Here is a custom idea that I've had for a while, but I never really had the means to do it until this TFCon. Thanks to @CheersIan on Twitter, I was able to add another figure to my growing Police Task Force. I don't know why, but after Wreckers, Police Transformers seem to be my favourite characters to collect and customize... perhaps it's just all the different ways you can do the same black and white deco of a Police car that fascinates me so.
Anywho, here's Five-O, an OC I created to fit the Police Jazz figure I made here. He's based out of Harmonex (yeah, that's an official Cybertronian city) like his brother Jazz and works in the Major 3rd District of Harmonex PD. He's named Five-O for his love for both the law and TV/movies. While his laid-back demeanour may cause you to think he's lazy, Five-O will be the first one in line to fight if need be. He joined Prowl's task force partially by recommendation from Jazz, but his skills really showed Prowl that he was the bot for the job. His catchphrase is "Let's Rock and/or Roll!"
Five-O's love for film and other like-media gave him inspiration to name the 3 Autotroopers currently under Prowl's command. While you think he'd call them Curly, Larry and Moe, He opted to give them a bit more respect and name them after some of live action media's most famous cops: Mackey (The Shield), Magnum (Magnum P.I.) and McLane (Die Hard). Five-O does watch TV a lot and it can sometimes distract him from the task at hand. Even a trailer for a new show coming out a year from now will have him playing it on repeat all day instead of going on guard duty.
So backstory out of the way, Five-O is a simple repaint of the RTS Special Ops Jazz figure's alt. mode, using Paint Markers from both Sharpie (Water and Oil-based) and Molotow and an added light bar. I used some Diaclone Police stickers I got off a buddy for all of the police things, while the Autobot symbols came from Reprolabels. Nothing has been done to the robot mode, other than the windows being glued in place (as this figure I got was loose and didn't come with the speakers and doesn't really need them). He also didn't come with his standard gun, so I have to find one for him. The only other touch I need to add is to his rear window, as the blue marker I used doesn't clear coat well.
I have pics of Five-O with other Police Bots I've made (Blacktrack, Clamp Down, and Sharpshot from left to right), the 3 Autotroopers, and his brother Jazz (with the reprolabels set) for a vehicle mode comparison.
Enjoy, and I look forward to your feedback

Ask if you have any questions about any of the other figures in this gallery, as I'm kinda dumping 5 or 6 figures (who already have Radicon albums on TFW) in 4 pics lol