Hello fellow Canuck TF fans! Along with being a TF fan, I'm an artist as well. Since COVID lockdown I've been making enamel pins, and caught the bug.
After working on these designs a few months ago, I've decided to launch a kickstarter to fund making pins of the entire cast of BEAST WARS! (At least the first season).
The initial funding goal was for 4 pins (Primal, Megatron, Black Arachnia & Rattrap), but we've blasted past that and have unlocked Cheetor, Waspinator, Airrazor and Terrosaur! We've still got 7 more to go to get the ENTIRE cast of season one!
Also an EXCLUSIVE variant is being offered for Kickstarter backers if we reach the final stretch goal, which will be PREDACON RHINOX (from the episode "Dark Designs"). This variant will be ONLY available to backers, made to order and will NOT be made again.
Here is the link if you're interested, feel free to back and share!
If you've got any questions about how kickstarter works, or the pins themselves, I'd be happy to answer them!