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Old 03-29-2010, 11:47 PM   #1
Slave's Ebay Auctions
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Photo Review of CRAZYDEVY'S MOST WANTED-02 (Devastator's articulated Waist)

Hi there! I just received my Fansproject WARBOT DEFENDER & CRAZYDEVY'S CDMW-02 (Devastator's articulated Waist)

Since Vange1us already made a pretty good Video Review of Warbot Defender, I will first do a pictorial review of CRAZYDEVY'S CDMW-02

First Impression: Wait... that's it? 35$ +shipping for that?

So ok I wasn't too much impressed from the box... it only looks like a cheap piece of plastic... and nothing else...

Here's the front box:

and the back of the box which also includes the instructions on how to install:

And here they are outside the box:

Now Built Quality is pretty good... it doesn't feel cheap or flimsy... it's pretty darn good quality plastic... the articulations is also pretty good... it's not too loose, bends pretty good... has a good range of articulation... the legs goes back and forth, the knees bends backward, but also forward... so it kinda looks like Devastator would have a broken knee if you'd bend it forward lol

Here's the fun part...The Assembly... I'm quite impressed by how GOOD... and I mean INCREDIBLE how the CDMW-02 actually fit PERFECTLY with my G1 SCRAPPER & MIXMASTER... it's very simple and straight forward to install... and again actually FIT PERFECTLY and very solid into place and am not worried at all about Devastator falling or breaking up formation because the legs and held incredibly solid into place onto the CDMW-02

And then attaching the CDMW-02 onto the upper torso... notice the CDMW-02 to the right of the photo... there is a Tab on the waist part of it... and notice under LONGHAUL there is a wide hole under the cabin... this is where the G1 Waist Shield was originally plugged... you remove the G1 Waist Shield and you slide the tab of the CDMW-02 into it... again it fit incredibly well, very solid, there is a few little tabs on the "ass" part of it that also clips into LONGHAUL's legs to make it even more solid

Now All that is left to do is take that G1 Waist Shield... and notice the tiny pegs on it... and then notice the CDMW-02 holes on the front... well you guessed it, match them and VoilĂ* DEVASTATOR'S BEEN UPGRADED!

****Not Shown in the picture; on the original G1 Hip Connector had 2 missile/guns screwed onto them... the instructions on the back of the board says to unscrew those and screw them back on the side of the knees of the CDMW-02... now I haven't done this yet... my screw driver is buried deep and I don't feel looking for it haha :-)

Devastator now has a good range of movements now, but here's my first Bump... the G1 Waist Shield REALLY limits the movements of the legs... you can move the legs backward and bend the knees and split the legs a little on the side (maybe 20 degrees) but the G1 Waist Shield REALLY BLOCKS the leg from moving forward... Remove the G1 Waist Shield and you can now position Devastator with his legs going forward... photo example:

And here's a Final Comparison G1 Devastator with and without the CDMW-02:

CLEARLY the CDMW-02 really adds character to the original G1... I am reminded why G1 Devastator was one of my childhood favorite... My original Devastator is quite Used up and SCRAPPER's arms and front loader are very loose and I always had difficulties just making him standing up... CDMW-02 really ease up to make him stand so I can now position Devastator in a way that Scrapper's looseness has less weight on it so he can now have a cool pose and stand on its own (previously holding by the wall behind it on my showcase shelf)

+Quite Solid plastic
++++INCREDIBLY NICE TIGHT SOLID FIT is just down right amazing
+Really adds something great to Devastator already awesome figure
+Colours are a perfect G1 Match
+Devastator Posing... oh yeah!

-G1 Waist Shield REALLY Limits movement Range
-The hell do I do now with my Original G1 Hip Connector?
-Not used in G1 Vehicle Transformation... I know... I'm pushing it... but it would've make it Epic lol

Is it worth it?

35$ + shipping... I'm still not sure... I know, it's a 3rd Party... it GREAT quality... but it's only a small piece of plastic for the price of a full Voyager figure... I feel like for about 40-45$, if CrazyDevy would've sold all of Devastator's parts together (articulated hands, visor head and Waist) I would say it's a MUST BUY... but buying each little parts separately... I dunno... Don't get me wrong... I think it looks AMAZING... but the price is quite steep just for a little part. Double the price and I got myself a Fansproject DEFENDER which is a Full robot triple changer on its own.

Again is it worth it? If you're like me a Big fan of G1 Devastator, and you again like me always thought the G1 Devastator never was as bad ass as he was on TV... and you have a little expendable income... CDMW-02 is for you, get it you'll LOVE the little touch it brings to him really do Devastator Justice! Otherwise I would say to pass on it. Also you might've noticed, I didnt buy the articulated hands and Viso head... I really dont see much use into an articulated hands... As long and he hold his gun perfectly I dont need moving fingers on Devastator. As for the head I think it looks REALLY GREAT... but the 20$ +s&h price for just a replacement head is down right ridiculous IMO no matter how great it looks... Again Like I said, if CrazyDevy would make a pack of all 3 parts together for a special buy... I'd say it's a must buy otherwise... not so much, all depends on your taste and expandable income lol.

I love when Fans just come up and take an already awesome figure and make it even more perfect... Fansproject started rather small with Classic Cliffjumper's upgrade kit... and now they are making full robots that looks AWESOME, and now CrazyDevy is also starting small making upgrades that looks awesome... I love what they do, and I want to support them and see what they will come up with next.

Last edited by Slave; 03-30-2010 at 12:03 AM.
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