. And as for the Maximals; they seem to be more hated than most, but why? Their toys were fun and fun to play with still not like some of the more complex car brother molds and the like we got from Robots in Disguise. Not to mention the concept of Technorganics was pretty neat and I miss Spark Crystals like what we had in those days.
So what if they didn't match the show? That's not Hasbro's fault, you can blame that squarely on the animation choices for the series; I don't see why they couldn't go with the look of the toys better and avoid the whole morphing transformation thing, but then again I still like the series so yeah, probably a tad hypocritical of me or something.
If you need instructions on how to TF that guy fully Robimus I'm sure you can find them online.
At the time everyone was against Beast Machines because it wasn't Beast Wars, the characters had different personalities from what had been established and to many the toys were a great dissapointment because they didn't match the show, nowadays many of those naysayers have changed opinions of both toys and show... I personally never had a problem with either; I liked it all even that crazy ending they had, still I'm sure if they were making the series nowadays they'd change a lot of what happened... But I'd hope they'd keep the final fight scene just the way it was; many say what the best climactic engagemet is between Optimus Prime and Megatron... I say what we got in Beast Machines is the best Climactic engagement between Optimus Primal and Megatron II.
A shame the Megatron toy we got in Beast Machines was just a tad too small; it's the only thing I am disappointed with, but that's mostly because I overpaid for the bastard at Galaxy Comics because I couldn't find him/wait for him on the shelves at retail among all those Cheetors clogging everything.