Starscream is a hero on the wrong side. Over the centuries he's come to believe both Optimus and Megatron have lost sight of what is bes...t for the Cybertronian race, and simply pursue their own agendas. At some point, he came to the decision that, for the good of the species, a new leader must emerge, and he would be that leader. However, over time, he became as corrupt in his own way as Megatron, although he prefers subtlety and deception to Megatron's brute force. Now, what may once have been noble goals are buried under layers of self interest, transforming Starscream into that which he supposedly despised.
Tech Specs:
Strength 8 Rank 9
Intelligence 4 Courage 5
Speed 10 Fireblast 8
Endurance 7 Skill 8
I decided to do this custom because Starscream in both films had very little screen time, they made him look so amazingly wicked, but we never saw it, and so i took it upon my self to create my version of the way I think a Movie Starscream would be.
When i found out they were releasing a leader mold of the Decepticons 2nd in command/Seeker Ariel Assault leader, i about fell to my knees and thanked Primus. I told myself that i would buy 4 of them if i had to, i mean it was a REAL movie Starscream that fit the movie theme bill sense the ROTF Robot Replicas, both in Alt & Robot mode.
But it seemed at the time of my hyped "Want" craze, my bank account didnt have close to enough to purchase that plastic beast.........**sign**
One of my friends from Florida told me of a deal with free shipping at Toys"R"Us on him, so i again fell to my knees, thanked Primus, dust em' off and hit paypal to send a payment and 2 weeks later, i had him gripped in between my ten fingers. Although he's one of the best Transformers figures, Leader Class Starscream was aching for some paint. This is what has come out of my labor of love for this character that I am passing on to the lucky person that wins.
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Leader Class
*Custom Weathering
*Articulated wrist & fingers
*Custom Movie accurate missile launcher and attack saw blade (Real!!!)
*Games Workshop Chaos black basecoat & a dry brush of 4 different shades of grays and white
*Sealed paints with Pledge Future Finish
*Also Added Tayima Leaf Gold and Copper paint apps to selective areas of the robot mode
*Custom G1 Blaster
*Applied Reprolabels movie themed F22 Raptor logos
*Custom detachable jet thrusters

Thanks, leave comments and Feedback :CON: :BOT: :CON: :BOT: