05-12-2007, 03:01 PM
Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Customizing Q&A Thread
Post here for any questions on customizing, or any useful tips and hints.
05-12-2007, 03:16 PM
Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Re: DAK's Customizing Discussion Thread
DAK's Random Tip #1
Lets say you have a cube with no roof and one of the side walls missing, and you want to fill it with a putty to make it a solid object. Because putty can be so thin, how can you fill it so it's solid, and doesn't leak? Here's the tip:
Take a flat, glossy piece of plastic and use a very small amount of super glue to stick your piece to the surface. you may now fill your object with putty. When it hardens, simply remove the Glossy plastic.
The glossy plastic acts as a temporary wall and a simulated non stick surface. As mentioned in the class, super glue holds, but not forever, especially on a glossy surface.
So remember, little amounts of glue, and a glossy piece of plastic.
05-12-2007, 03:19 PM
Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Re: DAK's Customizing Discussion Thread
those would be fun.
05-12-2007, 05:25 PM
Re: DAK's Customizing Discussion Thread
Okay. I'm totally new to repainting/kitbashing, and I've got an Alt Skids that I would like to repaint. What's the best way to remove the decals that are on his front body panels/windshield? I've heard that you needed to soak them in some type of alcohol.
05-12-2007, 06:11 PM
Location: Toronto, Ontario
Re: DAK's Customizing Discussion Thread
Originally Posted by Devastator
Okay. I'm totally new to repainting/kitbashing, and I've got an Alt Skids that I would like to repaint. What's the best way to remove the decals that are on his front body panels/windshield? I've heard that you needed to soak them in some type of alcohol.
Nail Polish remover tends to work really well.
05-12-2007, 06:31 PM
Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Re: DAK's Customizing Discussion Thread
Yes, use nail polish remover and some cotton, and it'll come off nicely. Use cotton pads rather than cotton balls for a lease likely chance of leaving cotton fibers behind. Cheapest remover is the pink "Life" brand found at Shoppers.
05-12-2007, 06:37 PM
Re: DAK's Customizing Discussion Thread
LOL, nail polish remover, that's a good one. I work at an autobody shop, I use wax and grease remover. Not sure if it works on those TF's plastic, but it works on cars, rubbers, etc, as long as u don't soak it for too long, it is easy to clean afterward. U can actually put it in water to soften the sticker decals. That way u can also remove all the wax and grease, next blow it off, or let it dry. This way u haf less chance to get fisheyes on your paint job, cuz i am not sure if the polish remover has wax or grease in it. It is a pain in the @ss when u get fisheyes....
05-12-2007, 06:37 PM
Re: DAK's Customizing Discussion Thread
What do you think about using the same paint used on warhammer figures to be used on repainting transformers?
05-12-2007, 06:43 PM
Re: DAK's Customizing Discussion Thread
I think those paint u use for war hammer should work, but make sure u clean the plastic properly before u paint. I dont' think u want your paint peel or chip off.
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