Hey everyone! First post for me on this site, I thought this figure was a good reason to post my first! I am on mobile so I have no way to upload pictures without using a ton of data, however there is a substantial thread over on TFW2005 with info from the designer!
This is a representation of IDW Fortress Maximus that, if successfully funded, will be produced by Mastermind creations! This figure is in the crowdfunding process right now and is only open until the end of the month! Specifics about pricing can be found on the Planet Steel Express webpage for the figure
http://www.planetsteelexpress.com/R50token/ . A minimum 800 copies will have to be ordered in both the NA and Asian markets to make this figure a reality. If over 1200 copies are ordered in each market there will be reduced pricing on the figure!!
Sorry if this opening post is a little dull. Without access to a computer at the moment pictures/animations are hard to add, however all images can be found on the PSX page using the URL above. Thanks for your time everyone!