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Old 08-26-2007, 11:58 PM   #11
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Re: Transformers Universe

>.> no Jetfire?
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Old 08-27-2007, 12:02 AM   #12
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Re: Transformers Universe

Never cared for that line that makes no sense to me. Most of the decos are plain ugly.
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Old 08-27-2007, 11:35 AM   #13
Nexus Maximus
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Re: Transformers Universe

I've been making a few additions, but first as I promised the Decepticons and then we'll see about adding any new profiles that popped into my head.


Mega Zarak
Allegiance: Decepticon
Function: Supreme Commander
Alternate Mode: Cybertronian Tank
Quote: “Destruction Reigns Supreme!”

Razorclaw had thought his reign would last for the entirety of their conflict; his loyalty to Unicron was never in question, unfortunately his spark was ultimately extinguished due to the Autobot leaders’ tenacity and total willingness to end the war once and for all.
Unicron had foreseen this and taken steps to ensure a new commander would be waiting in the wings; thus Mega Zarak was chosen and sent to assume the reins of command, receiving the Dark Matrix from Nemesis Prime in the process.

Mega Zarak is even stronger, more cunning and ruthless then even Razorclaw; he has come from a universe where the Autobots have nearly decimated the Decepticons’ forces.
Thus Mega Zarak created the Decepticlones; a drone army of artificially intelligent mechanoids that overwhelm the Autobots in sheer number.

Now with the Dark Matrix, Mega Zaraks’ strength is even more unparalleled and he comes equipped with a veritable arsenal of weaponry. His primary cannon can rip through three tons of cyclonic steel; his alternate Arsenal Force configuration allows him to wield the twin rocket launcher on his turret, when in robot mode. His antlers can generate electrical bursts; and he also carries an energo blade secreted in his left arm for close quarters combat.
Targetmaster partner Caliburn can convert into a duotronic destabilizer pistol; or Powerlinx to Mega Zarak and enhance his strength; his vehicle mode is also equipped with multiple Powerlinx points and even Mini-Con capture devices, though he has no true use for them here.

Universe of Origin: Cybertron Seventy-Four.

Allegiance: Decepticon
Function: General
Alternate Mode: Tiger/Hawk Fuzor
Motto: “Those who can not follow orders; must give them.”

Razorclaw led the forces of chaos in a universe devoid of Primus; with mastery over the powers of nature and strength unsurpassed by those forces of light that still fought against him, Razorclaw managed to exterminate the heroes. Unfortunately in his last moments of life; Autobot leader Alpha Trion ignited a chain reaction that wiped out Cybertron entirely.
Razorclaw and a small vessel of loyal servants had managed to survive the destruction; Razorclaw vowed to find a way at preventing this atrocity and began testing of temporal travel devices. However before he could perfect his temporal turner Unicron called upon his services to lead Decepticons from all realities in a final struggle for complete dominance.

Razorclaws’ size and strength is surpassed by none among his forces; he rarely leads them in battle preferring to allow his trusted lieutenants to succeed or fail in whatever missions he devises for them. He is a master of weather control due to his uniquely designed body; he is supremely cunning and highly capable of devising excellent strategizing techniques and a flair for getting anyone to obey his orders.
His body is a walking weapon; he possesses wing mounted missile launchers, a twin cannon attached to his left hand, wing mounted cannons that can also double as hand weapons, gatling guns and an unspecified spark ability that he has never had occasion to use.

Universe of Origin: Cybertron One Thousand Ninety-Seven.

Allegiance: Decepticon (Predacon)
Function: General
Alternate Mode: Armored Transport
Motto: “What does not destroy me makes me strong… What attempts to destroy me shall be obliterated.”

Because the Decepticon army is so large Unicron chose to bring in a general to help coordinate the rapidly expanding army; a rank no Decepticon has held since the fallen Razorclaw, to that end he managed to find a loop hole around the rule banning Megatron from his army.

Although officially considered a Decepticon Megatron sports Predacon markings rendering him immune to the clause stipulating no Megatrons’ or Galvatrons’ allowed. As general of Mega Zaraks’ army he is content for now; his vehicle mode is heavily armored and sports a small dual-barreled sensor guided laser cannon alongside the much larger rocket launching cannon. He has been modified to accept Mini-Cons and carries a special Golden Cyber Planet Key given to him by Unicron, which grants him extreme levels of strength and firepower.

Universe of Origin: Cybertron Two Thousand and Six.

Allegiance: Decepticon
Function: Lieutenant
Alternate Mode: Frilled Lizard (Transmetal Two)
Motto: “The seeds of destruction are sown through conflict and deceit.”

Reptilion shares a history with Black Arachnia; the two of them are brother and sister and although Reptilion was not present during the Vehicon conflicts he knew that his sibling was suffering due to her torn loyalties between the Predacons and her lost love Silverbolt, now Jetstorm. After the last battle between Maximal and Vehicon, Reptilion returned sporting a new look and prepared to face off against the Maximals for his crimes; in the end however Unicron took him and Black Arachnia to serve his new army.

Reptilion does not trust Razorclaw; he despises how his sister has become practically a slave to his whims and yet he sees things and is privy to information that even Razorclaw is not. He suspects Black Arachnia is once again stringing her commander along in hopes of either attaining power or throwing herself into the arms of Silverbolt.

Reptilion possesses a sophisticated tracking mechanism housed in his left optic scanning array; a brilliant tactical mind and the ability to cloak himself to all forms of sensors, passive or aggressive. His singular offensive ability is a missile launcher housed in his mouth, which is capable of tapping into his spark and regenerating the missiles after every shot; these missiles can also double as thick battle clubs for close quarters combat.

Universe of Origin: Cybertron Five Hundred and Thirty-Nine.

Black Arachnia
Allegiance: Decepticon
Function: Lieutenant
Alternate Mode: Black Widow (Technorganic)
Motto: “Betrayal kept me alive, love kept me sane.”

Awakened on Earth by Tarantulas to serve as his personal mate, she proved far too independent and lashed out at her creator on more than one occasion; upon his death she breathed a sigh of relief. She fell in love with Silverbolt; the Maximal fuzor a trait shared by many of her alternate reality duplicates. When Silverbolt turned to the dark path and willingly joined Megatron as Vehicon general Jetstorm her world shattered; once her brother Reptilion returned after Jetstorms’ death she had hoped to get on with her life, until Unicron called her.

She demonstrates great agility; extreme cunning and intelligence, telepathic capabilities and intimate knowledge of Cybertronian martial arts forms; she wields cyber-webs, which can be used for offensive or defensive purposes. Using her abdomen she can generate electrical attacks that can short out weak armored individuals or cause some more resilient enemies to suffer spasmodic reflexive impulses in their limbs, preventing counterattack.

Universe of Origin: Cybertron Five Hundred and Thirty-Nine.

Nemesis Prime
Allegiance: Decepticon
Function: Lieutenant
Alternate Mode: Mammoth
Motto: “I am death.”

Nemesis Prime was driven insane; he has lost all sense of his past Cybertron identity and now serves Unicron faithfully. He bears the Dark Matrix, but only until the chosen one shall come to claim it; he actually has been sent to replace those who have betrayed their Decepticon ties.
Nemesis wields many weapons; missile launchers situated in his lower leg armor, cluster missile launchers located within his shoulder armor, twin bladed melee battle clubs hidden within his wrist armor and the primary cannon, which taps directly into the Dark Matrix and uses it to create massive blasts of lethal energy.
He is quite capable with these armaments and many Autobots have been badly injured when coming face to face with this individual.

Universe of Origin: Cybertron Zero, Zero Five.

Allegiance: Decepticon
Function: Lieutenant
Alternate Mode: Cybertronian Assault Vehicle
Motto: “Strategy is key.”

Rescued from drifting through space, Strika was chosen by Unicron to replace his former lieutenant; she has proven trustworthy and capable to Razorclaw and he has shown great pleasure at her success.
She has reciprocating laser cannons in vehicle mode and her bulk offers great strength; her robot mode arms also house energy disk launchers and she is a pure tactical genius, her tactics have proven quite useful on the field, but without her Obsidian she isn’t at her peak.

Universe of Origin: Cybertron Two Hundred and Thirty-Nine.

Allegiance: Decepticon
Function: Aerospace Commandant
Alternate Mode: Jet
Motto: “Raze the Autobots to the ground.”

After sacrificing himself in an attempt to sway Galvatron to Optimus Primes’ camp Starscreams’ spark became part of Unicrons’ many consumed victims, trapped bodiless and amnesiac inside the dieing planet; Alpha Quintesson used part of it to resurrect him, but the other half remained trapped until Unicron himself brought him back.

Restored in a body that matches his original in all save coloration Starscream is now part of Unicrons’ army; his memories remain, but they are locked behind a wall of excruciating agony to prevent him from trying to reclaim them.
Starscreams’ primary weapons are his wing blade, the chest mounted machine guns or his nosecone lasers; when powerlinked with Zapmaster he has the ability to unlock his Null Ray Cannons, highly destructive weapons capable of decimating Autobots.

Universe of Origin: Cybertron Ninety-Eight.

Allegiance: Decepticon
Function: Aerial Commander
Alternate Mode: Cybertronian Jet
Motto: “Strike without warning, strike often.”

Re-born from the ashes of his former body at the hands of Shockwave; Skywarp fought in a cosmic battle spanning time and space that dealt with destroying his universes Unicron. In the end his team fell; however Skywarp was taken by Unicron and reprogrammed; now he serves the chaos bringer willingly.
His unique teleporting ability allows him to strike from anywhere and at any time; his intelligence is superior to fellow aerial unit Obsidian and he prefers the company of Black Arachnia and Reptilion than the Vehicon fools.

Skywarp possesses arm mounted missile launchers in robot mode and also adds twin nose-cone mounted laser cannons in vehicle mode; he also has the unique ability to teleport his body although his range is limited.

Universe of Origin: Cybertron Three Thousand Fourteen.

Allegiance: Decepticon
Function: Aquatic Commander
Alternate Mode: Crab, Tank (Transmetal)
Motto: “Fear is Constant.”

Misplaced after the final confrontation with Depth Charge in his home reality; Rampage’s spark was lost in the Omniverse, Unicron sent Ravage to find him. The Decepticon went beyond his orders and wound up involving two members of Primus’ forces, Depth Charge and a Human who had been in contact with the Cybertronian God.
Ravage was lost and Rampage took his place briefly; when Mega Zarak needed an aquatic forces commander Unicron sent Rampage to join his forces.

Naturally he and Depth Charge share a certain animosity; even though they are from alternate universes and have no prior history together, Rampage tends to be slightly more stable since his passing, though he’s really not evil, he simply enjoys mayhem and carnage.
His arsenal consists of a small pulse rifle and a large rocket launching cannon; interwoven sub-harmonic generators in his claws are also capable of generating Earthquakes, and being a Transmetal naturally he is also a triple changer.

Universe of Origin: Cybertron One Hundred and Two.

Allegiance: Decepticon
Function: Insecticon Commander
Alternate Mode: Wasp, Jet
Motto: “Waspinator Rules!”
Sub-Group: Insecticon

In order to counter the Dinobots, Unicron chose to resurrect the ancient Insecticon sub-group; his choice for leader was obvious, Waspinator is the easiest to control and ensure loyal co-operation.
As leader of the Insecticons, Waspinator was required to be tougher and more resilient especially with a traitor like Tarantulas on his team; he was therefore transmetalized.
Waspinator is a competent warrior and impressive commander; he has access to a third jet mode similar in vein to an Earth style F-15. He possesses a stinger laser cannon and his insect legs can also fire multiple lasers; or generate lightning, his vehicle mode houses extra firepower in the nosecone.
As an Insecticon, Unicron bestowed the ancient power of cloning upon each member of the team, and there’s nothing more annoying then an army of Waspinators’.

Universe of Origin: Cybertron Nineteen.

Allegiance: Decepticon
Function: Ninja
Alternate Mode: Tarantula
Motto: “Never turn your back on a spider.”
Sub-Group: Insecticon

Death can not keep this spider down; as a transmetal he foolishly attempted to harness the power of the Vok and nearly died, yet when he encountered Primal Prime he was stripped of a body.
His spark was saved by Unicron however; and made a member of the new Insecticons; he was resurrected in his original form, which admittedly isn’t as powerful as his transmetal form.
Tarantulas is a master martial artist; he possesses a missile launcher and his spider legs house machine guns, he also has limited telekinetic and telepathic abilities. For his new Insecticon configuration he can create clones; not to mention he supplies technological genius towards the teams’ cause, whatever that may be.

Universe of Origin: Cybertron Zero, Zero Six.

Allegiance: Deception
Function: Psychological Warfare
Alternate Mode: Insect Monster
Motto: “Dissent, Discord, Disharmony.”
Sub-Group: Insecticon

Buzzclaw is a specialist in analytical thinking; he’s perfected his practices for centuries intent on cracking the hard shells of his enemies fragile psyches, his greatest challenge was veteran hero Optimus Prime whom was driven mad.

His organic styled monster form was fashioned specifically to instill the highest levels of discomfort and fear into his foes, now he has no true equal; save perhaps Dirge his fellow Insecticon.

Drafted by Unicron he and Dirge now serve Insecticon commander Waspinator; capable of creating armies of Virulent Clones the Insecticons are a deadly adversary on the battlefield.
Buzzclaw uses an arm mounted shield in robot mode more as a bludgeon then a means of defense; he is also equipped with deadly blades and the ability to generate photon bursts from his wrist mounted generators.

Universe of Origin: Cybertron Ten Thousand.

Allegiance: Decepticon
Function: Biochemist
Alternate Mode: Insect Monster
Motto: “Mind over Matter.”
Sub-Group: Insecticon

Dirge specializes in germ warfare; he can create any form of biological agent, which can affect even Transformers, his specialty is Bio-Synthesized Venoms and deadly toxins.
He possesses an identical body design to fellow Insecticon Buzzclaw; the reason for this has never truly been given, but some suspect the twin Insecticons home reality to be a pocket universe with limited rules, scientifically speaking.

He utilizes the same weapons as Buzzclaw, with exception to the generators housed on his wrists; these have been modified to emit the toxins and venoms he manufactures in the lab.

Universe of Origin: Cybertron Ten Thousand.

Virulent Clone
Allegiance: Decepticon
Function: Cannon Fodder
Alternate Mode: Insect Monster
Motto: N/A
Sub-Group: Insecticon

Unlike the first Insecticons Buzzclaw and Dirge named their clones, Virulent Clones are ravenous killing machines incapable of being sated. Their armor isn’t as weak as the unnamed clones of Tarantulas and Waspinator; however they don’t have too much more to offer.
Rarely seen in robot mode it is assumed that they share traits and armaments with that of their parent units, when swarming Autobot installations they can be almost unstoppable, but fortunately the Dinobots can put a dead stop to them, quite literally.

Universe of Origin: Cybertron Ten Thousand.

Allegiance: Decepticon
Function: Warrior
Alternate Mode: Cybertronian Tank
Motto: “Conquest begins with intelligent planning.”

The spark of Rhinox was lost and replaced by this ruthless, calculating menace when Primal fell in battle and was forced to hand leadership over to Cheetor. The inexperienced feline lost many good soldiers to the Vehicon movement and mysteriously vanished soon after, leaving Rattrap in charge. Tankor served Megatron for a time until he discovered the secrets of the ancient super computer Vector Sigma; he overthrew Megatron and assumed command decimating his Cybertron.
Before he could solidify his victory Unicron forced him to join his army and now he is once again under the leadership of someone he considers inferior; Razorclaw however will not be as easy to usurp as Megatron was.

He is exceptionally cunning and possessive of intuitive foresight as well as great strength due to his size; currently he is one of the largest units amongst the Decepticons, his arsenal unfortunately is limited. He possesses twin buzz saws housed within panels under his lower arms; and his turret cannon doubles as a shoulder mounted weapon.

Universe of Origin: Cybertron Twenty-Two.

Allegiance: Decepticon
Function: Aerial Striker
Alternate Mode: Cybertronian Helicopter
Motto: “I ain’t a coward; ya hear me!”

Fuzor Quickstrike was saved from the grim fate some of his alternate counterparts were faced with and brought to Cybertron where he was made into a Vehicon general; unfortunately Megatron failed to upgrade his intelligence programs or so it would appear.
He was unlucky enough to be next to Tankor when Unicron summoned him and due to the fact that he needed more than one warrior Unicron chose him; now he’s serving the war effort as best as he is able.

Obsidian in truth is a highly cunning warrior; although it had appeared that he was still incompetent Megatron’s reprogramming actually made him smarter, collaborating with Tankor he plotted the overthrow of Megatron. Obsidian possesses regenerative rotor missiles; weapons that share a connection to his spark and his former Fuzor configuration, he also is equipped with machine guns housed inside his arms where the fingers are situated.

Universe of Origin: Cybertron Twenty-Two.

Allegiance: Decepticon
Function: Emissary
Alternate Mode: VTOL Jet
Motto: “Give freely to the light.”

Gifted by the Oracle in his reality Sunstorm; despite his Decepticon ties was said to be the leader of peace and would become the savior to all Cybertronians, until the dark days when Gigatron emerged. Locked in a brutal struggle with his dark counterpart he was close to death when Unicron summoned him; he agreed to serve the dark one in exchange for his life.

Reformatted into a form best suited to accommodate Mini-Cons he quickly drew to despise this form; despite the strength enhancing abilities of the Mini-Cons. He possesses great extrasensory abilities; he can draw any opponent to him instantly using an advanced internal tractor beam. His primary gift is the ability to siphon the very energies from his enemies drawing out their very life essence. Twin missiles situated on his legs offer the ability to fight fairly when the mood suits him and he is even capable of generating massive energy bursts from his fingers.
His new form is also capable of adopting a variant robot mode, which grants him the power to generate massive power bursts via his spinning wings or huge gusts of wind.

Universe of Origin: Cybertron Three Thousand Nine Hundred Seven.

Allegiance: Decepticon
Function: Aerial Warrior
Alternate Mode: Cybertronian Jet
Motto: “A calm mind begets a sound body.”

A veteran of many wars Ramjet was there when it all began; over time he chose to adopt his own fighting styles that strayed from his master the venerable Skywarp, whose design he shares.
He possesses twin incendiary rocket launchers; which require Raven to unlock, however he prefers to wield his wing saber. He prides himself on his skill with the blade considering the long hours spent training alongside Thundercracker and Starscream to be of great value.

Universe of Origin: Cybertron Seven Thousand Eighty-Nine.

Allegiance: Decepticon
Function: Warrior
Alternate Mode: Sports Car
Motto: “I can hear the dames cryin’ for me.”

Treadshot is an arrogant young punk trained limitedly in the art of Metallikato and given great praise for his hunting and tracking prowess; these skills give him a cocky air and a taste for the finer things in life, in other words female Transformers.
His limited telepathic abilities allow him to communicate with Nightrider and his sophisticated sensor packet housed in his optics grant him a semblance of super sight; however they also serve as a weakness if assaulted by a unit possessing light based weaponry designed to impede vision. He was gifted with an experimental ability donated by an ancient automaton known as Scorponok allowing him to generate weapons of pure energon from his very spark.

Universe of Origin: Cybertron Seven Thousand Eighty-Nine.

Allegiance: Decepticon
Function: Aerial Lieutenant
Alternate Mode: Cybertronian Jet
Motto: “Autobots are the cancer of Cybertron.”

A Decepticon born on the Cybertron chosen as the battle ground for Primus’ and Unicrons’ conflict, Jhiaxus was always intended to join the Decepticons. He served the venerable warlord Liege Maximo until the day the dreaded Cosmic Rust came to Cybertron. It decimated the planet for eons until the last survivors; faced with extinction, entered stasis.

It is unknown if other stasis pods survived or how the epidemic was disposed of; Jhiaxus has been reborn in a duplicate of Skywarps’ body. He comes with two different robotic mode configurations; hover mode, or legged mode, however he prefers his hover mode.
His armaments are identical to Skywarps’; his missiles however have a payload equivalent to fifteen tons of T.N.T and have limited range.
He also has the ability to generate energy blasts from his finger tips and has a sophisticated sensor network calibrated to interface with Vector Sigma.

Universe of Origin: Cybertron One Thousand Three Hundred.

Allegiance: Decepticon
Function: Engineer
Alternate Mode: Steam Shovel
Motto: “Scrap them and start over.”

An engineer who’s never once gotten a project done; Ransack prefers to conceive brilliant designs, but is too lazy to actually finalize them. When it comes to the battlefield however he’s one happy ‘Con; with his strength and skill he can strip an Autobot of their will to fight effortlessly.
His pile driver arm can generate earthquakes roughly akin to point nine on the Richter scale; and his legs house sonar based destabilizers. Despite his skill he is relatively useless in long range combat, lacking any projectile based weapons of any kind and even though his armor is quite resilient he’s vulnerable to aerial assaults, due in part to his slow land speed and vulnerable shoulder joints.

Universe of Origin: Cybertron Twenty-Five.

Allegiance: Decepticon
Function: Infantry
Alternate Mode: Cybertronian Multi-Barreled Tank
Motto: “Yes Megatron… Er Razorclaw.”

Unicron summoned this unassuming unit from one of the realities where Alpha Quintesson was in the process of gathering Energon to revive him. His unwavering loyalty was called into question once, but here he has little love for his teammates or his leader. However he has little choice in the matter; either serve as a Decepticon, or die as a traitor, so he proves loyal.
His tank mode possesses quadruple side mounted turrets as opposed to the customary main turret; capable of launching four missile payloads simultaneously or reconfigured laser pulse blasts.
His unique Mini-Con slot allows for transport of Blackout for long journeys and rapid deployment; he also has a control seat, which Blackout can use to steer him when he’s low on energy.

Universe of Origin: Cybertron Zero, Zero Nine.

Allegiance: Decepticon
Function: Aerial Blitzer
Alternate Mode: Helicopter
Motto: “Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha you’re in for it now!”

Megatron; fed up with the constant failure of his less than adequate troops demanded that Alpha Quintesson do something to grant them hyper modes. In response he approached Unicron with an offer; Unicron took Cyclonus and Demolishor and replaced them with Snow Cat and Long Haul.
Cyclonus really doesn’t care that he’s now part of a larger war so long as he gets to pummel Autobots. His vehicle mode is perfect for this task; capable of hovering in place and turning at great speeds to track moving targets, he puts Obsidian to shame.
He is heavily armed with both heavy blasters and light repeating cannons; he also has access to twin rocket launchers and can create vortexes with his rotor blades. His robot mode also has access to dual leg mounted gyro inhibitor cannons for surprise attacks; and his partner Crumplezone can Powerlinx to his fuselage becoming a new cockpit and enhancing his already impressive armaments.

Universe of Origin: Cybertron Zero, Zero Nine.

Allegiance: Decepticon
Function: Team Leader
Alternate Mode: Missile Carrier; Battle Platform
Motto: “We live to serve, but we work alone.”
Sub-Group: Commandoes

The leader of the commandoes, Mega-Octane serves as both command unit of a tactical elite assault squadron and the central torso and consciousness for their combined form of Ruination. A brilliant tactical mind, Mega-Octane has led his team to victory upon victory; he uses a plasma rifle as his main weapon, but also possesses a back mounted dual cannon capable of launching armor piercing shells.
He can also adopt a third battle platform and launching station mode, that once allowed him to link with city-sized Decepticons back in his home reality, now it serves as a rarity.

Universe of Origin: Cybertron One Thousand Eight Hundred Ninety-Four.

Allegiance: Decepticon
Function: Armored Assault Warrior
Alternate Mode: Tank
Motto: “Unicron sure has a thing for tanks.”
Sub-Group: Commandoes

A part of a five member team, Armorhide isn’t much of a conversationalist; he’s rude most of the time and can’t stand all these sissy powerlinkers. In his eyes, Mini-Cons are worse then Energon cubes and far more addictive.
He stubbornly refuses to work alongside any of those units preferring to fight with his fellow commandoes. His turret is loaded with forty-eight caliber armor piercing shells; he also comes equipped with a rear mounted, dual-barreled surface to air cannon and a small holdout blaster, which can be modified to also fire the turrets’ shells.
He utilizes ancient combination technology to form Ruination with fellow commandoes.

Universe of Origin: Cybertron One Thousand Eight Hundred Ninety-Four.

Allegiance: Decepticon
Function: Observer
Alternate Mode: Space Shuttle
Motto: “So alone.”
Sub-Group: Commandoes

Often left in orbit for months on end, Movor has developed a fear of being alone and hangs out with Ro-Tor at all times of the day and night; if he could denounce his observational function he would, but he knows that the Autobots must be kept an eye on.
His sharp shooting ability is uncontested among the commandoes for he can pick off an Autobot no matter how deep their hiding spot; his twin nebula cannons will definitely see to them, he also wields a shatter rifle, which renders Autobot armor brittle and easy to pierce.
He utilizes the ancient form of quintuple combination to form Ruination with his teammates.

Universe of Origin: Cybertron One Thousand Eight Hundred Ninety-Four.

Allegiance: Decepticon
Function: Trader, Warrior
Alternate Mode: 4WD Jeep
Motto: “Make deals, not war.”
Sub-Group: Commandoes

A scrounger and dealer of arms, Rollbar has long been associated as the one robot black market; you need a Neutron bomb or a Transwarp Disruptor Rifle, he can procure it for you. He even sold off Armorhides’ weapons once just to acquire his scatter rifle; the hard part was getting them back before his fellow commando noticed they were missing.
About the only thing wrong with this new deal working for Unicron, as far as he’s concerned, is that he had to leave his inventory behind.
Rollbar wields a scatter rifle, which shoots out wide spread shrapnel to pierce the enemies thick hides and leave them vulnerable to attack from his smaller, less powerful, standard pistol. He uses the long forgotten merge techniques to become Ruination with fellow commandoes.

Universe of Origin: Cybertron One Thousand Eight Hundred Ninety-Four.

Allegiance: Decepticon
Function: Aerial Striker
Alternate Mode: Helicopter
Motto: “Fly me if you dare.”
Sub-Group: Commandoes

An arrogant, self-centered, aristocratic braggart who lives for cheap thrills, Ro-Tor is not the best of friends to have, but he’s still very capable and considers himself a team player.
His skills are equal to any challenge; though he prefers diving at his opponents and blitzing them. There is one thing he can’t stand and that’s Movors’ constant presence; one of these days he feels he’s going to kill him, if he’s not careful.
His personal arsenal was hand picked to ensure the best responses and the most pain for his enemies; his dual flamethrowers can melt or render an Autobots’ armor highly susceptible to other attacks, depending on their setting. And his circuit dousing laser is a lethal armament when used effectively; he combines with fellow commandoes to become Ruination.

Universe of Origin: Cybertron One Thousand Eight Hundred Ninety-Four.

Allegiance: Decepticon
Function: Front-Line Assault
Alternate Mode: Commandoes
Motto: “Autobots are perfect targets.”
Sub-Group: Commandoes

When the five commandoes combine into Ruination no force; not even so called Mini-Con enhanced units, can stop them. Ruination is the perfect combat machine with enough fire power to decimate whole armies and the brilliant mind of Mega-Octane serving as focus point for the giants’ own personality.
He comes equipped with twin combined weapons formed from most of the individual commandos’ armaments; and is capable of configuring into either an aerial based form, for flight or slightly bulkier ground centric mode that enhances his strength tenfold.
About the only drawback to his form is the amount of armor he has; it slows him down so that with careful planning and a good strategy the Autobots still might have a fighting chance.

Universe of Origin: Cybertron One Thousand Eight Hundred Ninety-Four.

Allegiance: Decepticon
Function: Communications Officer, Warrior
Alternate Mode: Missile Tank
Motto: “Cries and screams are music to my ears.”

Ripped from the fabric of time, Soundwave is an enigmatic Decepticon who serves his own interests before any other; he uses his status as communications officer to eavesdrop on secret conversations among the other Decepticons. If he believes that he can gain something from those in question he will blackmail them; if not then he will pass it on to Razorclaw.
He works with the Cyberjet Space Case a mysterious and brooding individual; Soundwave mostly relies on his rocket launcher for primary offense or defense of territory in his holding.
He does however employ a smaller sonic disruptor rifle; his task as communications officer has led to his equipping himself with high powered communications equipment and jamming equipment.

Universe of Origin: Cybertron Two Hundred and Seven.

Space Case
Allegiance: Decepticon
Function: Aerial Warrior
Alternate Mode: Jet
Motto: “Escape is impossible.”

A mysterious individual he keeps to himself and only ever works in tandem with Soundwave; no one is exactly sure why, there are some who believe he is a slave to the notorious blackmailer. Others, nothing more then a common street thug begging for table scraps; either way none can deny his skills, he is quite the accomplished warrior and can be counted on in a fight.
He uses a rear mounted missile launcher in vehicle mode that is attached to his right arm in robot mode; he can also use the missiles as clubs if necessary, or generate a limited force field.

Universe of Origin: Cybertron Two Hundred and Seven.

Wind Sheer
Allegiance: Decepticon
Function: Aerial Warrior
Alternate Mode: Jet
Motto: “Victory is mine.”

Ordered to capture the Key to Vector Sigma at any cost, Wind Sheer has been trapped in a strange limbo fighting Air Ride for as long as she can remember; now Unicron has summoned her for his army and she is quite capable and welcome of her release.
She has developed a very strange relationship with Air Ride; the two can be seen engaging in combat whenever they have the chance, though it is uncertain why.
As a Cyberjet her main weapon is the missile launcher situated on her back in vehicle mode; or serving as her right arm in robot mode.

Universe of Origin: Unknown; has been in Limbo for centuries.
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Old 08-27-2007, 11:39 AM   #14
Nexus Maximus
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Re: Transformers Universe

Allegiance: Decepticon
Function: Troop Transport
Alternate Mode: Space Shuttle
Motto: “I so despise this menial task.”

The Decepticons’ required a means to move swiftly over Cybertrons’ terrain and so Unicron summoned the massive Astrotrain; he had hoped to be more involved in combat, but no such luck.
Astrotrain comes equipped with a pulsar cannon and an arm mounted shield; his Mini-Con partner Starcatcher enhances his strength and firepower when powerlinked, but since he is rarely called upon for combat his ability has become stagnate.

Universe of Origin: Cybertron Four Hundred Twenty.

Allegiance: Decepticon
Function: Infantry Commander
Alternate Mode: Sports Car
Motto: “Long have I known the sting of betrayal.”

Drench was once an Autobot until the day he was lost to the cause due to the gravest acts of betrayal; he was left for dead by a jealous friend who wanted to advance in the ranks. He was rescued however by the Decepticon known as Thrust; Drench renounced his Autobot heritage and swore revenge, eventually repaying the favor and killing his former friend, who had become a Matrix Bearer.
That was his last step on the road to being a true Decepticon and now he works as a loyal warrior; he wields twin rocket launchers in vehicle mode as well as lasers mounted within his headlights. In robot mode he uses twin battle clubs and is a master of Crystalocution.

Universe of Origin: Cybertron Two Hundred and Nine.

Oil Slick
Allegiance: Decepticon
Function: Stunt Driver, Sniper
Alternate Mode: Sport Utility Vehicle
Motto: “Who needs Stunticons?”

Oil Slick is a hot-headed warrior with a tough hide and an even thicker skull; he doesn’t have much going for him besides his sniping skills. He may be able to drive circles around the Autobots’, but he has very poor turning capabilities once he surpasses two hundred and fifty miles per hour and his brakes have been known to short out due to the friction being generated. And yet he rarely has a concern for safety; his weapons consist of a set of blaster rifles, which were specially crafted for his particular skills; as well as a small blade in case he needs to fight up close and personal like.

Universe of Origin: Cybertron One Hundred and Fifty-Two.

(Oil Slick the name was taken from the Crystal Widow Vs. Oil Slick BiaB, but like Crystal Widow I took a few liberties. More so in his case then hers, Oil Slick is a black repaint of the X-Brawn mold, with gold highlights on the trim and Scourge style red windows. The robot modes’ lower arms are black, upper arms are an off bone white with traces of light grey washing to symbolize dirt and grime build up. His upper legs share this color, while his robot torso keeps the black and adds more gold highlights with small traces of teal and red. The head itself is the same off bone white, with teal optics and a gold face-plate. The weapons are a lighter translucent black, while the silver chrome mostly used for X-Brawn is replaced with gold chrome, I hope that’s a good enough physical description, I mean the figure itself doesn’t actually exist, just the name, which I thought was cool, but given a very poor mold comparatively.)

Allegiance: Decepticon
Function: Demolition
Alternate Mode: Bulldozer
Motto: “Let’s make Autobot wrecks.”
Sub-Group: Constructicon

A twisted artist, Bonecrusher incorporates the fallen Autobots’ remains into every project; he enjoys wrecking things and is a demolitions specialist with a love for the finer things, such as blowing up an Autobot ammunition dump to create a living representation of his art.
His weapon of choice is the welding torch, but he also carries a pistol for emergencies; he forms the power pack of Devastator enhancing the giant exponentially.

Universe of Origin: Cybertron One Thousand Three Hundred.

Allegiance: Decepticon
Function: Engineer
Alternate Mode: Crane
Motto: “Nothing can compare to my genius.”
Sub-Group: Constructicon

Hook comes up with all the designs; though Scrapper executes them, he has an aristocratic air, which gives him a high opinion of himself and makes the other Constructicons leery of him.
He rarely joins in combat unless he’s serving as pilot of the Kamikaze Assault Wing; although he does have a standard stock pistol in case absolutely necessary, he forms the left arm of Devastator.

Universe of Origin: Cybertron One Thousand Three Hundred.

Long Haul
Allegiance: Decepticon
Function: Hauler
Alternate Mode: Dump Truck
Motto: “When am I gonna get some action?”
Sub-Group: Constructicon

A constant complainer, Long Haul hates his lot in life and would gladly exchange places with anyone, and yet he still does the work; hauling loads ten times his weight. He forms the right leg of Devastator; and carries a missile launching rifle, though he rarely gets to use it.

Universe of Origin: Cybertron One Thousand Three Hundred.

Allegiance: Decepticon
Function: Chemist
Alternate Mode: Cement Mixer
Motto: “Be careful.”
Sub-Group: Constructicon

A chemical factory on wheels and a veritable genius, Mixmaster can whip up anything from construction alloys to powerful corrosives; his drum is heavily fortified because one wrong move could destroy him. He tends to talk a little peculiarly, but he’s quite capable and utilizes an acid gun in combat; he forms the left leg of Devastator and supplies the giant with his unique ammo.

Universe of Origin: Cybertron One Thousand Three Hundred.

Allegiance: Decepticon
Function: Contractor
Alternate Mode: Steam Shovel
Motto: “We’ll have it done in a week.”
Sub-Group: Constructicon

Scavenger’s the one the other Decepticons go to when they need the team to perform a job; he’ll usually run it by Scrapper first, but since they all like to build they rarely turn it down. Besides; with two construction teams around they always feel important when someone picks them over the larger Constructicons.
Scavenger wields a photon cannon in combat and serves as the right arm for Devastator.

Universe of Origin: Cybertron One Thousand Three Hundred.

Allegiance: Decepticon
Function: Foreman
Alternate Mode: Pay Loader
Motto: “The Protectobots will fall.”
Sub-Group: Constructicon

To counter balance the Protectobots, Razorclaw had Wind Sheer use her half of the Vector Sigma Key to create their own Micromasters; since the Constructicons had recently arrived she chose to model the Micromaster team after them, which would cause some confusion at first.
Scrapper is their leader; an outspoken powerhouse with a thirst for power, he keeps the others in line and if necessary will rough’em up a little to ensure co-operation and loyalty.
Scrapper uses an electrostatic cannon in battle and forms the chest of Devastator; granting the ability to create his unique personality.

Universe of Origin: Cybertron One Thousand Three Hundred.

Allegiance: Decepticon
Function: Berserker
Alternate Mode: Kamikaze Assault Wing
Motto: “Devastator crush Defensor.”
Sub-Group: Constructicon

Unlike Devastator Mark One or Defensor this Devastator is a tad slow in the brains department; mostly because of Scrappers’ control issues, which lead to his suppressing of the other five members personalities.
Devastator is a powerhouse much like his Autobot counterpart; however his strength is greater due to the limited intelligence, he carries a Cybertonium Shock-Blast Rifle. This weapon uses the rare element in it’s ammunition to blanket an Autobot with a field that causes the loss of all motor functions and even transform circuits.
When not combined; the components not integrated with the Constructicons combine to form an aerial assault vehicle, which Hook usually pilots.

Universe of Origin: Cybertron One Thousand Three Hundred.

Allegiance: Decepticon
Function: Infantry, Team Leader
Alternate Mode: Bulldozer
Motto: “Strength in numbers.”
Sub-Group: Constructicon

As leader of the Constructicons, Bonecrusher is both calm and well balanced; of course he has to be, what with all the stress command brings. Bonecrusher is quite angered with Wind Sheer for creating the Micromaster Constructicons and has seen to it that they remain in their own headquarters away from the obelisk; this has made Scrappers’ team highly resentful, but he could care less.
Bonecrusher wields a twin-barreled exhaust cannon that can be configured to fire laser blasts or compressed air with two thousand PSI of force. He and his team have perfected a quadruple combination configuration, which allows them to form the massive Devastator.

Universe of Origin: Cybertron Twelve.

Allegiance: Decepticon
Function: Sniper, Infantry
Alternate Mode: Crane
Motto: “Don’t make me laugh.”
Sub-Group: Constructicon

Hightower wasn’t a very popular member of Decepticon society; he rarely interacted with the others and when he did he held himself above them; that was before he was forced to work alongside the Constructicons after the unit he replaced was killed in battle.
As a Constructicon he has been slowly learning to work as a team player; his optics were reconfigured to better accommodate his long barreled sniper cannon, so now he can pick off opponents from a great distance.
He can combine with the others using a unique four style linkage system to form Devastator.

Universe of Origin: Cybertron Twelve.

Long Haul
Allegiance: Decepticon
Function: Infantry, Martial Arts Instructor
Alternate Mode: Dump Truck
Motto: “Strike hard and strike often.”
Sub-Group: Constructicon

Long Haul has trained the team for many years in the finer arts of Cybertronian martial arts; in fact he’s quite the harsh task master, being the oldest member of the team has its’ downsides.
His skills are unmatched and when he’s on the field he uses a massive claw weapon to crush Autobot opponents; he can combine with the other Constructicons to become Devastator; his specific configuration and armor are quite powerful and he’s the strongest member of the team.

Universe of Origin: Cybertron Twelve.

Allegiance: Decepticon
Function: Infantry, Samurai
Alternate Mode: Steam Shovel
Motto: “Respect, honor and discipline.”
Sub-Group: Constructicon

A very serious warrior, Scavenger prefers honorable one on one combat and his fighting style reflects this; as a member of the Constructicons he has become a loyal supporter of his team and has a firm stance when it comes to traitors or those who seek power.
Scavenger wields a combination sword, claw in battle; and he usually forms the limbs of Devastator, he also supplies the giant with limited flight abilities.

Universe of Origin: Cybertron Twelve.

Allegiance: Decepticon
Function: Battlefield Tactician
Alternate Mode: Constructicons
Motto: “I will ensure victory.”
Sub-Group: Constructicon

Using a unique quadruple linking system perfected by Bonecrusher the four Constructicons can seamlessly merge into the awesome battlefield tactician Devastator; he has access to all four members primary weapons, but he prefers to use Hightower’s and Long Haul’s the most.
Devastator is a tactical genius and usually serves the Decepticons in the rear lines issuing strategies; Devastator’s personality is unique, thanks to the extreme focus of the four individual Constructicons and their mental disciplines.
Each of the larger members is capable of forming the arms, or one of the legs; when Scavenger is the arms Devastator has limited flight. Hightower offers the giant the ability to generate protective shields when in arm configuration mode, and Long Haul gives the behemoth immense upper body strength and can generate small scale earthquakes in a three mile circumference.

Universe of Origin: Cybertron Twelve.

Allegiance: Decepticon
Function: Sword Master
Alternate Mode: Snow Wolf (Transmetal Two)
Motto: “Life is meaningless.”

The unit known as Frostbite is a difficult creature; she has lost everything she has ever known to Unicron and has tried to commit suicide. Unfortunately she’s the proud… At least that’s the term others might use, owner of an aberrant spark similar to Starscream; and to a lesser extent, Rampage.
This has led her to disobey direct orders in her quest for oblivion; when she is on the battlefield however she can be a deadly opponent.

She is a master swordsman; or perhaps that should be swordswoman, her blade is made of pure Cybertonium, which can disrupt enemies’ circuits at close range. Her right arm houses a pulse blaster and a personal force field generator; activated by the saw like protrusion located above her beast modes’ neck area.

Universe of Origin: Cybertron Nine Thousand Thirty-Four.

Blast Charge
Allegiance: Decepticon
Function: Assault Unit
Alternate Mode: Six-Wheeled Tank
Motto: “Destruction is an art form.”

The unit known as Blast Charge is difficult to understand; he holds his loyalties close to his spark and does not give trust lightly. Many believe him to be Sideways in a new form; and with a new mission, others consider him to be a resurrected Autobot twisted to serve Unicron.
Whatever the case his skills on the battlefield and ultimate loyalty to Mega Zarak are rarely questioned; at least to his face.

His Vehicon body design is unique in its’ conception; unlike Strika his armor has been crafted to withstand even the explosions generated by four megaton payloads, he is one of few Decepticons capable of surviving a fusion cannon level blast.
His tri-barreled turret can launch three heavy tipped missiles of variable payloads; or be reconfigured for single and even dual launch capabilities; he is also a highly skilled hand to hand combatant.

Universe of Origin: Unknown.

Snap Trap
Allegiance: Decepticon
Function: Seacon Commander
Alternate Mode: Mechanical Turtle
Motto: “Broken Autobots never mend.”
Sub-Group: Seacon

The Seacons are a deadly unit of ancient Decepticon warriors; discovered near death adrift in space, Mega Zarak charged the Micromaster Constructicons with their restoration. These six awesome warriors of the past now serve Unicron’s cause under the command of Rampage, Snap Trap however is the group’s true leader.

Snap Trap is a truly cunning warrior; his logic center is second only to former Decepticon Shockwave, and he has planned tactical scenarios for three successful missions. His turtle beast mode is slow, but armed with twin sonic shell cannons; in robot mode he wields an Atom-Smasher gun and an Incendiary Blade that is rimmed with a metal-melting cold flame even underwater.
Depth Charge has his job cut out for him when dealing with the Seacons, especially since all six are capable of forming the giant Piranaking.

Universe of Origin: Cybertron One Thousand Three Hundred.

Allegiance: Decepticon
Function: Amphibious Assault
Alternate Mode: Mechanical Coelacanth, Corrosive Slime-Shooter Rifle
Motto: “I stink therefore I am.”
Sub-Group: Seacon

As a team the Seacons are unmatched in physical capabilities and mental faculties; as individuals each one has a different idea of what makes them great, Skalor is no different. The other Seacons secretly detest Skalor due to his faulty maintenance skills; the Constructicons had to work with what they had and for this reason Skalor is constantly leaking internal fluids, which tends to create a ripe odor as they harden and crust over his metallic hide.

Skalor however can’t be bothered to get this defect corrected; he’s far too busy working on his Autobot body parts collection, so far he’s only managed to collect a few scraps from the dead of their home world, but he’s hoping to add Sentinel Maximus’ head any day now.

Skalor’s weapons consist of his self-dubbed crustacion rifles, one which fires an adhesive and the other shrapnel shards designed to coat an enemy until rendered immobile. Each of the five limbs of Piranaking also offers the unique ability to convert into weapon modes suitable for the gestalts use, which classifies them as Targetmasters; Skalor can become a double-barreled corrosive slime-shooter rifle whose function is to melt enemy armor on contact.

Universe of Origin: Cybertron One Thousand Three Hundred.

Allegiance: Decepticon
Function: Undersea Reconnaissance
Alternate Mode: Mechanical Manta Ray, Proton Cannon
Motto: “The Darkest depths reveal the darkest secrets.”
Sub-Group: Seacon

Seawing is a slightly larger manta ray in beast mode and takes perverse pleasure in this fact; when dealing with Depth Charge he loves to throw his weight around, he also enjoys the fact that some of his fellow Decepticons fear him.

Seawing is a scout; his primary task is to locate enemy installations, he often has no trouble remaining undetected considering Depth Charge is always more concerned with Rampage.
The Autobots have begun to find clever ways to back up their aquatic commander using all manner of devices to prolong their resistance to water, however it’s still barely enough.

Seawing employs two venom rifles, which emit paralyzing laser beams; and is capable of converting into a Proton Cannon for Piranakings’ use, which fires concentrated beams of light to blind the enemy long enough for the gestalt to finish them off.

Universe of Origin: Cybertron One Thousand Three Hundred.

Allegiance: Decepticon
Function: Undersea Terminator
Alternate Mode: Mechanical Shark, Jawbreaker Cannon
Motto: “There are only two kinds of creatures; predator and prey.”
Sub-Group: Seacon

The Universe conflict is an all-encompassing war of supremacy; Unicron and Primus cull warriors from countless realities and pit them together under the false pretense that whom so ever should win the God of their faction would be wiped from existence forever, though they are unaware of the falseness.
As such is it any wonder that there are individuals of completely different origins which share the same name?

The Seacon Overbite is more vicious and less tolerant then the other Overbite; he believes there can only be one and thus the two Overbite’s are constantly at each others’ throats.
Snap Trap however keeps him on a short leash and so Overbite rarely has time to clash with the pretender; Overbite’s philosophy is that if you’re not a predator then you’re his prey, which means anyone who isn’t a Seacon has to be on guard lest they feel the bite of his steel jaws.
He carries a Freeze Beam Blaster, which is capable of trapping his foes in a block of ice and he converts into the tidal wave producing Jawbreaker Cannon; also capable of firing highly corrosive shells, Piranakings’ primary weapon.

Universe of Origin: Cybertron One Thousand Three Hundred.

Allegiance: Decepticon
Function: Underwater Excavations
Alternate Mode: Mechanical Lobster, Cannon
Motto: “Blame someone else before they can blame you.”
Sub-Group: Seacon

Nautilator possesses a multitude of different sensors in his beast modes legs, which he uses to locate everything from worthless junk to suitable Energon mining locations; as such he is an invaluable member of the Seacon team.
His skills at underwater locomotion aren’t up to specs with his fellow teammates, but Rampage is assisting him in mastering the mobility of a crustacean.

Nautilator has little else of noteworthiness; his claws are quite powerful and can slice through most metals with ease, his cannon form fires heat-seeking torpedoes and in robot mode he wields a Crusher Cannon, which fires bands of Energon that encircle and ultimately destroy their target.

Universe of Origin: Cybertron One Thousand Three Hundred.

Allegiance: Decepticon
Function: Underwater Demolitions
Alternate Mode: Mechanical Octopus, Lightning Rifle
Motto: “Embrace your enemies… Until they’re terminated.”
Sub-Group: Seacon

Tentakill is perhaps the deadliest of the Seacons; soft spoken and gentle until he strikes few Autobots know what to expect of him upon their first encounter. Tentakill’s skills as an underwater demolitions expert match those of fellow Decepticon Sharkticon, perhaps even surpass them in certain areas; alas neither of them get to ply their trade very often with only Depth Charge to oppose them.

Tentakill’s electromagnetic tentacles can crush even heavily armored objects with ease; his Lightning Rifle form generates fifty thousand volts and can short out most operation circuits of enemy Autobots, he wields slime cannons in robot mode which are capable of firing adhesive ooze preventing enemy escape.

Universe of Origin: Cybertron One Thousand Three Hundred.

Allegiance: Decepticon
Function: Undersea Warrior
Alternate Mode: Seacons
Motto: “Underwater, no one can hear you scream.”
Sub-Group: Seacon

Piranaking is a ruthless highly efficient hunter; the combined form of the six Seacons create a base-line personality, which combines the relentless nature of his Seacon pieces into a single-minded stalker of Autobot prey.
Little can faze him and his fellow Decepticons have a hard time talking to him; Snap Trap is often forced to set a specific time for separation otherwise Piranaking would hunt until every last Autobot was destroyed and thus eliminate the need for him.

Piranaking is exceptionally strong and impervious to artillery fire; when dealing with him the Autobots must try different tactics, unless the Dark Saber is present affording a weapon capable of matching the giants own incendiary blade, each of the five limbs can form secondary Targetmaster forms offering an unlimited supply of varying firepower to Piranaking.

Universe of Origin: Cybertron One Thousand Three Hundred.

Allegiance: Decepticon
Function: Espionage Agent
Alternate Mode: Motorcycle
Motto: N/A

Flamewar is a female Decepticon; often a rarity in itself, she is a master spy and infiltrator and quite handy with the forbidden art of Metallikato, ancient Cybertronian martial arts.
Her body design is based on the Omni-Con Arcee from Cybertron Seventy-Two; as such she is capable of refining Energon into Energon Stars and generating her own powerful Energon Crossbow, Decepticons equipped with Energon harnessing powers can also use her Energon Stars.

Flamewar rarely speaks and even more rarely joins combat, but Mega Zarak isn’t worried; he knows she has better things to do then get beat up on the battlefield like the rest of his lackeys, rumor persists she finds fellow Females preferable companions to Male Decepticons in an intimate nature.

Universe of Origin: Cybertron One Thousand Nine Hundred Twenty-Nine.

Allegiance: Decepticon
Function: Sub-Commander Naval Operations
Alternate Mode: Biomechanical Shark
Motto: “Calm Depths, Deadly Currents.”

Overbite was an experiment of sinister intentions; using the powerful Angolmoise energy of Gaea Megastorm transformed four purely mechanical warriors into twisted Biomechanical terrors.
Comprising of a hybridized form of organic creature and their previous jet forms, these warriors proved stronger, faster and infinitely deadlier; Unicron saw their potential and ensured that one would be drafted into the Universe conflict; as such Overbite was approached by the Dark God’s herald Drancron.

Overbite is a combination jet, shark; though shades of organic tissue grafted onto his body during the mutagenic process remain, he is purely machine. Capable of traveling at mach speeds underwater thanks to the massive tail engine; Overbite is truly a jet in the water.
Sophisticated sensor panels located on his head offer radar, sonar, and visual tracking; he can also use it as a surface communications device.
His tail forms the left hand in robot mode and is capable of launching twin piranha torpedoes, these torpedoes can also be launched from his chest mounted launcher, his head detaches and serves as a melee weapon, he is also a competent hand to hand warrior.

Universe of Origin: Cybertron Seven Hundred and Four.

Allegiance: Deception
Function: Aquatic Demolitions
Alternate Mode: Submersible Warship
Motto: “Batten the hatches, dam the torpedoes; full speed ahead!”

An old movie gone horribly wrong; that’s what some have called this militant servant of Unicron, summoned from a reality steeped in carnage, Sharkticon naturally is used to full out warfare.
His loyalty to Mega Zarak is unquestioned; and his skills as an underwater demolitions expert are unparalleled. Unicron has brought in his aquatic unit to prolong the conflict as much as possible; a fact Primus is fully aware of, unfortunately the Autobots only have Depth Charge to counter this new threat and a clause in the agreement between both Gods prevents future aquatic based Autobots inclusion into the ranks.

Sharkticons’ vehicle form is equipped with multiple laser ports and twin torpedo launchers; the rocket jets allow for improved speed though limited mobility, and his form can fly for short distances because of them.
Sharkticon is also one of few warriors on either side capable of harnessing Energon into physical weapons; mostly he relies on Terrorcon Doom-Lock to supply the Energon Stars needed to create these weapons. Because of this ability he is a deadly adversary.

Universe of Origin: Cybertron Eight Thousand and Fifty.

Snow Cat
Allegiance: Decepticon
Function: Polar Scout
Alternate Mode: Cold Weather Transport
Motto: “The tundra is harsh to those ill-equipped.”

Snow Cat is one of a select few Decepticons who voluntarily request solo duties; he prefers to be alone with his thoughts or his duty, he has few friends and even less of an interest in making any.

In his home reality Snow Cat led such a solitary life that Galvatron forgot about him entirely; approached by Unicron under the guise of his leader, Snow Cat was brought into what some chroniclers have dubbed the Universe conflict.

Here on Cybertron Snow Cat is out of his element; incapable of following his desired duties he must instead fight alongside a vast army of followers, still he’s managed to slip beneath the cracks and is rarely called upon for active combat.
Snow Cat is armed singly with twin missile launchers, which can be deployed in vehicle mode or what is known as hyper mode. A form which allows his skies to be deployed in robot mode; though on Cybertron that form is extremely limited in mobility to the point of almost uselessness.
Like Sharkticon, Snow Cat can harness Energon Stars and use them to create a variety of different weapons; these range from simple tools to Energon blasters capable of firing deadly concentrated bursts of the substance.

Universe of Origin: Cybertron Seventy-Eight.

Allegiance: Decepticon
Function: Front-Line Infantry
Alternate Mode: Construction Vehicle, Jet
Motto: “Death is never constant.”

Resurrected after the Powerlinx Battles by the explosion of Unicrons’ spark; Scorponok found himself on a strange world, a world ruled by mighty mechanical beast Transformers. Learning what little he could from the guru-like Backstop he moved on to become apprentice to Scourge; the harsh leader of this Jungle Planet. Eventually he acclimated and gained the power to harness the Cyber Keys, in reality tiny essences of Primus’ spark, which bestowed power to the user.

Dragged into the Universe conflict by Unicron; Scorponok now fights to free himself from the bonds of servitude and return to the peaceful Jungle Planet. A rare triple changer, Scorponok is capable of converting into two separate vehicle forms; a construction vehicle for demolitions purposes or a jet capable of low-altitude flight.
Capable of harnessing the Cyber Keys he is one of the most powerful warriors; he is also equipped to handle the Energon Stars Doom-Lock manufactures, though he prefers his new Cyber Key powers over the old Energon weapons.

Universe of Origin: Cybertron Thirty-Three.

Allegiance: Decepticon
Function: Front-Line Assault
Alternate Mode: Tank
Motto: “The spiritual is key.”
Sub-Group: Destructicon

Bludgeon is a firm believer in the mystical side of Cybertron’s existence; as such he has perfected numerous skills including the art of Metallikato. He and fellow Destructicon Scourge both possess a powerful warhead delivery system as their primary assault means; these warheads are loaded with the equivalent of nine pounds of C4 and can decimate the battlefield in an eight mile radius.
Bludgeon also carries a smaller short-barreled rifle for less destructive means of injuring the enemy; his turret in vehicle mode uses armor piercing negaton shells.

Universe of Origin: Cybertron Six Thousand.

Allegiance: Decepticon
Function: Front-Line Assault
Alternate Mode: Military Transport Truck
Motto: “My duty is clear.”
Sub-Group: Destructicon

Scourge is an honorable warrior who believes in duty above all else; he engages those he considers to be worthy, all others are beneath his notice. Unlike fellow Destructicon Bludgeon he is not inclined to believe in the mysticism of Cybertron; he does not mock his partner for his beliefs though.

Scourge possesses the same style of warhead and warhead launching mechanism as Bludgeon; he also carries a short-barreled laser rifle for honorable combat, although he’d prefer a bladed weapon of some kind.

Universe of Origin: Cybertron Six Thousand.

Allegiance: Decepticon
Function: Terrorcon General
Alternate Mode: Mechanical Dinosaur
Motto: N/A
Sub-Group: Terrorcon

One of Alpha Quintessons generals Doom-Lock has little to say and no one to say it to; considering his troops consist of mindless Terrorcon drones there was little call to further his social skills. Hence his unruly disposition, snarling attitude and tendency to roar at his fellow Decepticons in beast mode.

Plucked from his home reality by Unicron, Doom-Lock no longer has legions of drones to command; in this new conflict his task is to refine Energon for use by Sharkticon, Snow Cat and to a lesser extent Scorponok.
A task he is more then qualified for; Doom-Lock is a Terrorcon a sub-faction of Decepticons employed by Alpha Quintesson to refine raw Energon pools into Energon Stars. He is capable of supplying these stars to Decepticons or even Autobots equipped with the ability to use them; Doom-Lock can also use his own stars to generate either one long Energon Scimitar, or a shorter version of the blade and an Energon Cannon.

Universe of Origin: Cybertron Nine Hundred and Thirty-One.

Allegiance: Decepticon
Function: Energon Refinery
Alternate Mode: Mechanical Rhinoceros Beetle
Motto: N/A
Sub-Group: Terrorcon

Insecticon has the mentality of a drone; as a Terrorcon misplaced accidentally in time that is to be expected, Doom-Lock keeps a constant eye on the Terrorcon drone ensuring he doesn’t get underfoot.

Insecticon can generate Energon Stars for use with fellow Decepticons who are compatible; he uses them also to generate a head mounted Energon drilling unit to locate Energon deposits deep within the planets’ core. The drilling unit when passed to other Decepticons can be used as a whole or separated into the drill component as a melee weapon, and the spinning drill housing component as a quadruple barreled Energon cannon, his horn fires lasers.

Universe of Origin: Possibly Cybertron Nine Hundred and Thirty-One.

Allegiance: Decepticon
Function: Ground Support
Alternate Mode: Mechanical Dinosaur
Motto: “I Loathe Autobots.”
Sub-Group: Terrorcon

Cruellock is a sentient Terrorcon much like Doom-Lock; the two share body designs however they don’t share personalities, Cruellock is mellow and non-aggressive towards his fellow Decepticons. He can carry on a conversation and even match wits in games of skill or chance; the only time he shares Doom-Lock’s snapping anti-social behavior is when he’s on the battlefield fighting Autobots.
Cruellock can refine Energon Stars like any Terrorcon; he uses his Energon scimitar in tandem with his claws more often then the Energon blaster he is also capable of generating, Cruellock has enhanced leaping abilities as well and can traverse lengthy distances to reach targets faster because of it.

Universe of Origin: Cybertron Four Million One Thousand Eight Hundred and Twenty-Three.

Allegiance: Decepticon
Function: Infantry
Alternate Mode: Steam Shovel
Motto: “Fate is cruel, but so am I.”

Deprived of his status as combiner and member of the Constructicons due to the rules now enforced by both Gods; Steamhammer is still a formidable opponent in his own right. He is strong, compatible with Energon Stars and the subsequent weapons that can be created by them; and is highly cunning when it comes to strategizing.

Steamhammer carries no projectile based weaponry preferring to rely on his brute strength; in vehicle mode his shovel is equipped with a multitude of mineral specific sensors for construction needs and he has befriended the Constructicons.

Universe of Origin: Cybertron Eighty-One.

Allegiance: Decepticon
Function: Ground Support
Alternate Mode: Crane
Motto: “It’s true; Constructicons are the most versatile.”

A former limb to the combiner Constructicon Maximus; Wideload is an Energon Star capable generator, he and Steamhammer are a closely knit team despite the lack of their combiner capabilities.

Wideload can use Energon Stars to create an Energon claw weapon, which can be thrown like a boomerang or used to cut Autobots in half with their unyielding grip; he is also a third level novice of Circuit-Su and enjoys the company of the other Constructicons.

Universe of Origin: Cybertron Eighty-One.

Allegiance: Decepticon
Function: Front-Line Infantry
Alternate Mode: Missile Truck
Motto: “The Universe is a deadly place indeed.”

A former leader of a group known as the Combaticons Barricade used to be the main body for a combiner called Bruticus Maximus; now he’s just another unassuming soldier in Unicrons’ army, and a damn fine one.

Barricade is compatible with Energon Stars; his vehicle mode comes equipped with a multi-barreled rocket launcher of sorts, but otherwise he lacks hand hold weaponry. Thus he’s taken to sticking with his vehicle mode in battle, which makes him an easy target for the Autobots.

Universe of Origin: Cybertron Eighty-One.

Allegiance: Decepticon
Function: Aerial Warrior
Alternate Mode: Mechanical Eagle
Motto: “My bite is worse then my bark.”

As a veteran Decepticon of the Great Wars Buzzsaw and his twin Laserbeak were granted amnesty and allowed to upgrade their forms; choosing to remain twins the two of them picked identical body designs and transforms, but as always their personalities differentiate the two.

Buzzsaw is a civil warrior treating his fellow Decepticons with respect; he fancies himself an artist and creates sculptures using anything and everything including Autobot wrecks. On the battlefield he is ruthless and precise; his beast form optics house twin lasers and his robot mode wields a deadly boomerang-like weapon as well as repulsor blasters housed in the palm of his hands.

Universe of Origin: Cybertron Two Thousand and Six.

Allegiance: Decepticon
Function: Aerial Warrior
Alternate Mode: Mechanical Eagle
Motto: “The only point I like in Autobots is the Melting Point.”

Laserbeak takes a sadistic pleasure in hunting his prey; he prefers to play with them and slowly cripple them before moving in for the kill, however he makes no attempt to hide his fear one of his biggest flaws despite the upgrade.

Given a situation where the odds are against him; he is clearly not very brave and will run to safety, he possesses identical armaments to Buzzsaw and is extremely lethal in their use, cowardice aside.

Universe of Origin: Cybertron Two Thousand and Six.

Black Arachnia
Allegiance: Decepticon
Function: Experimental Weapons Development
Alternate Mode: Black Widow
Motto: “Power for its’ own sake is meaningless.”

Taken from an earlier point in her life this Black Arachnia is a loyal Decepticon through and through; she works mostly on creating new and dangerous experimental weapons for use against the Autobots. Her arsenal includes machine guns housed in her spider legs for use when in robot mode, a missile launcher capable of firing cyber-venom tipped warheads as a delivery system and a grappling hook type warhead, which she uses to pull enemies into her deadly grasp. She is also a master of martial arts and has vowed never to become like her treacherous Autobot counterpart.

Universe of Origin: Cybertron Twenty.

Allegiance: Decepticon
Function: Warrior
Alternate Mode: Tractor Trailer
Motto: “Autobots are cannon fodder.”

Menasor is a powerful and deadly opponent; capable of transporting two fellow land based Decepticon units in his trailer he serves not only as a warrior, but a rapid troop transport and deployment vehicle.

Menasor is a walking arsenal; his trailer converts into a stationary weapons platform with twin lock and load missile launchers that are accessible in vehicle mode and a large particle cannon dead center. He also carries a positronic blaster, which can neutralize incoming enemy fire easily.

Universe of Origin: Cybertron Seventy-Two.

Allegiance: Decepticon
Function: Combat Instructor
Alternate Mode: Earth Style Car
Motto: “Wreck and Roll.”

Frustrated with the state of his army and the level of mistrust many of the Decepticons shared for one another Mega Zarak requested a combat instructor for his men; and Unicron sent Runabout, a real bully of a unit with brute strength almost a match for Devastator or even Piranaking.
Runabout doesn’t take guff from anyone; if you fail to show up for PT at oh seven hundred you can be sure you’ll be spending eight days in the CR tank. Runabout aims to whip this army into a cohesive unit; no more infighting, treachery or defectors allowed, and to do it he’ll kill if he has to, to make his point.
Runabout’s physically strong and highly agile; he can travel at nine hundred MPH in vehicle mode if he needs to, but it burns out his engine faster. He carries a small hard-light construct Energon blaster, which fires highly potent Angolmoise shots; the weapon also has a short bayonet for wicked jabs and stealthy assaults. His rear compartment can be used to transport his Mini-Con partner Search & Destroy; and if he sends the little guy after you, you’d better watch out.

Universe of Origin: Cybertron Eleven

Allegiance: Decepticon
Function: Geochemist
Alternate Mode: Pteranodon, VTOL Craft (Transmetal)
Motto: “Warfare is not simply brute strength.”

Fractyl was selected for his ability to analyze all forms of alien materials; the Cosmic Rust virus mysteriously returned and threatened to wipe out the armies of both Unicron and Primus, using datum on several varying realities that had been infected gathered by Deathsaurus including numerous samples of the rust in its’ dormant state Fractyl managed to effect a cure completely eradicating the dangerous disease from Cybertron itself.
After finally managing this cure Fractyl remained as a Decepticon soldier; he has limited fighting skills relying on twin blades and weak optic lasers to defend himself, he is also capable of adopting a third vertical take-off and landing mode for quick escapes, despite his physical limitations on the battlefield his ability to create new geochemical weapons has proven his worth in Mega Zarak’s optics.

Universe of Origin: Cybertron Two Hundred and Thirty-Nine.

Allegiance: Decepticon
Function: Bounty Hunter
Alternate Mode: Formula One Race Car
Motto: “You will not escape.”

Devcon was trained by the best in the bounty hunting trade including legendary hunter Death’s Head; Unicron captured him during a mission for Rodimus Prime and he was completely brainwashed into an unfeeling Decepticon menace.
This version of Devcon transforms into a high-speed pursuit vehicle with precision turning; it can launch twin rockets or specially designed Energon missiles that are linked to Devcon’s spark, he also uses a pistol that fires Acid Pellets. The Devcon working for the Autobots has naturally developed a dark rivalry with this brainwashed Decepticon servant.

Universe of Origin: Unknown; Believed to be Cybertron Twelve Thousand One Hundred and Eighty-Five.

Rapid Run
Allegiance: Decepticon
Function: Counterinsurgent
Alternate Mode: Motorcycle
Motto: “Friend is another word for fool.”

Rapid Run is a mystery to everyone including his fellow Decepticons; never allowing anyone to see his true face, Nightscream and Nightcruz unlock two distinct personalities when serving as his head. One is a silent unwavering Decepticon soldier who works closely with the other spies and reconnaissance units to determine troop strengths and deployments by the Autobots, he is never seen on the battlefield otherwise it would compromise the second personality; that of a young hard working Autobot who does his best to earn the trust of fellow Autobots.
Rapid Run has so far managed to keep the Autobots in the dark as to his true allegiance; in robot mode he possesses twin laser guided missile launchers housed on his arms, the warheads can also fire energy blasts, in vehicle mode he is forced to rely more on his speed rather then arsenal since it lacks any offensive capabilities.

Universe of Origin: Cybertron Thirty.

General Grievous (Alias Grievous)
Allegiance: Decepticon
Function: Tactician, Warrior
Alternate Mode: Wheel Bike
Motto: “Unbelievable.”

When asked to choose a Decepticon for Unicrons’ army Primus chose to ask the advice of a human avatar he’d once employed; in an attempt at ironic humor the man suggested General Grievous, and Primus liked the idea so much he went along with it.

To get around the fact that Grievous was not a Decepticon or indeed Cybertronian he reformatted and reconfigured the former Droid General; thrust into a war, indeed a world not of his own making and in a strange almost alien body; Grievous has nevertheless accepted his new role in life and has become a formidable Decepticon warrior.
His vehicle mode is capable of traversing up vertical surfaces even at sharp inclines; it is equipped with a standard powerful Double Blaster and four legs, which offer powerful leaping abilities for traversing along treacherous vertical surfaces such as cliffs or crags.
His robotic form appears ungainly, but Grievous is a most agile individual; his weapon of choice is the Lightsaber, he carries four at any given time and is a master swordsman, he also wields a smaller Blaster both types of weaponry are replicas of weapons from his home universe.

Universe of Origin: Inapplicable; Equivalent, Coruscant One Thousand Nine Hundred.

Darth Sidious
Allegiance: Decepticon
Function: Warrior
Alternate Mode: Tyderium Class Shuttle
Motto: “The Sith hold true power.”

Pleased greatly with the success of integrating General Grievous into his ranks; Unicron proposed to Primus that more characters from Grievous’s reality should be chosen, due slightly in part to a growing lack of interest in true Decepticon warriors. Agreeing; Primus stipulated that only four souls should be chosen, perhaps in part due to Rutherford’s influence, and so four were chosen; two of the light and two of darkness.
Darth Sidious corrupted the senate, engineered the downfall of the Jedi and created the first Galactic Empire in his home reality before being betrayed and murdered by his former apprentice Darth Vader. Resurrected in a purely mechanical form Sidious has lost connection to the Force; however Unicron ensured he would still be capable of certain feats, Sidious has taken readily to his new role as a Decepticon marveling at the almost indestructible form he now possesses.
In robot mode Sidious can leap great distances as well as fly; he carries a lightsaber into battle and is capable of using stored energy to assault his foes with electrical assaults that mimic his former Sith lightning. Transforming took getting used to; he converts into a space capable shuttle craft equipped with medium powered blasters and hyperdrive engines, the equivalent of Transwarp.

Universe of Origin: Inapplicable; Equivalent Coruscant One Thousand Nine Hundred.

Darth Maul
Allegiance: Decepticon
Function: Warrior
Alternate Mode: Sith Infiltrator
Motto: “At last I shall have my revenge.”

A former apprentice to Darth Sidious, Maul was killed by Jedi Padawan Obi-Wan Kenobi; now he is under Sidious again his former Master perfecting his understanding of these new Cybertronian bodies. Maul’s vehicle mode is more maneuverable then Sidious’s and equipped with twin high powered blasters; in robot mode he wields a dual-bladed lightsaber, which can separate into two individual blades, like Sidious he has enhanced reflexes, but can not employ the Sith-like energy bolts.

Universe of Origin: Inapplicable; Equivalent Coruscant One Thousand Nine Hundred.

Clone Pilot
Allegiance: Decepticon
Function: Airborne Infantry
Alternate Mode: ARK-170 Starfighter
Motto: “Silence the Enemy.”

The original generic cannon fodder was the Insecticons, but as they began to fall in droves and prove to be less than idealistic Darth Sidious proposed the creation of a new overwhelming force. The first Clone Pilot was pulled from the reality of Coruscant One Thousand Nine Hundred and reformatted into a Cybertronian body to be used as a template in the construction of an army of Clones.
Capable of transforming from robot to ARK-170 Starfighter mode the Clone Pilots can swoop in on Autobot forces and pepper them with blaster fire and photon torpedoes; manufactured in a modified Vehicon Construction Plant the Clone Pilots can be tenacious, unending, immovable and nearly overwhelming. Thankfully their armor can easily be destroyed, and since they lack true sparks they aren’t very tactically minded, but still these forces have drastically destroyed the delicate balance of the Universe Conflict dangerously tipping the sides in the Decepticons favor.
There is only one base unit design for all Clone Pilots; however those under Darth Mauls’ direct command have adopted an alternate color scheme as part of the Siths’ tactic to spread fear and discouragement through the ranks of the enemy.

Universe of Origin: Original Coruscant One Thousand Nine Hundred, Manufactured Cybertron One Thousand Three Hundred.

Allegiance: Decepticon
Function: Interceptor
Alternate Mode: Motorcycle
Motto: “No prey is too large, no fee is too small.”

Trapped in an endless temporal loop Axer was rescued by Darth Sidious thus he has pledged his unending loyalty to the Sith Lord; it is therefore no surprise that he has been trained in the combative styles of the Force Users.
Axer serves as Decepticon Interceptor; it’s his job to race in on any enemy position or battlefield and raze it to the ground, or instigate countermeasures against overwhelming Autobot forces.
Axer is equipped with an energon based light-repeating rifle; his internal systems have hollowed out fuel lines running throughout the entire superstructure fueling the weapon, one wrong move and he could be blown to atoms.

Universe of Origin: Cybertron Six Hundred and Twelve.

Allegiance: Decepticon
Function: Stunticon Leader
Alternate Mode: Tractor Trailer Truck
Motto: “These wheels are made for crushing.”
Sub-Group: Stunticon

Motormaster takes great joy in causing pain and suffering; he is remorseless and absolutely cruel all of this combined makes him a menace to Autobot and Decepticon alike, he’s a master of simple-minded bullying psychology. Mentally torturing his warriors into effective soldiers; Motormaster acts from a sense of entitlement that defies conscience, never letting anyone forget that he’s utterly convinced of his own invincibility. And he’s not far off in that respect since his power levels make it difficult to hinder, let alone stop him from performing whatever atrocity springs to his diabolical mind.
Motormasters’ top speed in vehicle mode is one hundred and forty miles per hour; once attained he can crush a twenty foot block of concrete into powder, his arsenal includes an atom-smasher rifle and an energo-blade. Motormaster serves as Menasors’ torso when combined with his fellow Stunticons.

Universe of Origin: Cybertron Zero, Zero Four.

Allegiance: Decepticon
Function: Scout
Alternate Mode: Earth Sportscar
Motto: “Keep your optical sensors to yourself.”
Sub-Group: Stunticon

Fate often has a sick sense of humor; the Stunticons can appreciate this, if not for a cruel and deliciously ironic twist of fate they would not have entered the Universe Conflict.
Breakdown suffers from the paranoid delusion that all optic sensors are on him at all times; picking out faults for his fellow Decepticons amusement, his disturbing lack of self-confidence is obvious because of his jerky, nervous movements.
Breakdown is even convinced inanimate machines are peering at him with malicious intent; Motormaster plays on this concern readily to keep Breakdown under his command and also for his personal amusement. As an Earth style sportscar he can attain two hundred and twenty mile per hour speeds and employs a double-barreled concussion cannon, when in robot mode he utilizes a concussion rifle; a curious vibrational quality in his engine uniquely his own creates mechanical failure in others including ordinary systems in a five hundred foot radius, one hundred feet in robot mode.
Combines with fellow Stunticons to become Menasor.

Universe of Origin: Cybertron Zero, Zero Four.

Dead End
Allegiance: Decepticon
Function: Warrior
Alternate Mode: Earth Sportscar
Motto: “We are all just food for rust.”
Sub-Group: Stunticon

Pessimism is a way of life for Dead End his reliably dour mood has developed into a constant source of humor among his fellow Stunticons, particularly the mean-spirited Motormaster. Dead End likes to keep himself looking and feeling perfect so that when the end does arrive he’ll leave an attractive corpse to let everyone know what they’ll be missing; he was convinced the end had come when the oddly dressed human-looking alien arrived and started blinking everyone on Cybertron out of existence, fortunately that has proven not the case.
Like most of his fellow Stunticons he can attain a top speed of two hundred and twenty miles per hour when in vehicle mode and has access to a double-barreled compression air cannon, his internal radar is good for tracking enemy movements within a two-hundred mile radius; in robot mode he uses a compressed air rifle capable of delivering forty thousand PSI of pressure.
He merges with the other four Stunticons to form Menasor.

Universe of Origin: Cybertron Zero, Zero Four.

Drag Strip
Allegiance: Decepticon
Function: Warrior
Alternate Mode: Earth Race Car
Motto: “The first one to cross the finish line wins.”
Sub-Group: Stunticon

No matter how insignificant a contest may seem, from a race to the casual slinging of insults between comrades Drag Strip approaches it with deadly seriousness; compelled to win at any cost he will selfishly use any underhanded means to ensure victory for himself shocking all those observing the Decepticon and his quick, maniacal reaction to real or perceived challenges.
Drag Strips’ pathological need to feel superior to others drives this frenetic emphasis on winning; he has become an unpopular fellow because of it, yet the spiteful Motormaster manages to infuriate this competitive Stunticon warrior by constantly using every opportunity to brag about his own superiority over Drag Strip. In vehicle mode he maxes out at two hundred and fifty miles per hour and can deploy a double-barreled plasma energy blaster, which can fire at a range of two thousand yards distance; when in robot mode he uses a gravito-gun that can enhance or reduce gravities’ effect on the target. Combines with the other Stunticons to form Menasor.

Universe of Origin: Cybertron Zero, Zero Four.

Allegiance: Decepticon
Function: Terrorist
Alternate Mode: Earth Sports Car
Motto: “Either you’re out of my way or you’re out of luck.”
Sub-Group: Stunticon

Wildrider destroys property and lives with the same grating cackle and careless, erratic manner; his insane antics have been so effective at spreading fear and terror that Mega Zarak has taken notice, congratulating him on his technique.
These accolades are lost on the Stunticon terrorist; he knows he’s not following any plan; he really is just that crazy.
Wildrider is highly maneuverable and can match Drag Strips’ top speed of two hundred and fifty miles per hour, a fact that infuriates his fellow Stunticon; in vehicle mode he attacks with a double-barreled plasma cannon similar to Drag Strips’. In robot mode he wields a scattershot gun that fires an erratic flurry of powerful laser beams at a range of one quarter mile, he merges with the rest of the Stunticons to form Menasor.

Universe of Origin: Cybertron Zero, Zero Four.

Allegiance: Decepticon
Function: Super Warrior
Alternate Mode: Stunticons
Motto: “Leave no Autobot uncrushed.”
Sub-Group: Stunticon

Menasor is the ultimate Decepticon weapon or in theory at least should be; unfortunately the Stunticons individual personalities are so at odd with one another that when combined, Menasor comes off as more of a child throwing a tantrum then a Decepticon warrior. Still when Motormaster forces cohesive co-operation Menasor becomes a force to be reckoned with; his strength is great enough that a single punch can deliver one hundred and forty tons of concussive force, his armor is unaffected by enemy fire and his joints are more heavily protected then most other combiners.
Menasor arms himself with Motormasters’ atom-smasher rifle and energo-sword; though he has access to the other Stunticons arsenal should he care to bother with them.

Universe of Origin: Cybertron Zero, Zero Four.

Allegiance: Decepticon
Function: Xenobotanist
Alternate Mode: Off-Road Jeep
Motto: “Primitive thinking leads to rash action.”

As a scientist Brushguard has few equals, he can and will create devices or even weapons that can decimate whole armies. Unfortunately he has little to work with here considering his specialty is Xenobotany and Cybertron lacks sufficient plant life, still he does what he can.
Disinterested in combat and disliking of violence means Brushguard is rarely seen on the battlefield, still he does come equipped with short-range claws on his hands for physical combat. And thanks to the power of his Cyber Key he can launch short range bursts of super heated acid from his chest.

Universe of Origin: Cybertron Six Thousand Five Hundred and Five.

Allegiance: Decepticon
Function: Urban Assault
Alternate Mode: Motorcycle
Motto: “Relax and just take it all in man.”

A loner, a renegade and a rebel Lugnutz prefers solitude to working with others, his only true friend is his assault rifle ‘Dutch’. Usually off cruising the roadways of Cybertron Lugnutz has perfected hit and run tactics to terrorize lone Autobot or Renegade outposts, he also enjoys racing against Renegade leader Cy-Kill.
With the power of his Cyber Key he can unlock a dual-purpose boost engine and grenade launcher, the engine serving as an extreme accelerant in vehicle mode. And the grenade launcher allowing for added firepower in robot mode, as would be expected Lugnutz fails to follow the rules.

Universe of Origin: Cybertron Eight Hundred and Twelve.

Allegiance: Decepticon
Function: Espionage Hunter
Alternate Mode: Mechanical Spinosaurus
Motto: “Tear to shreds, rip apart.”

A deadly and devious stalker of prey Undermine rarely allows anyone to escape his bite, in fact until becoming involved in the Universe Conflict no one had ever escaped. But with characters like Grimlock to contend with is it any wonder his reputation has become slightly tarnished?
A highly skilled and formidable fighter Undermine relies on powerful jaws and claws to shred through enemy armor, when in robot mode he uses a mace formed from his tail and a blade unlocked from his forehead by the Cyber Key to decimate his opponents.

Universe of Origin: Cybertron Forty-Six.

Allegiance: Decepticon
Function: Herald
Alternate Mode: Crab, Tank (Transmetal)
Motto: “Chaos rules all.”

A former bearer of a Dark Matrix Shokaract was slain by Apelinq in his reality, but that did not end his service to Unicron; becoming one of his Heralds he was sent to determine who would be chosen as the first lieutenant in Unicrons’ army.
Shokaract was killed a second time, but that can’t end his service to Unicron; though he is banned from the Universe Conflict. Shokaract is a triple changing Transmetal; in tank mode his armor is triple reinforced, in crab mode his claws can cut a Transformer in half. He has access to a tri-barreled rocket launcher in robot mode as well as a photonic beam cannon; as a former bearer of a Dark Matrix he also has access to incredible power and his strength is immeasurable.

Universe of Origin: Cybertron One Thousand Nine Hundred and Ninety-Eight.

Allegiance: Decepticon
Function: Herald
Alternate Mode: Locust (Transmetal Two)
Motto: “Service to my lord is life.”

It is unclear when or how Scourge became one of Unicrons’ Heralds; however he is purely loyal to the Chaos Bringer and aided in recruiting Reptilion as the first of his lieutenants.
Scourge is an adept physical combatant and wields a quarterstaff in battle; his insect-mode head also doubles as an energy projective weapon, he also has the power to create Transmetals and Transmetal Twos from organic warriors, and his leaping ability is greater then most due to his long legs.

Universe of Origin: Cybertron One Thousand Nine Hundred and Ninety-Eight.

Allegiance: Decepticon
Function: Herald
Alternate Mode: Panther (Transmetal Two)
Motto: “I hear and I obey.”

Unlike Shokaract and Scourge Ravage was not sent to die again in order to enslave another’s spark; instead his task was to gather new soldiers, he’s managed to build an impressive army for his master unfortunately his overzealousness has led to his demise at the hands of Allan Rutherford.
Ravage was exceptionally tough; his armor could withstand a lot of punishment and his claws were capable of piercing spark chambers, he also carried a fusion cannon of half-strength energy levels and he had the ability to travel freely between realities.

Universe of Origin: Cybertron One Thousand Nine Hundred and Ninety-Nine.

Allegiance: Decepticon
Function: Herald
Alternate Mode: Double-Headed Dragon (Possibly Transmetal Two)
Motto: “Chaos cannot exist without Order.”

Chosen by Unicron to replace the disappointingly inept Ravage Deathsaurus works tirelessly to discover the perfect recruits; it is even possible that he shall be forced to join the war before its’ completion. Deathsaurus employs a host of sensor probes and scanning technologies to peruse the Universes inhabited by Cybertronian life forms in search of new recruits; he uses a large quarterstaff to tear open vortexes between realities once he has discovered his next target, the weapon is also capable of separating into twin clubs for melee combat or act as missile launchers whose warheads carry the equivalent of eighteen tons of C-4 explosives.
In beast mode both heads are capable of firing five thousand degree flames; this temperature is fueled by the energies of a coal-like element situated in his belly, this substance is self-replenishing and allows Deathsaurus to melt any opponents into a puddle of slag with varying degrees of effectiveness. His armor is equipped with a unique system that independently generates a shifting frequency shield that can repel most all forms of energy based attacks.

Universe of Origin: Cybertron Two Thousand and Five.
RID Warriors MOSC Thunderhoof, Ratchet
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Old 08-27-2007, 11:41 AM   #15
Nexus Maximus
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Re: Transformers Universe

Allegiance: Mini-Con (Sunstorms’ Partner)
Function: Powermaster
Alternate Mode: Missile Truck
Motto: N/A

A silent drone Sunspot is a portion of Sunstorms’ power given physical form by Unicron; he has no personality and obeys any command issued, the perfect soldier. The launcher on his back is capable of being wielded by Sunstorm as a hand-held weapon; and his fists house particle blasters, when attached to Sunstorm he unlocks all of the Decepticons’ abilities and grants access to his assault mode.

Universe of Origin: N/A.

Search & Destroy (S&D)
Allegiance: Mini-Con (Runabouts’ Partner)
Function: Corporal
Alternate Mode: Motorcycle
Motto: “Up Maggot!”

Search & Destroy is Runabouts’ right hand mech; he’ll blow reveille at oh five hundred, gleefully seek out lollygaggers and even maliciously injure a cocky upstart to take him down a peg. Most of the Decepticons call him S&D for short; many have also slapped those initials with rude and condescending replacements, some of the more popular ones include Short & Dumb, Scrapped & Dead and Slow & Demented, but Search & Destroy doesn’t give a damn, he thrives on conflict.
Though his body design is a physical equal to Nightriders’ he’s managed to tweak the physical limitations considerably; his land speed has never been clocked, but it is impressive and he doesn’t need weapons because according to him “fighting just isn’t my thing.” However when cornered he can turn as vicious as a caged animal; his arms ending in sharp blades can easily slice servos and mechanical hamstrings, and his head is as thick as a rock allowing him to ram enemy assailants and render them comatose if he can get a good shot to the head in.

Universe of Origin: Cybertron Eleven.

Dead End
Allegiance: Mini-Con (Unicrons’ Partner)
Function: Minion
Alternate Mode: Small Moon
Motto: N/A

Dead End is one of countless Mini-Cons employed by Unicron in an unspecified number of realities that act as internal defenses; Dead End’s transformation mimics that of a moon, but is really more of an assault drone considering the size, still the cannon affixed to his person is capable of firing highly potent levels of dark matter energies.
Dead End is also capable of Powerlinking with compatible units and boosting their power levels off the charts; Unicron plucked this version of Dead End from the husk of one of his counterparts and sent him to Mega Zarak, the Decepticon leader has yet to employ him however fearing Powerlinking with the unstable mute could damage his cognitive processors, Dead End has become almost a religious figurehead to the other Mini-Cons.

Universe of Origin: Unknown.

Allegiance: Mini-Con (Rapid Runs’ Partner)
Function: Headmaster
Alternate Mode: Head
Motto: “Make friends so you can betray them later.”

Nightcruz enjoys toying with the emotions of fellow Mini-Cons; he’ll befriend them, learn their most carefully guarded secrets and then, after he’s learned as much as he can or wants and no longer finds amusement in the friendship he’ll betray them. Either by revealing their secrets to others; or more often then not destroying their prized possessions and leaving them out on the battlefield where all can see.
Nightcruz is rarely seen by the Autobots, were they to discover his existence they might figure out Rapid Run’s true motives; when linked to Rapid Run he unlocks the Decepticon personality, alone he carries no weapons.

Universe of Origin: Cybertron Thirty.

Allegiance: Mini-Con (Rapid Runs’ Partner)
Function: Headmaster
Alternate Mode: Head
Motto: “The lone lesson I can give, is be careful who you trust.”

A smooth talker; Nightscream can get even Autobots to fall for his lines; it’s an art form to him that he’s practiced for years. Ferreting out carefully guarded secrets he’ll relay them through Nightcruz to the Decepticons; remarkably so far nobody knows who is ultimately responsible for the security leaks, perhaps because they’re too embarrassed to admit they fell for his scam. When linked to Rapid Run he unlocks the Autobot personality; neither Mini-Con possesses armaments, however they can combine into a rider for Rapid Run’s vehicle mode that acts as a second driver.

Universe of Origin: Cybertron Thirty.

Allegiance: Mini-Con (Rapid Runs’ Partner)
Function: Rider
Alternate Mode: Nightcruz, Nightscream
Motto: N/A

When both Mini-Cons combine into their rider form Rapid Run gains a second set of eyes and another pair of hands to steer him by; reacting with split second timing the three of them can avoid enemy fire, run down smaller foes, or hightail it back to base at breakneck speeds seeking a new thrill.
Though fully capable of speech he opts to remain aloof, silent and mysterious; he jokingly chose the name CruzScream because it amused him, and he has been known to follow any whim that strikes him.

Universe of Origin: Cybertron Thirty.

Allegiance: Mini-Con (Starscreams’ Partner)
Function: Gunner
Alternate Mode: Formula One Race Car
Motto: “Drive the fast lane with me.”

Zapmaster was a lost Mini-Con drifting through the Omniverse until she sensed a kindred spirit; that spirit was the spark of the trapped Starscream, the two of them spent some time getting to know each other. When Unicron enlisted him Zapmaster chose willingly to become his Mini-Con partner; together the two became part of Unicrons’ army.

Zapmaster has minimum armor, but makes up for it with her impressive land speed; she can powerlink to Starscream or other Mini-Con capable Decepticons and enhance them, she and Starscream also share a unique linking feature in which she can be stowed under his cockpit for transport, and rapid deployment.

Universe of Origin: Unknown.

Allegiance: Mini-Con (Ramjets’ Partner)
Function: Aerial Striker
Alternate Mode: Jet
Motto: “Seek peace and nothing escapes your grasp.”

A silent observer of the war; Raven chooses to keep her motives and her loyalties a secret, though it is undisputed that she would die for Ramjet her savior. Her arms come equipped with a multitude of different pulse beams and sensor nets; and her physical prowess is an equal match to Ramjets’. Her vehicle form is capable of linking with Ramjet to serve as front landing gear when the situation calls and none dare cross her for her temper is legendary among Mini-Cons.

Universe of Origin: Cybertron Seven Thousand Eighty-Nine.

Allegiance: Mini-Con (Decepticon) [Mega Zaraks’ Partner]
Function: Targetmaster
Alternate Mode: Cannon Transport; Duotronic Destabilizer Pistol
Quote: “Servitude sucks.”

Caliburn was once a proud Decepticon warrior, until the day he was struck down in battle; with his body completely destroyed Mega Zarak graciously offered to rebuild him. If he’d known that would mean becoming a Mini-Con and reduced to a lowly Targetmaster he never would have agreed.
As a Mini-Con, Caliburn has enhanced strength; though limited abilities and unfortunately he’s no match for full sized Decepticons. As a Targetmaster, he can convert into a dual-barreled duotronic destabilizer pistol; as a Mini-Con he is capable of Powerlinking with compatible Decepticons and enhancing their own strengths.
As a former Decepticon however, Caliburn has begun to discover that he is feeling and thinking strange thoughts; especially since he’s befriended the other Mini-Cons.

Universe of Origin: Cybertron Seventy-Four.

Allegiance: Mini-Con (Drenchs’ Partner)
Function: Aerial Assault
Alternate Mode: Stealth Jet
Motto: N/A

Windrazor was partnered with Drench because no one else could trust her; hard to do with a Mini-Con whose last three consecutive partners died from total Energon drain. But it wasn’t Windrazor’s fault; and she would have told someone if she deemed them worthy of hearing her voice.
In truth she suffers from a rare affliction among Mini-Cons’; although she supplies energy to Decepticons she in turn must be totally compatible otherwise a certain fail safe device will eventually cause her to drink every last drop of Energon from the unit.
The fail safe was created by an insane Mini-Con who fancied himself the equivalent of an Earth Vampire. Fortunately she and Drench are compatible and she will do anything to keep him safe; her weapons consist of nose cone mounted lasers and shoulder mounted rocket launchers.

Universe of Origin: Cybertron Two Hundred and Nine.

Allegiance: Mini-Con (Astrotrain’s Partner)
Function: Quartermaster
Alternate Mode: Moon Buggy
Motto: “You take only what you need.”

As a partner to a Decepticon rarely involved in combat, Starcatcher needed something to relieve his tensions; thus he became the quartermaster for the armory, which has made many of the Decepticons quite annoyed.
Starcatchers’ belief that you can get by one fight at a time with the minimum armaments, has often left many a warrior forced to battle hand to hand; Razorclaw has ordered Astrotrain to end this, but it isn’t easy.
Starcatcher’s basic design is limited and he suffers a lot of stress due to his landing gear configuration and his armaments could desperately use some help; however his power reserves are extreme and when powerlinked he can increase a Decepticons’ own strength power by a factor of fifteen.

Universe of Origin: Cybertron Four Hundred Twenty.

Allegiance: Mini-Con (Cyclonus’ Partner)
Function: Front-Line Attack
Alternate Mode: Tank; Cockpit
Motto: “The frontlines are where the real fighters live and breathe.”

A combat junkie, Crumplezone firmly believes he was built for war; the fact that he was a second class laborer down at the docks prior to his refit notwithstanding. He enjoys running down weaker Mini-Cons, but finds full scale combat with large scale Autobots more of a challenge. He is noteworthy for his impressive kill count, which wracked up over the years.
His vehicle modes turret can fire eight rounds of pure energy a second and twin repulsor rays on his front treads prevent anyone from taking advantage of his slow pace. He refitted his superstructure to accommodate an alternate transform when he partnered with Cyclonus to maximize the duos’ fighting abilities. Unfortunately this refit has seriously weakened his armor when in cockpit mode making him more susceptible to enemy artillery.

Universe of Origin: Cybertron Zero, Zero Nine.

Allegiance: Mini-Con (Demolishors’ Partner)
Function: Scout
Alternate Mode: Modified Half-Track
Motto: “Negative.”

A Mini-Con so devoid of true personality many believe he is nothing more then a drone; however Blackout isn’t cold and emotionless by nature, it’s just the way his programming altered after numerous experiments concocted by Megatron.
His radar detection dish houses numerous sensors all connected in a complex web of ever active systems; several of which are back ups of back ups. His arms house twin polaron blasters, which shatter armor plating at fifty yards and pierce spark chambers at twenty-five or closer. These can be modified to emit low-level sonar beams or regular pulse blasts if the situation calls for it.

Universe of Origin: Cybertron Zero, Zero Nine.

Allegiance: Mini-Con (Ransacks’ Partner)
Function: Surveillance
Alternate Mode: Cybertronian Digger
Motto: “Lay in the new pipe.”

A no nonsense hard working Mini-Con, Shrapnel employs his vehicle mode to bore into the ground and locate rich deposits of Energon. He is disgusted with his partner due to his lackluster approach to construction; when powerlinked to Ransack he enhances the already strong Decepticon ten fold, and his unique configuration is resilient to many forms of small arms fire.
Primary weapon involves the ability to collect massive quantities of energy in his horns and re-direct them as electrical bursts from his hands. He also has jump jets in his boots that grant him limited flight or improved leaping to traverse great distances.

Universe of Origin: Cybertron Twenty-Five.

Allegiance: Mini-Con (Treadshots’ Partner)
Function: Tactical Advisor
Alternate Mode: Motorcycle
Motto: “Everyone else gets competent partners; I get stuck with the pervert.”

The true brains of the operation Nightrider is the master strategist behind all of Treadshots’ successes; his design failed to account for his true intellect thus he must rely on telepathic communication and limited telekinetic manipulation. He has poor strength made all the more aggravating by his lack of true hands; however he will make do as best as he is able during combat, his lone optic also doubles as a means of generating antielectron bursts; however this ability is limited by numerous factors and rarely utilized during combat.

Universe of Origin: Cybertron Seven Thousand Eighty-Nine.

Blast Off
Allegiance: Mini-Con
Function: Combat Specialist
Alternate Mode: Transport Truck
Motto: “Strive for perfection.”
Sub-Group: Nova Burst Team

As a combat specialist, Blast Off serves as the one who offers information to Astrotrain when the team is in the field; Astrotrain has bonded with the Mini-Con team and is the only Decepticon they’ll work with.
Thus Razorclaw has to use Astrotrain when he requires the use of the Requiem Cannon; Blast Off alone has no outstanding qualities, his armaments are relatively weak, which is why he pretty much avoids the combat field unless absolutely necessary.

Universe of Origin: Cybertron Four Hundred and Twenty.

Sky Spy
Allegiance: Mini-Con
Function: Targeting Computer
Alternate Mode: Satellite
Motto: “Science is for wimps.”
Sub-Group: Nova Burst Team

When the Requiem Cannon was first conceived it was discovered that the Mini-Cons’ who underwent the process would have to sacrifice for the greater good. Sky Spy was picked for the central component because of her computer skills and her intelligence levels; her design has enhanced armor, but limited durability in the legs.
That’s why she must remain off the battlefield entirely or else she could suffer damages; she has resigned herself to her fate though she resents it.

Universe of Origin: Cybertron Four Hundred and Twenty.

Allegiance: Mini-Con
Function: Defender
Alternate Mode: Mini Shuttle
Motto: “Back off.”
Sub-Group: Nova Burst Team

The strongest member of the team, which isn’t saying much; Turnstyle has the most armor and the best weapon. Actually the only weapon that means anything, besides Sky Spys’ missile launcher, but since she can’t be present on the battlefield it’s fairly useless.
Turnstyle serves as a defender of the bitter female Mini-Con when ever they’re on the assault team; he also serves as a buffer between her and other Mini-Cons. Capable of flying alongside Astrotrain, Turnstyle works with the Decepticon to protect the troops during transport.

Universe of Origin: Cybertron Four Hundred and Twenty.

Requiem Cannon
Mini-Con Weapon Combination
Sub-Group: Nova Burst Team

As the combined form of the team the Requiem Cannon proves to be the most powerful of the Mini-Con weapons; it can kill with one blast and has the unique status of being impervious to everything, including the Dark Saber; despite how weak the individual Mini-Cons armor is.

Universe of Origin: Cybertron Found Hundred and Twenty.

Allegiance: Mini-Con
Function: Aerial Bomber
Alternate Mode: Airplane; Multi-Barreled Cannon
Motto: “Sow havoc!”
Sub-Group: Air Strike Team

A very dull individual with highly unimpressive IQ ratings; Grenade serves as one of three Mini-Cons paired with Ramjet to counter the Autobots Mini-Con numbers. A triple changing threat who converts into a deadly multi-barreled cannon capable of raining death from above.

Universe of Origin: Cybertron Seven Thousand Eighty-Nine.

Allegiance: Mini-Con
Function: Team Leader
Alternate Mode: Stealth Fighter; Throwing Star
Motto: “I’m surrounded by incompetents.”
Sub-Group: Air Strike Team

The smartest of the unit; Shuriken serves as the leader, he downplays his own intelligence so that he can at least pretend to appreciate their company. His stealth armor is quite effective and his arms house twin rocket launchers in the shoulders; his weapon mode can be thrown or used as a stationary armament. It is capable of tearing through even the strongest armors and was specially designed to remain lodged in its chosen target effectively hindering combat.

Universe of Origin: Cybertron Seven Thousand Eighty-Nine.

Allegiance: Mini-Con
Function: Aerial Striker
Alternate Mode: Jet Fighter; Electron Claw
Motto: “Destruction is an art form.”
Sub-Group: Air Strike Team

Despite his apparent intelligence Trachea suffers from the greatest ailment known to Human or Cybertronian; he tends to blurt things out before conscious thought. Which can net him a lot of trouble; he is an acclaimed artist who uses the bodies of those he’s decimated to make brilliant works of art appreciated by both Mini-Cons and Decepticons.
His arms house pyrokinetic manipulators and his weapon mode is quite effective in close quarters combat.

Universe of Origin: Cybertron Seven Thousand Eighty-Nine.

Allegiance: Mini-Con
Function: Team Commander
Alternate Mode: Bicycle
Motto: “We are not weaklings.”
Sub-Group: Street Traction Team

Blade and her team came from the same reality as Ramjet, Treadshot and the Air Strike team; Unicron called them to his side so that Sunstorm could have soldiers to command. Blade serves as the leader of her unit her strength may be limited, but her cunning is unmatched by others among the Mini-Cons.
She had led the team through many successful missions until they were terminated at the hands of the Autobots, her skills in combat have been retained after revival and the blade attached to her left arm is quite capable of cutting through most forms of armor. Combines with her fellow teammates to form Reflector.

Universe of Origin: Cybertron Seven Thousand Eighty-Nine.

Allegiance: Mini-Con
Function: Scientist
Alternate Mode: Skateboard
Motto: “Temporal field mechanics are simple; dates are hard.”
Sub-Group: Street Traction Team

A great intelligence and a meek personality are usual staples of female scientists on Cybertron; Dirk is not your typical scientist. Her loud and sometimes obnoxious attitude and willingness to perform unorthodox experiments got her expelled from the Higher Institute for the Pursuit of Knowledge. When she met Blade; a compatible unit if ever she saw one, she immediately latched on to the concept of combination. Thanks to her work Reflector was born; although her combat skills are limited she makes up for it with her impressive knowledge of Cybertronian weak points and her electron rifle.

Universe of Origin: Cybertron Seven Thousand Eighty-Nine.

Allegiance: Mini-Con
Function: Field Tactician
Alternate Mode: Scooter
Motto: “Just keep walking.”
Sub-Group: Street Traction Team

A master tactician Leeway hides her skills well behind a mask of feminine grace and beauty; but when she’s on the front lines expect to face a cold unwavering general. Her vehicle form is the slowest of the three and she carries no weapons preferring to bark orders or rely on brute strength, she is after all the strongest among the team; also combines with fellow Mini-Cons to form Reflector.

Universe of Origin: Cybertron Seven Thousand Eighty-Nine.

Allegiance: Mini-Con
Function: Berserker
Alternate Mode: Street Traction Team
Motto: “I’ll pulverize’em.”

The result of years of hard work Reflector is a male combiner formed from female Mini-Cons; quite the contradiction in terms some might say. His personality is an amalgam of Dirks’ obnoxiousness, Leeways’ overzealousness and Blades’ deep rooted command mentality; thus he makes a very unrelenting warrior.
Despite his unique personality and impressive array of combat skills Reflector suffers from the dual nature of his gender and oftentimes will adopt effeminate mannerisms when not in combat.

Universe of Origin: Cybertron Seven Thousand Eighty-Nine.

Allegiance: Mini-Con
Function: Bounty Hunter
Alternate Mode: Double Crane
Motto: “Objective; Understood.”
Sub-Group: Gigantian Assault Team

Though the Gigantian Assault Team are Mini-Cons they weren’t always Cybertronian; at one point all three members were organic life forms of indeterminate origins, Unicron initially recreated them into a trio of Decepticon sized units and sent them after Galvatron.
Afterwards they were reformatted into Mini-Cons and sent to infiltrate the planet Gigantian in order to corrupt the Gigantians with their Powerlinking capabilities.

Now they are working as Bounty Hunters in Unicron’s army during the Universe Conflict; Astro-Hook converts into a double crane, one crane arm can lift fifteen tons or more with its hook. While the claw arm can dig up necessary materials or gouge enemy armor; he doesn’t carry any weapons preferring brute strength and physical combat, he claims it builds character.

Universe of Origin: Indeterminate.

Allegiance: Mini-Con
Function: Bounty Hunter
Alternate Mode: Cargo Plane
Motto: “Target; Neutralized.”
Sub-Group: Gigantian Assault Team

Astro-Line serves as unofficial team leader and is the most deadly of the trio; he is armed with twin missile launchers housed in his arms in robot mode, these missiles can penetrate any armor and short out operating systems. In vehicle mode Astro-Line can reach top speeds of One Hundred MPH; his physical strength is average, but his cunning and stealth skills make up for this weakness.

Universe of Origin: Indeterminate.

Allegiance: Mini-Con
Function: Bounty Hunter
Alternate Mode: Submarine
Motto: “Mission; Accomplished.”
Sub-Group: Gigantian Assault Team

Astro-Sinker prefers to remain solo when undertaking missions; his arrogant nature prevents him from admitting to any need for assistance despite the fact his physical strength is not much of a match for his targets. The Gigantian Assault Team as a whole have not been partnered up with anyone; their status as Mini-Cons is purely superfluous, in fact if they were to powerlink to any one unit for too long they could disrupt the Decepticons’ operating protocols.
Astro-Sinker uses torpedoes in vehicle mode and modified photonic blasters in robot mode capable of unleashing a dark cloud of light dousing photon charges, thus rendering his targets blind to other assaults.

Universe of Origin: Indeterminate.

Allegiance: Mini-Con
Function: Demolitions
Alternate Mode: Construction Vehicle
Motto: “You need to tear down before you can build.”
Sub-Group: Road Wrecker Team

The Road Wrecker Team was always more aggressive then their fellow Mini-Cons; single handedly they held the highest human mortality rate, Sparkplug was always trying to curb their darker personalities.
After being rescued they chose to join forces with the Decepticons; their favored unit is Cyclonus whom they share a unique power enhancing linking capability, Buzzsaw is equipped in vehicle mode with a diamond-hard Energon-powered buzz saw. This feature is capable of slicing through construction materials for the Constructicons or armor plating with ease, it also makes an effective hand to hand weapon; and each blade has a built-in scoop to remove even more materials much like shovels.

Universe of Origin: Cybertron Two Thousand and Three.

Drill Bit
Allegiance: Mini-Con
Function: Demolitions
Alternate Mode: Earth Boring Vehicle
Motto: “Destroy and conquer.”
Sub-Group: Road Wrecker Team

Drill Bit is a powerhouse unlike any other; he employs a mighty reinforced drill that can bore through ten feet of a material as dense as titanium in seconds, his left hand in robot mode is actually a dual-barreled liquid dispenser rifle. With it he can fire numerous acids, liquid nitrogen or even quick drying cement; his vehicle mode is a little on the slow side, but he can make up for it by tunneling underground and getting the drop on his opponents.

Universe of Origin: Cybertron Two Thousand and Three.

Allegiance: Mini-Con
Function: Demolitions, Team Leader
Alternate Mode: Assault Tank
Motto: “The end justifies the means.”
Sub-Group: Road Wrecker Team

As leader of the team Dualor is the most aggressive and has configured himself a vehicle mode to suit his personality; at one point he attempted to get them to disengage their power dampers which serve to regulate the amount of power Decepticons receive and have access to when powerlinked, the process failed.
Dualor possess dual polaron blasters; the weapons fire a high density particle spread designed to shatter the linkage systems of larger Transformers damaging their ability to resist or even move.

Universe of Origin: Cybertron Two Thousand and Three.

Allegiance: Mini-Con
Function: Nocturnal Assault
Alternate Mode: Six-Wheeled Tank
Motto: “Fear the darkness and the shadows for we are there.”
Sub-Group: Night Attack Team

The Night Attack Team specializes in nocturnal assault as their name implies; they’ll sneak in and do anything that is required of them from assassination to data theft, they’re equipped with sensor dampening armor, which is also extra thick and special night-vision optic sensors.
Broadsides’ shoulder cannon can fire powerful energy blasts or an anti-personnel missile that is effective up to five miles in robot mode and eight miles in vehicle mode; his strength levels are also above average for a Mini-Con and despite his bulk he’s an effective stealth unit.

Universe of Origin: Cybertron Two Thousand and Three.

Allegiance: Mini-Con
Function: Nocturnal Assault
Alternate Mode: Assault Tank
Motto: “What, you think you can take me?”
Sub-Group: Night Attack Team

Highly aggressive Fetch has a short temper among his comrades; however when infiltrating enemy strongholds he can curb this temper to get his job done entering what some have called his Zen mode, for a Mini-Con he has exceptional strength and stamina. Fetch is armed with two rocket launchers situated on his arms in robot mode; each one is capable of firing a self-targeting warhead with variable payloads, he enjoys loading each cannon with different ordnances so he can provide “a little variety for his victims” as he’s been known to quote.

Universe of Origin: Cybertron Two Thousand and Three.

Allegiance: Mini-Con
Function: Nocturnal Assault
Alternate Mode: Rocket Carrier
Motto: “Fight fire with firepower.”
Sub-Group: Night Attack Team

Scattor leads the team and has the most sophisticated of the night assault gear; his tactical mindset is perfect, he’s studied and perfected his battle tactics and knowledge for any and all situations. Scattor employs a large cannon as a right arm; with it he can fire a variable warhead payload, his weapon of choice is a multiple-missile warhead that launches nine independently targeted heat-seeking projectiles at multiple targets.

Universe of Origin: Cybertron Two Thousand and Three.

Allegiance: Chaos
Function: God
Alternate Mode: Unnamed Planet
Motto: “Destiny belongs to me.”

There are many legends surrounding the origins of Unicron; though convoluted and confusing all can agree that Unicron is a force of great evil that must be stopped no matter the cost, killing him however has become an impossibility due to the fact that Unicron has become the very embodiment of chaos itself, just as his arch nemesis Primus has seemingly become the embodiment of order and light… Thus they must constantly exist and constantly be in a state of never-ending conflict.
Unicron’s motives are difficult to understand; he fashioned his body into a planet devouring form that mimicked a planet itself so that presumably he could destroy Cybertron, yet in many instances he waits patiently for eons before making his move and in other realities the Unicron which exists there has exhibited entirely different motives including forcing all of Cybertron into a never-ending cycle of death and rebirth akin to the Norse Ragnarok, one version was even claimed to have been built by a primitive alien being called Primacron who desired to destroy Cybertron for reasons that remained unclear.
At various times both the Quintessons and the Vok have claimed to be offspring of Unicrons’ just as the Cybertronians prove to be creations of Primus; it is unknown if these claims are truthful for the Quintessons in other realities have also claimed to be the masters and creators of Cybertron itself, and in one reality the Vok have proven to be creators of Earth for an unknown purpose. Other races are said to worship aspects of the Dark God; such as the creations of the Beast Planet who fashioned their world into a planet devourer akin to Unicron, several races and their planets who have worshiped the Harbinger of Chaos at one point have been destroyed by Unicron despite their worship.
Being a God Unicron has immense powers and due to his supposed origins and links to the very fabric of reality itself in the form of true Chaos his powers sometimes seem to be even greater then Primus’s; although this is most likely due to outside influences perhaps even cosmic entities such as Death or Lord Chaos itself.
Unicron has demonstrated the following abilities; he can reformat dead or dying individuals not limited to mere mechanical life forms into new bodies bestowing immense physical strength and, or different abilities from those possessed in their former lives. He has kept psychic contact with enslaved warriors; through which he can inflict untold amounts of pain on them if they dared disobey his orders or failed him, he could also kill them instantly if so inclined. Unicron’s planet form can trap other worlds in his gravity well and draws them into his maw; inside he has numerous devices, acid baths, grinders, mulchers and others designed to break down the planets’ resources and materials to fuel him, unlike other world devourers however such as Galactus and the Beast Planet he does not require said resources for sustenance.
He also is capable of witnessing everything happening in the universe, multiverse, megaverse or omniverse at once using his powers or to a lesser extent drones equipped with sophisticated recording devices; his robotic form also possesses numerous armaments and incalculable strength due to its’ mass, Unicron’s size varies from larger then Cybertron to smaller then Cybertron though it is unclear which of these two is the true limit of his size.
The Unicron of reality dubbed Earth Nine Hundred and Twenty-Nine has also displayed the power to forcibly merge realities when he tried to unite Earth Nine Hundred and Twenty-Nine with mainstay Marvel Earth Six Hundred and Sixteen in an attempt to eliminate Allan Rutherford from the timeline, this version of Unicron is also said to have devoured or destroyed Galactus.

Universe of Origin: N/A.

Allegiance: Decepticon
Function: Observer
Alternate Mode: Tank
Motto: “Peace through Tyranny.”

Companion to Optimus Prime, Megatron is the direct opposite. Constantly meddling in events he should not oftentimes he influences catastrophic changes for the sake of keeping his humanity, as it were, his specialty is ensuring that when the chips are down the losing side somehow still comes out on top be it Autobot or Decepticon.
Wielding a small megaton shell launcher in robot mode, his right arm his actually a bladed quarterstaff capable of shredding unprotected armor. In tank mode his barrel can fire concentrate laser blasts able to rip through everything including spark chambers.
Megatron works more for Primus than Unicron or even himself, but that is only because Primus created both units specifically to observe and catalogue all important historical events in Cybertrons history.

Universe of Origin: Cybertron Seven Hundred and Thirty-Eight.

That's it for the Decepticons, but not the factions involved; aside from a few updates to the Autobots I'll also be posting the third distinct faction involved dubbed the Renegades.
As well as the Cybertron and Destrons from Transformers Universe Robot Masters the side-story.
RID Warriors MOSC Thunderhoof, Ratchet

Last edited by Scrapper6; 08-27-2007 at 11:44 AM.
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Old 09-03-2007, 09:09 AM   #16
Nexus Maximus
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Re: Transformers Universe

Now I present to you all, the Renegades!

A new faction has arisen within the Universe Conflict; the Renegades target both sides, Autobot and Decepticon in an attempt to disrupt the plans of both Unicron and Primus. These soldiers are led by a courageous though insidious individual claiming the name Optimus Prime; past and present Autobot forces collide resurrected from within the Matrix itself the soldiers of Optimus Prime obey the will of the Source, that which is said to be the Creator of both Primus and Unicron. But in truth; this faction has far more insidious goals, or at least its’ leader has, and unbeknownst to even him he is in fact following Primus’ grand design… And that of Unicron as well…

Optimus Prime
Allegiance: Renegade
Function: Renegade Leader
Alternate Mode: Fire Truck
Motto: “The Source commands this to end.”

At the onset of Primus’ and Unicrons’ Universe Conflict Optimus Primal was chosen to lead the Autobots, but his spark was not alone; reformatting Cybertron partially merged the spark of Primal and Megatron thus both were sharing the same body. When Primal discovered the Matrix and became Sentinel Maximus; Megatron tapped into the artifact himself and became a new warrior, or rather two new warriors.
Taking the name Optimus Prime in this body; the spark half of Megatron chose to create a new third faction to further his own goals of becoming a God, denouncing both warring Gods and their sides Optimus Prime formed the Renegades and began to fight against both factions intent on undermining the war effort.

Optimus Prime wields an Infernus Blaster; this weapon shoots three hundred degree flames and can melt standard enemy armor, he is also capable of combining into a larger robot mode with his trailer and gain access to its’ impressive arsenal.
The hydro cannons on the tip of the ladder can shoot a circuit dousing spray; the ladder itself houses both highly sophisticated passive sensing equipment and aggressive rocket launchers that fire heat seeking rockets.
Being empowered by the Matrix; Prime, though not the wielder of the artifact can use its’ power to resurrect any warrior he chooses, however in order to maintain control of these warriors he’s limited the size of his army and prefers the smaller more competent forces he has amassed.

Universe of Origin: Cybertron One Thousand Three Hundred.

Ultra Magnus
Allegiance: Renegade
Function: Field Commander
Alternate Mode: Car Carrier
Motto: “Your pointless war does not interest me.”

The other half of Megatrons’ spark became the field commander Ultra Magnus and has a more aggressive nature preferring to fight everyone and anyone. The Renegades as a group sport the Autobot insignia crossed out to indicate where they stand; what none of the Renegades realize is that they are in truth serving Primus’s own goals, Unicrons’ as well partially.

Ultra Magnus is impressively strong; his car carrier form can transport three or more Renegades into battle and houses twin sub-machine guns below the headlights, he carries a unique weapon capable of acting like a Targetmaster. The weapon; dubbed Blue Bolts by Magnus, fires missiles, can configure into a particle cannon or a semi-automatic gatling gun, or even allow all three modes to fire as one in his ultimate attack.

Universe of Origin: Cybertron One Thousand Three Hundred.

Omega Prime
Allegiance: Renegade
Function: Ultimate Warrior
Alternate Mode: Optimus Prime, Ultra Magnus
Motto: “The Source commands your destruction.”

Separated into two spark halves to further his goals Megatron can combine his Optimus Prime and Ultra Magnus bodies into the ultimate warrior Omega Prime and gain access to Magnus’ weapon and strength; he also becomes attuned to the Matrix energy allowing him the power to breach dimensional barriers to summon new soldiers for the Renegades.
He can also generate Matrix blasts and severely injure Autobot or Decepticon; as a cover for his manipulations Omega Prime claims to be serving the Source, supposedly the creator of both Unicron and Primus.

Universe of Origin: Cybertron One Thousand Three Hundred.

Allegiance: Renegade
Function: Renegade Leader, Precision Instrument of Destruction
Alternate Mode: Motorcycle
Motto: “Crush the Guardians!”

Upon searching for like-minded individuals Renegade Leader Optimus Prime broke through to a reality where other mechanical life forms existed; known collectively as the Gobots, so called because of their home planet of Gobotron. This reality proved a wild card; Unicron and Primus did not exist there, in fact the Gobots proved pathetically weak compared to Cybertronians.

Prime stole three members of a faction also called Renegades; their leader Cy-Kill, an aerial enforcer by the name of Cop-Tur and a speedy powerhouse called Crasher, during this process he replaced their frail superstructures with powerful Cybertronian ones.
Cy-Kill possesses a small, sleek new body capable of harnessing the power of a unique Cyber Planet Key infused with energy of Gobotron; his top ground speed is three hundred miles per hour. His weapon of choice is a small Pipe Cannon capable of firing globs of oil that can burn enemy armor upon contact, when called upon the Gobotron Planet Key unlocks a tri-barreled grenade launcher.

Universe of Origin: Gobotron Prime.

Red Alert
Allegiance: Renegade
Function: Chief of Security
Alternate Mode: Police Car
Motto: “Identify or be Destroyed.”

The first sparks resurrected by Optimus Prime weren’t fully integrated with their past lives; so far all of the sparks have been former Autobots claimed by the same Cosmic Rust plague that decimated Cybertron One Thousand Three Hundred, Megatron finds a perverse pleasure in using them as pawns.

Given the abilities of a Spychanger; Red Alert serves as Security Chief for Renegade HQ, and is rather single minded in his job. His sirens house a sophisticated sensor packet; not on par with the Autobot Inferno, but still serviceable for their needs. He wields a low yield energy pistol, but has acceptable strength and skill in the martial arts.

Universe of Origin: Cybertron One Thousand Three Hundred.

Allegiance: Renegade
Function: Assassin
Alternate Mode: Pickup Truck
Motto: “Autonomous Control.”

Many of the Renegades are more within the grey area of both sides of the conflict; Hoist is no exception, given free reign over his mission for the team Hoist is often little seen on the battlefield, he’s an assassin and equipped with stealth abilities that would put Mirage to shame.

Rarely interacting with fellow Renegades; Hoist prefers the autonimity his job allows, he wields an enhanced sniper rifle and can pick off targets from over three hundred meters away.

Universe of Origin: Cybertron One Thousand Three Hundred.

Allegiance: Renegade
Function: Tactician
Alternate Mode: Semi Cab
Motto: “According to my calculations there is a thirty-nine percent chance of success.”

Sharing certain physical traits with Optimus Prime; Roller acts as a diagnostic drone, it is believed that his spark was the Optimus of Cybertron One Thousand Three Hundred. With both the Decepticons and Autobots to consider Roller needed to be a tactical genius; and in point of fact he is, he has no use for weapons preferring to order the rest of the Renegades around with his battle plans. Prime keeps Roller close in order to keep him in line and also to ensure the others don’t slag him.

Universe of Origin: Cybertron One Thousand Three Hundred.

Allegiance: Renegade

Function: Maintenance
Alternate Mode: Rescue Sport Utility Vehicle
Motto: “Put it over there and keep out of my way!”

Resurrected in a body compatible with Mini-Cons Prowl is capable of going toe to toe with Mini-Con empowered Autobots or Decepticons; serving as maintenance for the Renegades Prowl works on his allies weapons predominantly, tweaking them to perform beyond safety specs and ensuring that combat will always be exciting.

His right arm can house two separate laser style weapons; a wide-spread energy blaster and a pulse cannon, his right leg panel can double as a scanning system which his partner Longarm uses to determine a weapons maximum potential.
His vehicle mode can fire laser disks from its’ front grille and also houses a missile launching grappler, which can pin down enemy targets; this weapon can also be wielded in robot mode as well, but he prefers the more destructive laser based weapons.

Universe of Origin: Cybertron One Thousand Three Hundred.

Allegiance: Renegade
Function: Shook Trooper
Alternate Mode: Van
Motto: “High tech circuitry is no replacement for guts.”

A though hided soldier; Ironhide has a trithyllium-steel alloy based skin impregnated with irradiated carbon fibers, giving him immunity to most forms of artillery and electromagnetic attacks. Ironhide carries a double barreled slag maker cannon that can shred enemy armor; he also employs a battle chariot that can launch missiles and bring him screaming into battle against his foes.

Universe of Origin: Cybertron One Thousand Three Hundred.

Allegiance: Renegade
Function: Medic
Alternate Mode: Van
Motto: You break it and I can remake it.”

Ratchet keeps the Renegades at battle ready status at all times; where Prowl keeps the weapons in top shape, Ratchet keeps the other systems at peak operating efficiency. Ratchet and Ironhide share body designs and both are compatible with Energon Stars; as such Prime has led squads of Renegades to steal supplies of them. Ratchet’s transport chariot serves as a medical gurney; arc-welders, laser scalpels and other tools are just an example of what he carries, he uses a standard photon cannon in battle.

Universe of Origin: Cybertron One Thousand Three Hundred.

Allegiance: Renegade
Function: Aerial Trooper
Alternate Mode: Earth Style Jet
Motto: Our mission is preservation.”

One of only three aerial units working for the Renegades because of this Ricochet needs to be better then the best; his speed and agility give him an edge on the Autobot and Decepticon airborne warriors. Ricochet uses a rear mounted missile launcher to shoot enemy units out of the sky; the others would think he’s an arrogant braggart because of his skills if not for the fact that Ricochet knows that he’s the only thing standing between them and total aerial domination, thus he manages to keep his ego in check.

Universe of Origin: Cybertron One Thousand Three Hundred.

Allegiance: Renegade
Function: Gunner
Alternate Mode: 4WD Jeep
Motto: “Stay out of my sights.”

Most Autobots confuse the Renegades with the Decepticons when engaging them; most Renegades do not have double motives however, they truly believe their mission of preserving the existence of all creation. Fallback is a gunner and compatible with Energon Stars; he wields a long range Energon Rifle and can handle an axe of pure Energon, his strength is above average and he can usually overpower most, larger opponents.

Universe of Origin: Cybertron One Thousand Three Hundred.

Allegiance: Renegade
Function: Reconnaissance
Alternate Mode: Motorcycle
Motto: “Life affords no second chances.”

Resurrected in a form that can harness Energon Stars Chromia can use them and Energon weapons in battle; Chromia serves as recon unit, she swoops in on enemy encampments and reports everything back to her team. Chromia is self-assured and can pal around with the guys easily; perhaps a tad too stereotypical, but when Megatron resurrected her he made certain that none would turn out like Black Arachnia.
She wields an Energon crossbow similar to Flamewars’, but rarely has need to employ it because Prime doesn’t want her in the field; partially because he has limited resources to call upon in this ploy to end the war and secretly become a God.

Universe of Origin: Cybertron One Thousand Three Hundred.

Allegiance: Renegade
Function: Cavalier
Alternate Mode: Motorcycle
Mott: “Look no further for the perfect match boys.”

A shameless flirt Flare-Up teases all the Renegades; except her leaders, Chromia is easily put off by her attitude, she also doesn’t understand Prime’s reasoning for giving them identical superstructures.

Flare-Up also uses an Energon crossbow; she enjoys picking off targets from a distance, but can easily hold her own in hand to hand combat with units not gifted in the use of Cybertronian martial arts, in the few instances when faced with such opponents she usually forces herself to out think them.

Universe of Origin: Cybertron One Thousand Three Hundred.

Allegiance: Renegade
Function: Archivist, Guardian
Alternate Mode: Earth Style Car
Motto: “Someday all of Cybertron will read about us.”

When culling sparks from the Matrix Megatron mistakenly pulled Tap-Out out along with the rest of the Renegades; Tap-Out is still an effective warrior though despite evidence to the contrary, he has a photographic memory ten times more attuned and effective then most other Cybertronians. He uses this to discern enemy weaknesses and relays his findings to partners Rook and Glyph; his arsenal consists primarily of a standard laser pistol, however his palms house powerful repulsor ray generators, perfect for surprise assaults.

Universe of Origin: Cybertron One Thousand Three Hundred.

Allegiance: Renegade
Function: Shock Trooper
Alternate Mode: Earth Style Car
Motto: “Altruistic individuals often fail in their endeavors.”

Rook is strong enough to fight anybody, but his aggressive desires are kept strictly in check by a vast intellect; he prefers engaging in strategic warfare picking off viable targets with his Crystal Cannon. A weapon that fires hardened diamond-like crystals to shatter enemy armor; Rook is constantly playing Chess to improve his strategic thinking, Glyph and Tap-Out are the only ones willing to play him.

Universe of Origin: Cybertron One Thousand Three Hundred.

Allegiance: Renegade
Function: Cavalier
Alternate Mode: Earth Style Car
Motto: “Disarray must give way to order.”

Glyph’s a young female warrior; her experiences prior to joining the Matrix amount to very little, in human years her age would be approximately seventeen. Despite this status she has a high IQ rating and is most adept at repairing broken devices, weapons or fellow Renegades; when not on the battlefield she’s helping Prowl or Ratchet.
Her palms house unique magnetic generators allowing her to repel onrushing enemies; or disarm them; she also possesses a Dark Beam Gun.

Universe of Origin: Cybertron One Thousand Three Hundred.

Optimus Primal
Allegiance: Renegade
Function: Squad Leader
Alternate Mode: Cybertronian Race Car
Motto: “Panic solves nothing.”

Taken from another reality by Optimus Prime; Primal serves as squad leader, his squad consisting of the colorfully named Rhinox, Rattrap, Cheetor, Tigatron, Airazor, Dinobot and Waspinator all of whom originated from his universe.
Prime gave five of his team the power to harness a Matrix empowered Golden Cyber Planet Key; making them the strongest of the Renegades compared to Omega Prime, with his Primal can unlock his dual Shriek Cannons, powerful sonic cannons capable of repelling attackers.

Universe of Origin: Cybertron Two Thousand and Six.

Allegiance: Renegade
Function: Heavy Assault
Alternate Mode: Load Lifter
Motto: “Hraaah!”

Plucked from everything he knew and slightly modified by the Matrix imbued Omega Prime; Rhinox is suspicious of the true motives of his Renegade leader, he is also put off at being slapped with such an unflattering name.
Rhinox’s armored hide is almost as tough as Ironhides’ and his skills with a weapon are top notch; he carries a missile launcher, or can access twin Chainguns when using his Cyber Planet Key, despite this he leans more towards a pacifistic lifestyle.

Universe of Origin: Cybertron Two Thousand and Six.

Allegiance: Renegade
Function: Spy, Demolitions
Alternate Mode: Cybertronian Motorcycle
Motto: “We are all so slagged.”

A pessimistic little fellow Rattrap acts as a spy and demolitions expert; when in the field he’ll be either gathering intel or sabotaging enemy fortifications and supply depots, he likes his new name and wonders why he didn’t think of it before.
Rattrap carries a wide assortment of explosives and uses his Cyber Planet Key to unlock his double-barreled blaster rifle.

Universe of Origin: Cybertron Two Thousand and Six.

Allegiance: Renegade
Function: Ground Support
Alternate Mode: Cybertronian Race Car
Motto: “Ultra Gear!”

The self-proclaimed Golden Rocket Cheetor is a young; wet behind the ears soldier who acts more like a kid brother rather then a credible threat; he’s bonded closely with Tigatron and Airazor and enjoys tormenting the others.
Optimus Primal sees a lot of potential in him and has taken him under his wing; as it were, Cheetor carries a dual barreled quasar gun which can be partially modified using his Cyber Planet Key and is the fastest land based unit on the team.

Universe of Origin: Cybertron Two Thousand and Six.

Allegiance: Renegade
Function: Ground Support
Alternate Mode: Cybertronian Race Car
Motto: “To preserve the natural order I will fight.”

Hopelessly duty oriented Tigatron is a big stick in the mud; constantly running practice drills with Dinobot and Red Alert, as such most of his squad mates have a hard time getting along with him.
Tigatrons’ body design is shared with Cheetor; his dual barreled Cryostasis gun can be modified using his Cyber Planet Key and he is fairly fast, thus usually found on the front lines of an attack.

Universe of Origin: Cybertron Two Thousand and Six.

Allegiance: Renegade
Function: Aerial Trooper
Alternate Mode: Cybertronian Jet
Motto: “She stoops to conquer.”

One of less then a handful of flight equipped soldiers working for the Renegades; Airazor fights to keep her allies alive and works hard to perfect her skills, she also likes to sing and occasionally shares her pastime with Cheetor.

Unequipped with Cyber Planet Key abilities she nevertheless can equal her squad mates strength harnessing the power of Energon Stars. Her vehicle mode can use twin null rays or a rocket launching barrel located inside the space between her twin cockpits; all of which are accessible in robot mode, she is the second fastest flyer.

Universe of Origin: Cybertron Two Thousand and Six.

Allegiance: Renegade
Function: Heavy Assault
Alternate Mode: Steam Shovel
Motto: “Honor is life.”

An honorable warrior and former Predacon Dinobot finds himself pleased to be working for a noble cause alongside former foes; he and Rattrap are constantly bickering, mostly over his name, which he took in honor of the Dinobot faction of the past.
His Cyber Planet Key can enhance his strength greatly and he is a seasoned martial artist; however his lack of ranged weapons limits his effectiveness in battle, to that end he has asked Prowl to replace his optics for laser firing capable ones.

Universe of Origin: Cybertron Two Thousand and Six.

Allegiance: Renegade
Function: Aerial Trooper
Alternate Mode: Earth Style Jet
Motto: “Obeisance without free will is slavery.”

Another former Predacon Prime has managed to sway him over to his side; fairly competent and appalled by the two warring sides who seem to have fallen into a vicious cycle of enslaved obeisance to the two Gods, Waspinator works with the Renegades to end the war.
He carries a rifle and his optics house laser projectors, which can sheer through any alloy they hit; his skills in the air are a rival to even larger units such as King Atlas and Starscream.

Universe of Origin: Cybertron Two Thousand and Six.

Allegiance: Renegade
Function: Ground Assault
Alternate Mode: 4WD Jeep
Motto: “The fallen receive no second chances.”

Dead for eons Roadbuster has been resurrected by Optimus Prime to serve the Renegades’ cause; this has understandably upset Whirl who long ago witnessed his friends’ demise, Roadbuster’s memories of this event have been twisted by Prime however and he blames his friend for his death.
Sharing the basic body design with Fallback allows him to harness the power of Energon Stars; Roadbuster can create duplicates of Fallbacks’ weapons, but also carries a rapid-fire automatic rifle that fires armor piercing shells.

Universe of Origin: Cybertron One Thousand Three Hundred.

Allegiance: Renegade
Function: Air Assault
Alternate Mode: Helicopter
Motto: “I prefer to downplay my own accomplishments.”

Using the dead body of former Decepticon Obsidian; Optimus Prime managed to create a highly adaptable and very sophisticated Artificial Intelligence program, he couldn’t resurrect any more sparks at the time due to Nemesis Prime’s Dark Matrix interfering.
Just because Rotorbolt lacks a true spark that doesn’t make him any less of a Cybertronian; he’s proven to be exceptionally versatile on and off the battlefield, despite limited armaments.
Rotorbolt uses the same machine guns Obsidian had, but without a spark he can’t use the bodies ability to fire exploding rotors; however he makes up for this by using the sharp blades to slice through enemy armor.

Universe of Origin: Cybertron One Thousand Three Hundred.

Alpha Trion
Allegiance: Renegade
Function: Technomancer
Alternate Mode: Lion (Technorganic)
Motto: “Until that day, until all are one.”

Understanding the need for sophisticated and specialized soldiers Optimus Prime recruited the aid of Alpha Trion from within Vector Sigma; reformatting him into a younger better equipped form, Alpha Trion is under the mistaken belief that the Renegades are fighting to restore his home.
Trion’s body is highly resistant to any form of attack due to the infusion of Matrix energies; in battle he uses a scimitar, or numerous skills and machines that make him appear almost to be using magic in the battle against the Autobots and Decepticons.

Universe of Origin: Cybertron One Thousand Three Hundred.

Allegiance: Renegade
Function: Marine
Alternate Mode: Cybertronian Sportscar
Motto: “Call me Queen of the Road.”

Crasher was the only female Renegade on Gobotron, or at least believed to be; Prime bulked up her frame considerably allowing her to tear up the road and even go toe to toe with Menasor. Her unique Gobotron Planet Key unlocks twin-barreled laser cannons, her maximum speed is four hundred MPH; the sleek design of her vehicle mode cuts down on wind resistance and offers tight maneuverability, she can also cut up enemy armor using her automobiles front end.
Personality-wise she is arrogant, self-centered and enjoys tearing up roadways for the fun of it; her new appreciation of Cybertron stems from the fact that she now has girlfriends to hang out with and she is determined never to leave this wondrous new reality.

Universe of Origin: Gobotron Prime.

Allegiance: Renegade
Function: Aerial Kamikaze
Alternate Mode: Military Rescue Helicopter
Motto: “Errant wind currents offer unique opportunities.”

A menace from the skies of Gobotron Cop-Tur was one of the smartest of the Renegades; brought to Cybertron Cop-Tur now serves eagerly, equipped with newer Cybertonium based armor Cop-Turs’ hide can withstand even impacts of close to three hundred PSI of force.
Cop-Tur wields a sharp blade formed from his primary rotors capable of slicing opponents’ armor to shreds, his right arm also houses a modified winch, which has been equipped with three hundred pounds of high tensile wire allowing for him to carry Renegades into battle. The unique Gobotron Planet Key unlocks twin ion pulse cannons that can fire missiles or ionic based energy blasts; Cop-Tur reaches speed in excess of mach two point nine and almost seems to warp from one location to the next.

Universe of Origin: Gobotron Prime.

Allegiance: Renegade
Function: Aerial Trooper
Alternate Mode: Earth Style Jet (Modified)
Motto: “I serve the Source.”

Forged of Nucleon each member of the combines with the four others to form the Renegades answer to Devastator or Defensor; Skyfall is capable of high-speed flight and can avoid enemy artillery effortlessly, his superstructure is impervious to most forms of energy based weaponry.
Skyfall has a belly gun that fires armor piercing shells and a Nucleon forged blaster which fires Nucleon based energy blasts that can limit mobility of enemy units.

Universe of Origin: Cybertron One Hundred and Thirty-Three.

Allegiance: Renegade
Function: Ground Support
Alternate Mode: Tank
Motto: “Let’s shake things up.”

Each member of the was once either Autobot or Decepticon; when the threat of the Great Destroyer came to their Cybertron they put aside their differences and joined forces to defeat her, now they are a tight-knit group of hardened soldiers working for the Renegades.
Landquake’s Nucleon forged Sonic Disruptor can generate earthquakes or shatter enemies by vibrating them to pieces; his turrets’ side-cannons fire a form of modified Death Crystals called Spores that can bring down units twice his size.

Universe of Origin: Cybertron One Hundred and Thirty-Three.

Allegiance: Renegade
Function: Aerial Trooper
Alternate Mode: Earth Style Jet (Modified)
Motto: “Breakaway, Breakaway; oh yeah.”

A former pop star sensation Breakaway can sometimes be difficult to comprehend; she enjoys singing even when in battle and her favorite song is the break away hit, which gave her, her name. Her aerial acrobatics make many sit up and take notice if it weren’t for her quirky nature she’d be the highest skilled of the Renegades aerial troops.
Breakaway utilizes twin Nucleon forged repeater cannons that can rotate on their wing mounted connectors to fire a steady stream of concentrated super dense neutronic bullets; these bullets when targeted properly cause extreme damage, however Breakaways’ unique nature causes her to take the fighting as less serious then Prime would like.
Strafe is attempting to convince her against losing focus; Breakaway can configure into an arm or leg for the teams combined mode, she prefers being an arm however due to her low tolerance stress fractures, which can buckle her leg configuration when overextended.

Universe of Origin: Cybertron One Hundred and Thirty-Three.

Allegiance: Renegade (Mini-Con) [Prowls’ Partner]
Function: Smart Tool
Alternate Mode: Crane
Motto: N/A

A portion of Prowl’s spark was used to create this mute assistant for his mechanic needs; Longarm exhibits no personality and never speaks, however he is exceptionally intelligent and more then capable.
He transformers into a crane; the hook is capable of lifting thirty times his own weight, his optics house pulse beams for combat needs, but more often he’ll be powerlinked to Prowl supplying enhanced energy.

Universe of Origin: Cybertron One Thousand Three Hundred.

Allegiance: Renegade (Mini-Con)
Function: Defensive Soldier
Alternate Mode: Race Car
Motto: “The fast lane is my lane.”
Sub-Group: Race Team

Desiring Mini-Cons of their own to counteract those possessed by Autobot and Decepticon; Renegade leaders Optimus Prime and Ultra Magnus used their powers as Omega Prime to cull three powerful allies from an alternate reality.
The Race Team; the three of which can combine into the nigh indestructible Skyboom Shield, Downshift is the fastest of the team and the most vocal. His arms conceal powerful pulse blasters and he can propel himself through the air for limited flights; when Powerlinked to Prowl he can enhance the Renegades natural strength.

Universe of Origin: Cybertron Eight Hundred and Sixty-Three.

Allegiance: Renegade (Mini-Con)
Function: Defensive Soldier
Alternate Mode: Formula One Race Car
Motto: “Rev pp to the line.”
Sub-Group: Race Team

Mirage enjoys breaking speed limits; he can’t stay in more then one place for longer then fifteen seconds, and yet somehow he always makes it back in time to help his fellow Renegades. Mirage tends to fight the same way as he races; fast and hard, he carries a boomerang-like blade into battle and his optics can shoot liquefying heat blasts, occasionally he moves so fast he almost seems to disappear.

Universe of Origin: Cybertron Eight Hundred and Sixty-Three.

Dirt Boss
Allegiance: Renegade (Mini-Con)
Function: Team Leader
Alternate Mode: Sport Utility Vehicle
Motto: “Throttle back.”
Sub-Group: Race Team

Hard when he has to be gentle when he doesn’t Dirt Boss leads the Race Team much like a racing coach; he somehow knows exactly where Mirage is at all times and can get Downshift to calm down after a tough fight, his fellow Race Team members look up to him.
Dirt Boss can also fly for limited amounts of time and carries a Dark Matter Rifle, which uses the dense matter to pierce enemy armor; he combines with Downshift and Mirage to form the Skyboom Shield.

Universe of Origin: Cybertron Eight Hundred and Sixty-Three.

Skyboom Shield
Mini-Con Weapon Combination
Sub-Group: Race Team

When combined the Race Team have the ability to alter their density thus creating one of the most impervious shields known to Cybertronian kind; capable of reflecting the Dark Saber and the Requiem Cannon’s blasts the wielder of the Skyboom can tangle with the strongest of the Renegades’ enemies.

Universe of Origin: Cybertron Eight Hundred and Sixty-Three.

Allegiance: Renegade (Mini-Con)
Function: Aquatic Assault
Alternate Mode: Solar Powered Speed Boat
Motto: “These small few know the triumph of vicious intent.”
Sub-Group: Sea Team

The Renegades answer to the Decepticon aquatic units Oceanglide is part of a three man team; he runs on solar power and can travel about eighty knots on a good day, Oceanglide also happens to be a poet. His solar sails make him the most fuel efficient of the three; in order to battle he can fire a powerful torpedo, or use an arm mounted cold fire flamethrower for undersea engagements.

Universe of Origin: Cybertron Zero, Zero Eight.

Allegiance: Renegade (Mini-Con)
Function: Aquatic Assault
Alternate Mode: Speed Boat
Motto: “There’s no warning before I roll in.”
Sub-Group: Sea Team

The fastest and most maneuverable of the group Stormcloud likes to show off; he’s actually quite competent too despite the ego, he can launch torpedoes from his back mounted launcher and can work under the most crushing of depths thanks to his strengthened armor plates.

Universe of Origin: Cybertron Zero, Zero Eight.

Allegiance: Renegade (Mini-Con)
Function: Aquatic Assault
Alternate Mode: Hover Craft
Motto: “Whether it’s land or sea, there I be, savvy.”
Sub-Group: Sea Team

Waterlog is the most versatile member of the team thanks to his hover craft form; he isn’t very fast on land, but that isn’t important when you can fly in robot mode. His torpedo launcher is equipped with an advanced scanner; the system uses a combination of radar, infrared and sonar technologies to ensure he hits the target, Waterlog suffers a bit of a pirate speech pattern thanks to his exposure to Earth culture, particularly one certain trilogy featuring a famous actor as the titular hero.

Universe of Origin: Cybertron Zero, Zero Eight.

Allegiance: Himself
Function: Self-Proclaimed God
Alternate Mode: Mechanical Two-Headed Dragon
Motto: Be afraid for Vengeance is upon thee!”

When Deathsaurus and Alpha Trion both arrived to stop the Renegades’ from tapping the Dark Matrix Megatron enacted his ultimate plan; most of the Renegades were either killed or returned to their home realities with no memory of the events surrounding their lives as Renegades, Megatron however managed to usurp the powers of both Avatars by absorbing their sparks.
Claiming a modified version of Deathsaurus’s body for his own Megatron became an even bigger threat to the balance of the Omniverse itself; to counter this Hot Spot was born, despite their level of power neither is a true God and Megatron can still be slain, but whether Hot Spot is up to the challenge is yet to be seen. Megatron can blast flames from his beast modes’ mouths; his missile launchers fire incendiary missiles and can act as battle clubs or a quarterstaff, with the powers of both Unicrons’ Heralds and Primus’ Avatar at his command he can slay enemies with a single blast, and tear open doorways to alternate realities to resurrect dead husks as zombie minions.

Universe of Origin: Cybertron Two Hundred and Thirty-Nine.
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