Originally Posted by Wheelwave
People who ordered the Terrorcons this weekend on Amazon are saying they got them yesterday or today. I'm still wondering about what happened to Studio series Ironhide whether they were actually in stock on July 1st or that was just a faulty release date and we are unsure whether they will be in stock.
Hey wheelwave.
Just an update on my order status. Ironhide and jazz were ordered on the 30th at about 10 pm, right after it was posted here that ironhide was available. Shortly after ordering I noticed Megatron was also in stock so I made a second order. As of now, all three items say they will ship on the 3rd.
The only disconcerting thing I can see as of yet is that ironhide and jazz were order at the same time and up until this morning were listed on the same page together in my orders. That being said as of about ten minutes ago ironhide and jazz are now separated. ( this could mean they're coming from a different wearhouse or the more negative possibility, that ironhide isn't actually available) All three still have a "will ship" date of July 3rd as of now.