So, the intention of this custom was to see how far can I push the modding on the ROTF Leader Starscream figure. There has already been so many excellent Starscream customs and I was just wondering how much I can do to make this figure really kickass. I'm glad to say that I've succeeded to some extent, and this post is to post my results and my thoughts about this project.
The mods on the figure are extensive. In fact, this figure is the largest, most complicated figure I've done since my Leader Megatron, and also since I've arrived in America.
The mod list is as follows, but I'll elaborate on the main mods further down:
- Installed circuit to enable the eyes to light up independently from voice chip.
- Added circuit and casted transparent pieces to enable the thrusters to light up for jet mode. Those clear thruster pieces underwent further modification to accomodate the LED bulbs.
- Added foldable wings to missile launcher weapon.
- Casted hands multiple times so that I can create finger pieces for full hand posability. (with fingernail flaps too.)
- Reshape toes so they spread out more for stability.
- Battle damage in bot mode, but not in alt mode.
- Detailed paintjob, biased towards accuracy in alt mode.
Bot mode:
Battle damaged, scars and all.
Jet mode:
Done with a combination of different Gunze shades, I want to emulate the real F-22 camo paint job to the best of my ability. The insignias on the tailfins were intended to be decals printed on an ALPS printer, but unfortunately I was unable to get access to it. Hence, they are hand masked and sprayed. I'm still sore that I couldn't do my custom decepticon squadron logo in actual decals (which I've already designed in Illustrator)
The highlight of the project. I've managed to install LEDs into his jet mode, and I believe I'm the first in the world to do so (yay!) Thankfully the wires look pretty natural on him and doesn't spoil the bot aesthetic so much. They sometimes impede transformation though. They run off the main batteries so no extra battery packs for this guy.
I really enjoyed working on this figure, and I felt my paint skills are up to par to provide a convincing rendition of a real F-22 fighter while doing justice to the bot mode. Unfortunately, somehow the voice chip got blown while I was soldering, and I was unable to fix it without a full dismantling of the figure. Personally I was pretty pissed about it, because this demoted the figure to a mere glorified statue (which can still transform, thankfully). Also, the number of rub points on the figure is amazing, and I've grown tired of patching them all, so I decided to stop work and finally publish it on this forum.
I will not be selling it anytime soon, as I believe with all the faults it has it's not worthy for sale. I may give it away to a friend or something though, but it remains today a reference for my next Starscream project.
Also, if anyone need advice on installing LEDs for your Leader Starscream, it's a complicated process, but I can give you plenty advice.
Moving on:
I originally planned to add lit-up thrusters for his bot mod and a add-on blade weapon so that I can claim the title of "The most modded Leader Starscream EVER". But since I got tired of this guy because of all the shitty mistakes, I may do it for the next Starscream so stay tuned.
Flickr is here. Hope you guys like it.