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Old 06-15-2021, 06:59 PM   #2
Another 1 Bites The Dust
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Join Date: Jun 2007
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Posts: 639
Re: "The Buried Treasure Paradox" - G1 timeline science-exploration story (with photo

Chapter 3: Treasure Hunt

It was hard not to be drawn in by the pure beauty of the undersea world: from the terrain of the ocean bottom, to the foundations of the giant rocks and islets, with even more sea creatures all depending on them as their homes. This marine biome was such a peaceful oasis, so far removed from the ongoing Autobot-Decepticon conflict - notwithstanding the irony that the Decepticons had established their own Earth headquarters in the far depths of the open ocean.

A rare non-combat mission with an even rarer visit to an underwater habitat - if this was all there was to this excursion, Beachcomber wouldn’t need a spacecraft to feel over the moon. As he floated mid-depth by the islet’s slope along with his survey teammates, his attention almost did get seized by the view in this paradise, until Seaspray informed him about the size of the hidden object they came to find. “Great Maximus; with those dimensions, that thing your sonar caught sure ain’t no fish story.”

“But can we dig out something that big?” Bumblebee wondered. “We’re not exactly heavy lifters, and even if we got it out of here, how could we take it back to base with nobody seeing it?”

“Y’know, even if we could do it, we wouldn’t be allowed to dig in a wildlife refuge anyway; that protects all native species living here, no matter how small. Digging out something that size would bite a huge chunk outta this islet; that could seriously wreck the rock itself, and ruin this home for these little creatures.”

“Guess that means it’s staying here, but at least it’ll stay hidden,” Seaspray reasoned. “But how about the samples Perceptor wanted? Can we still get any?”

Looking down below to the seafloor, Beachcomber swept his optics along the area Seaspray had indicated to him. “Maybe we can… if we can find a spot where the rock covering the object is shallowest, and if that spot is in a range that won’t disturb this habitat - ” he paused as he tapped a tiny button embedded in his right wrist, raising a small flip-up device on the front edge of his forearm “ - which is where this little baby comes in.”

“Well, let me know if you see something,” said Bumblebee. “Perceptor’s definitely gonna want a look at whatever you find down there.”

Beachcomber slowly sank and lightly touched down on the seafloor, taking care to avoid landing on anything like a stray crab scuttling along the bottom. He crouched to one knee and aimed his right arm downward; while scanning the underwater terrain with his sensor probe, he mentally dissected the device’s readouts interpreted from the signals rebounding off the surface. No magnetic field... no heat signature on the infrared either, nor any electrostatic build-up, though it’s just a shallow scan. Speakin’ of shallow, somethin’s weird - these ultrasonic readings say that thing isn’t that deep under the rock; like just a few inches. Guess we could dig just about anywhere after all. But much rather the bottom than the islet….

“Think I found a spot. Gonna give it a closer look.”

At almost point-blank range to the seafloor, Beachcomber increased the power to his sensor array, hoping to find a deeper analysis of the localized site of interest. Sedimentary rock; that’s obvious; fragmented off this islet’s basalt…. Guess the only way to know if the metal is magnetic is to cut through this rock and get at it. Still, sensor’s still sayin’ this layer’s only a few inches thick. No way somethin’ this size lyin’ this shallow could ‘magically’ pop up on scanners, without something cloakin’ it from sight. Anyway, le’ssee…. No obvious fractures in the rock to exploit, but it’s sedimentary; diggin’ through this shouldn’t be all that hard. Having chosen his course of action while keeping his wrist-mounted sensor activated, the geologist looked to his fellow Autobots and beckoned them over.

As Seaspray and Bumblebee arrived, Beachcomber retracted his left hand into his wrist socket. Emerging to replace his hand was a T-shaped tool; the end of its “handle” was secured in his wrist socket, and its head bore a solid flat face and a sharp narrow edge at opposite ends, resembling the business end of a rock pick. “’Bee, focus your optics close-up on this spot where I’m working. If Perceptor’s still recording, we gotta get every astrosecond of your visual feed of this spot, and I want to pick apart that clip of the video when we get back to base.”

Bumblebee crouched down to the same single-knee posture as his colleague - Seaspray opted to stay standing while observing everything - and trained his sights on the spot on the seafloor that Beachcomber selected. Using his wrist’s sensor array to measure his work, Beachcomber placed the chiseled edge of the pick’s head against that spot. As ultrasonic frequencies channeled into the sharp-edged tool, its intense vibrations gradually cut away at the rock like a miniature jackhammer, though with more precision and subtlety. The tiny pebbles and sandy particles that were chipped off the ocean bottom fluttered like a ghostly cloud of dust in the watery space right over the dig site.

While Bumblebee kept his watch on Beachcomber’s work for the video record, he couldn’t wait for the mission to yield some hard results - partly because of his concerns about the rising tide. “Wouldn’t a laser cutter be faster?”

“Sure, but it might be bad for the samples,” Beachcomber explained. “If a laser cuts too deep into the rock and leaves burn marks on our quarry, the carbon scoring could taint its molecular and structural integrity. And the water could mess up both the laser’s cutting ability, which could also affect our findings when we analyze our samples, even if it’s minor. They gotta be pristine all around - from macroscopic to subatomic - so best to go at it low-tech; maybe, like, before pre-Golden Age if we have to.”

“Okay, but how long will this take? With the tide coming in, we’ll be deeper down in the water.”

“Not to worry,” said Seaspray. “The extra depth’ll give us more cover.”

It didn’t take long for Beachcomber to uncover their first desired sign of progress as his sonic pick eroded the patch of rock, methodically carving a small, shallow pit in the seafloor that resembled a pothole on old pavement with cleaner edges. His free hand brushed away the sediment fragments that gathered in and around it... exposing what looked like a patch of gunmetal-grey metal. He couldn’t resist an understated yet triumphant chuckle. “It may not be a vein o’ gold or a pool of electrum, but I believe this is when the humans say, ‘Eureka.’”

Bumblebee leaned in slightly closer for a closer view at Beachcomber’s excavated discovery: both for Perceptor’s video recording, and for his own astonished curiosity. “Wow. What in the universe did you stumble upon, Seaspray?”

“I wish I knew what that thing is, Bumblebee. But I’m betting my azimuth it’s not normal.”

“Is it something we can actually use, like for our own resources?”

Beachcomber aimed his wrist-mounted device at the metallic patch in the shallow pit, running a full scan with his entire geological sensory array. The resulting readings promised to hatch some answers… and delivered some riddles as well. “Well, I can tell you straight up, it ain’t no raw ore naturally occurring in this planet’s crust. Judging by the properties given by these readings, this metal is without a doubt a refined alloy.”

Now it was Seaspray’s turn to be astounded by his find. “But that would mean someone must have... built this thing.”

Confusion began to infuse into Bumblebee’s curiosity. “Wait, that can’t be right. I’m no scientist, but if the rock on this part of the ocean floor’s never been dug up, then that would mean this giant metal… thing would’ve been made in Earth’s prehistoric past. There’s no way anyone back then would have the technology to make something like that.”

“That’s another thing my sensors say about this ‘construct’, as it were,” said Beachcomber. “I don’t know if it’s even from Earth.”

“Huh? What do you mean?”

“Well, a chemical scan of the alloy does show a match to some elements that exist on Earth. But there’s also other aspects about its composition I’ve never seen before; not even on this planet. And weirdest of all, I see some things about it that feel… uncannily familiar.”

The vague words ending Beachcomber’s sentence failed to ease Bumblebee’s confusion. “Familiar as in…?”

“I… don’t wanna say anything for sure yet. My intuition protocol may be kicking in, but I can’t let it overtake the rational thought needed for a scientific procedure. The only way to know more is to get a sample outta there and give it a real study. I should also snag a piece of the rock debris, if it’s got any clues I can root out. And Bumblebee, we’ll need an extreme close-up of the strata layers around the perimeter of this pit.”

“Hold on, Beachcomber,” said Seaspray with caution. “How do we know we can just cut a piece off this thing, when we don’t know what it is? What if it really is dangerous?”

“Well, going by my sensor readings, taking a sample off the outer surface probably won’t be hazardous. I find no radiation or electrostatic charge at a superficial depth. If this object is of an electromechanical nature and it’s got a power source, it must be hiding deep inside this hulk. My sensors’ range can’t go that deep, so I’m thinkin’ just a chip off the ol’ shell should do fine.”

“What about that thing you said about intuition and rational thought?” Bumblebee questioned.

Beachcomber shot him an askew glance that smoothly flowed into a calm smirk, as his sonic pick retracted into his left wrist socket, and a cutting blade emerged in its place. “Sometimes, with unknown discoveries, you gotta know when to take a chance."

* * * * *

Like a radar antenna, the turret gun rotated ceaselessly at its steady pace, its sights sweeping across the surrounding panoramic horizon. Except for the tide gradually creeping closer to the shore as the day passed, Hound’s surveillance picked up no changes to the scenery around him. The only life signs the Autobot Jeep could find intruding into the perimeter were more seabirds and other native marine wildlife. There were signs of robot energy signatures in close proximity on his grid, but they were just Seaspray and his other mission partners sitting near him on the beach; with Beachcomber gazing out at the ocean, and Bumblebee toying with some small rocks on the sand.

“You know, hearing about your dive makes me wish I could have gone there with you guys. I always enjoy taking in Earth’s landscapes above ground, but except for a few short missions, I never really get to go underwater and really see what it has to offer.”

“Maybe if you keep hoping for another mission like this one, you just might get a chance,” said Seaspray. “There’s so much to see in the ocean: kelp forests, hydrothermal vents, all sorts of weird-looking animals, and that’s just within the coastal regions! Truth be told, I wish I had time to explore the extreme depths of the open ocean, if it weren’t for the Decepticons around. But if you ever get sent out for a naval assignment, I swear to Primus, you’d love it down there!”

“I know I would. ’Course, getting another non-military mission like this is the real trick. Even with this one, we were lucky no Decepticreeps showed up to ruin our day at the beach.”

An outside observer would mistake the sea-watching Beachcomber for being oblivious to the conversation: an oversight he would correct with a comment of his own. “It’s sad when you think about it, y’know? There’s so much of this world waiting to be explored by humans and us. But because we’re so preoccupied with fighting the Decepticons, we never get that chance.”

“I wouldn’t say ‘preoccupied’, Beachcomber,” Bumblebee cut in, as he slung a flat pebble at the water, skipping it across the surface with a few bounces. “‘Dragged into it’ is more like it.”

“Dragged in or not, it’s still the same in the end, though. Look way out there at all that water. More than two-thirds of this planet is covered by it, with only a tiny percentage explored. With so many wonders already found in what has been seen, imagine the countless phenomena that might be hidden in those uncharted waters.”

“Funny you say that,” Seaspray briefly interrupted. “I was thinking that before I found the object.”

“But that’s only a small part. How about the humans who want to extend their reach into space - building space stations or rovers to Mars. And we’re here from what they’d call an ‘alien’ planet. We’ve even met some civilizations on a few other worlds, too. You gotta wonder what else is out there in those vast cosmic gulfs we haven’t seen yet… like, maybe something bigger than ourselves tying it all together. But we never get to take time to think about any of it, even a little bit, 'cause the war with the ’Cons keeps taking up all our attention.”

Bumblebee gave Beachcomber a perplexed look. “I’m… not sure I follow what you’re saying, but have you had a lot of time to think about all that?”

“Man, I wish, ’Bee,” Beachcomber sighed. “I’ve barely gotten all that deep into anything, but you know; the war, right? Keeps ‘dragging me in’, like you said, when I really want to dig into those questions, and maybe take a step closer to some sort of answer… of any kind.”

“I guess when you put it like that, it is hard to get all philosophical when the Decepticons keep us, well, ‘preoccupied’, like you said.”

“Speaking of ‘preoccupied’, anyone want to check with Perceptor?” Seaspray suggested. “Not to bother a ’bot when he’s working, but I wonder what he’s found about our little plunder; we did get a little more than just a ‘chip off the ol’ shell’.”

“I tell you, our esteemed professor’s the only one I know who’d visit such a picturesque place, and still have his faceplate modules stuck in a vidscreen,” joked Hound as he transformed to robot mode. “But I’m curious myself. And by now, I’d say this place is free of intruders anyway.”

The other Autobots got up and joined Hound to meet Perceptor at his work area - evidently, the presence of a giant red microscope on the beach meant the science officer’s transformation size-change settings were at full size. On the microscope’s slide tray sat one of the metallic shards, being examined under the magnifying lens barrel focusing on it, with the other sample sitting atop Perceptor’s video monitor. An attentive audio receptor could pick up a low, muttering voice coming from the microscope, its subtle emotional inflections conveying fascination, muted surprise, and occasionally, confusion.

Discerning how intensely the scientist was concentrating his attention on this find, Beachcomber knew he had to be careful in offering his question. “So, ah, Perce, what is it?”

“Hmm - hm? What is what?”

“That thing. Whatcha found out about it?”

“I’m afraid I must refrain from hastily rushing a diagnosis at this initial stage of my analysis. But if I were hard-pressed to disclose any preliminary data - ”

“What do you know so far?” Bumblebee interrupted.

“Er, yes. Well, the reason I hesitated to say anything is… I do not understand what I’m seeing. Some properties of the sample’s molecular chemistry do not precisely correspond with any material in my scientific knowledge. And yet, at the risk of contradiction, the core nature of the sample’s material is reminiscent of - this is the perplexing part - Cybertron.”

The feedback caused Hound, Bumblebee, and Beachcomber’s mouths to all drop open; if Seaspray’s head wasn’t built with a mouthplate, he would have done the same. “Wait, you mean to say that thing is from Cybertron?” Hound blurted out. “How’s that possible?”

“Well, strictly speaking, I am not certain that the object originated from Cybertron proper,” said Perceptor as he transformed to robot mode, then picked up the other sample on the monitor. “Only that my cursory observations show that some aspects of its nature appear derived from, or analogous to, Cybertronian alloys or compounds. As for this other sample, its macroscopic structure does bear an uncanny resemblance to components used in electronic technology. But its scale is miniature, as though suited to devices for human beings.”

Seaspray couldn’t help piecing together the early incomplete findings into a wild, not-so-serious guess. “This sounds like we found a wreck of a craft that might be from Cybertron, maybe flown by tiny robots. But there’s no way that can be possible, can it?”

“Say, Perceptor,” said Beachcomber, “when we get back to base, I wanna look at the mission video. When I dug through that rock, I got a funny feeling about how old it might be.”

“Certainly, Beachcomber. I must confess, I did not expect this many unknown factors from this anomaly. Unfortunately, this field equipment is insufficient to ascertain substantial information on it. Our optimal course of action would be to bring these samples to Headquarters. Perhaps we will obtain clearer answers when we analyze them in my laboratory. And while I really must avoid premature speculation, I sense a discovery that could be of extreme significance.”

Hound barely succeeded at hiding his disappointment over having to leave such a magnificent source of nature. “Guess that’s the end of the travelogue. Seaspray, need a ride back to base?”

“Nah, you go ahead; I’ll stay here on patrol for a little longer. I better make sure no Decepticons sneak by and make like a pirate with our mystery treasure; whatever it is.”

“Sometimes I really envy you,” Beachcomber lamented. “If I thought about it, I’d have brought a survey camera to loan you. I wish I could get some views of the ocean floor, especially those hydrothermal vents by the Axial Seamount.”

Seaspray completely understood. “Maybe next time.”

* * * * *

Chapter 4: What Is It?

“Cybertron? Are you certain?”

Sample in hand, Perceptor was hesitant to choose between confirmation and denial for the small audience in his laboratory. “Ehm, well, not quite certain, Prime. You see, after analyzing its properties on multiple parameters, I’ve deduced that some factors are in fact largely congruent with those of Cybertron alloys. However, also therein are some stark yet obscure deviations from all known scientific knowledge, which - ”

“Hey, Perceptor?” Bumblebee cut in. “I hate to interrupt, but maybe it’ll be easier to explain by showing it to those of us who don’t speak technobabble.”

“Um… yes, of course. Right, then…”

The science officer approached the main computer booth built into a wall in his lab, complete with embedded video screens. He shifted to microscope mode in front of the control module, placing the sample on his slide tray in mid-transformation. A pair of probes extended from opposite sides of his microscope base, and connected to sockets in the module; filling the wall screens were schematic-like images and raw data readouts related to the specimen.

A mix of curiosity and perplexity bubbled in Skids’ central processor as he stepped up to the screens and studied their outputs. “This is most bizarre. Much of this does make sense, like it’s linked to Cybertron somehow. But the rest of it… I don’t understand what I’m seeing.”

“Oddly, that’s precisely what I had said. A cursory metallurgical analysis of this sample strongly indicates a general composition and molecular structure similar to material from our home planet. But further, more specific analyses - such as on elementary chemical levels - uncovers results that, even with my vast scientific experience, I have never seen before.”

“That ain’t all,” Beachcomber added, exhibiting some manual dexterity by flipping a small data drive between his fingers. “Here’s the video Bumblebee got from our dive. Perceptor, may I…?”

“Yes, proceed.”

Beachcomber found another computer station in the lab, inserted the device into an input slot, and punched a key combination. Appearing on this smaller screen was an extreme close-up image of the pothole-like pit that he dug on the seafloor. “Here’s where Seaspray found our bounty, buried in sedimentary rock only some centimeters deep. I’ve measured the rock strata - the layers, if you will - in this spot where I dug up our treasure. And you’re not gonna believe this - whatever that thing is, it must’ve gotten there about four million years ago.”

“Whoa-whoa-whoa; hit ‘pause’, man,” a surprised Jazz said. “You sayin’ that whosa-whatsit might be from Cybertron, and it came to Earth the same time we crashed here?!”

“Do you think someone else followed us in secret?” Hound speculated. “It’s bad enough the Decepticons did, but if anyone else we don’t know could find where we were…”

“I don’t think so, Hound,” Optimus Prime countered. “Though the object is quite large, for now, we have no conclusive evidence that it is from Cybertron. Even if it were a Cybertronian craft, it’s only about the size of a human-built space shuttle orbiter. It’s unlikely that such a small flight vehicle could reach Earth from Cybertron under its own power; not without some special help.”

“Guess that means a space bridge is out,” said Bumblebee. “We know that tech didn’t exist back then. The Decepticons didn’t come up with theirs until just after we were revived here.”

“Besides, we’re neglecting the aspects of this material that don’t correspond with our known science,” Skids interjected. “Like those of us on the Ark, many Autobot refugees fled Cybertron at various times during the war. They may have settled on other worlds to establish their own civilizations, and developed their own exploration pursuits using those worlds’ native resources. If one of those worlds were much closer to Earth, and a ship built such a world came here, its composition could account for those mystery elements.”

During the discussion, Perceptor had already disconnected from his main computer, though the data readouts remained on the wall screen; he switched back to robot mode, holding the metal sample again while joining the debate. “We also must not discount that other robotic life forms inhabit other planets as well - not originating from Cybertron, yet not radically unlike ourselves. However, there’s the question of how Cybertronian elements would occur on those worlds.”

“Well, this idea may be totally out there, but not totally impossible," Beachcomber offered as he joined the others. "Skids talked about refugees leaving home to find peace - which I dig - and remaking another planet to be their ‘new’ Cybertron. But why not think about that ‘remaking’ thing on a higher level?”

“How do you mean, Beachcomber?” Optimus asked.

“Like, what if there was some older, I mean, really ancient cosmic civilization migrating all over the universe, lookin’ for the right kind o’ worlds to cultivate whatever purposes they have? For all we know, a power like that could’ve seeded the means to remake bunches of worlds like ours.”

This became the second time Bumblebee was perplexed by the geologist’s ideas. “You mean there could be fifty thousand Cybertrons we don't know about, all planted in a bunch of other galaxies? Suddenly, in some weird way, I don’t feel so alone or special anymore. That feels kind of cool and kind of creepy at the same time.”

“Well, kinda like I said before, we've been stuck in our war forever, and gotten so used to this mindset shackled on us, that we don’t look past Cybertron or Earth anymore. We forget to just think about what else could be out there.”

“I thought you said you didn’t have time to think about stuff like that.”

“Hey, just another one out of more ideas I want to dig in, if I could concentrate on ’em.”

“Now I’m wondering if something like that came to Earth,” Hound added, “and that object may be that kind of ‘seed’ you’re talking about. Cybertronian elements or not, maybe this ‘seed’ reacts differently according to a planet’s chemical make-up. I don’t think I’d look forward to what that could do to the rest of Earth, if it is doing anything.”

“Y’know, while we’re talkin’ wild ideas, I wonder if Beachcomber’s idea about ‘a higher level’ ain’t all off-track,” Jazz considered. “We got all this talk about things being so far or deep in space, but ain’t we forgettin’ to look at this through another dimension?”

Perceptor gave Jazz an inquisitive look. “What dimension is that?”

“The fourth one. Why d’ya think it’s called ‘spacetime’? What if that stuff is from Cybertron… but just hasn’t been made yet?”

The look Skids gave Jazz was equal parts quizzical and incredulous. "Is this another one of your science fiction kicks?"

“Nah, man, just hear me out. Let's think about whatever new ideas or other stuff could happen on Cybertron in the next couple hundred years. What if time travel was one of them? And Bumblebee brought up the space bridge. Who's to say nobody'll come up with a way to sample 'em both into a whole new remix to pop in the dash of their shiny new cruisers?”

“Warpin’ through spacetime by mixing time travel tech with the space bridge," Beachcomber muttered with a tilt of his head. "Wow, even for me, that's way out there. Not saying it won't ever happen, but for time travel to work…”

“ - which it can,” interrupted Optimus Prime. “Shockwave once built a time-travel device called a Chronosphere, which Megatron used to send the Aerialbots nine million years into the past. But I don't know if the Decepticons have tried to build another such device since then.”

Jazz gave a shrug. “I mean, sure, this all sounds so Back to the Future, but ain't a whole bunch of developments in science and tech first begun as sci-fi?”

“You know, theoretically, your idea is quite sound,” pondered Skids. “Even if it took innumerable years to refine, merging concepts from space bridge technology with time travel could create a viable means of dimensional spacetime travel. Then again, if the sample was from a small Cybertronian craft from the future, its occupants would have had to downsize their bodies just to be able to board it, let alone operate it.”

“If that did come from the future, whoever piloted it wasn't very careful,” Hound added. “Future events could be altered by an object left in the past.”

“I wonder if that can also apply to a memory,” Optimus muttered quietly.

“Beg your pardon?”

“Nothing, just an idle thought.”

Bumblebee still had more questions. “But if an object from the future was left behind in the past, how would it show up in, well, the present? Would it be like it was always there, or would it show up into the present when the past was changed? If it shows up in the past, then you'd think it was already there, but if it wasn't there before where it is now... no, I mean, when would it start being there if it was left where it wasn't before... I mean, when would the 'future' compared to the past, being our present, start to change in the past - forget it; this is glitching my logic chips.”

“I think I can try to clarify what you mean, Bumblebee,” said Skids. “Let’s say, a human’s future self - for argument’s sake, one year ahead - goes two years back in time and buries an object in his yard without being spotted. His present-day self finds this object, with no hint that it was there at all. So the object was not there until the human’s future self went back in time. But if it was buried in the past, then it should have already been there for a year. As a result, we have a time paradox, with the mystery of how to pinpoint ‘when’, relative to the present, that.object had appeared in the human's yard.”

“Yes, a time loop paradox,” Perceptor interceded, knowing he needed to steer the talks back on track before the tangents spiralled completely unharnessed. “But while I find our discussions of theoretical four-dimensional voyages intellectually stimulating, I must insist we reign in our enthusiasm and first concentrate on the rudimentary stages of our research. We still lack verifiable proof that such a theory has any pertinence to our sample.”

“Though I agree we shouldn’t put the hover-trailer before the transport drone,” said Jazz, “didn’t Seaspray find the thing where nothing was there before?”

“Might the earthquake have had something to do with it?” Hound wondered. “The timing is pretty close; its ‘appearance’ in the ocean floor might have caused a shift in that part of Earth’s crust.”

“Not too likely,” Beachcomber disagreed. “The epicenter of the quake was in the Seattle area, while the spot where we found the object was just on the outer edge of its tremors. Y’know, the more we dig into this project, the more layers we find, and I don’t just mean sedimentary rock.”

“Please, Autobots, I must request restraint,” Perceptor demanded, before the discussion could tax his patience. “Though I appreciate your interest in this matter, we can not get carried away into importing aspects that have not yet proven to be relevant. We must begin with basic and intermediate approaches first, before proceeding to more advanced speculations. However, if our attempts to solve this scientific mystery does in fact push the boundaries of known science, then perhaps it could be beneficial to us, and also to the human population of Earth."

Noticing the open discussion was picking up in intensity, Optimus knew he had to intervene if the experiment were to make any progress, lest the debate go too wildly out of control. “For now, I agree with Perceptor. However, I will advise that all possible theoretical options be considered, and within the standard process of scientific research. This discovery could potentially be an entirely new matter to Autobot science, and to our lives in general. We can only hope whatever we learn from it can be of significant use to us. And if it might be of any benefit to the Decepticons, we don’t want it to fall into their hands.”

With a glance and a casual shrug to the others, Jazz was satisfied with his leader’s command. “Makes sense to me. Sorry about hijackin’ this talk, Perceptor, but hope we helped come up with some brainstorming ideas for your experiment.”

“No offense taken, Jazz. Science is supposed to help us understand the true nature of our environments, however minuscule or tremendous its scale, though without blindly overreaching into unverified conclusions. Now, Beachcomber, I will require your assistance and application of your geological expertise for the research into the specimens you found.”

“If you have no objections, Perceptor,” Skids requested, “I can search the Web via Teletraan for any content pertaining to this. There’s bound to be something to supplement your findings.”

“Then that settles the matter for now,” Optimus declared. “Those pursuing this project have my full authorization. The rest of you are dismissed.”

“Whoo, good timing, too,” said Jazz with a relaxed sigh. “I just might make that hip-hop fest in Cali. I’ll catch you guys when I come back.”

As the other Autobots left Perceptor and Beachcomber to their work in the lab, Jazz sauntered down the corridors of the Ark, making his way toward the exit. He had been anticipating this show for a while; both because of hip-hop’s exploding popularity, and the event being yet one more on the endless list of cultural experiences he’d get to take in.


He stopped and turned around to see Optimus Prime approaching him. He wondered if Prime had another assignment for him, or maybe his exit from the lab was a touch abrupt as far as protocol was concerned. “What’s up, Prime?”

Optimus caught up with the special ops agent in the hallway. “I’ll join you as we talk; I know you don’t want to be late for the show. Do you mind if I ask about one thing you said in the lab?”

Jazz was grateful that Optimus had the courtesy to not hold him back; for that, he was willing to briefly chat with him as they walked down the corridors. “Sure, boss; what’s on your processor?”

“You brought up time travel, which led to talk about time paradoxes.”

“Yeah, and you brought up the Aerialbots and that ol’ Chronosphere. What about it?”

“I wonder if the time paradox concept applies to memories as well as physical objects. The Aerialbots were created only about ten Earth years ago, but I had met them - that is, my past self met them - when Megatron sent them back to Cybertron’s Golden Age. At that time, a Decepticon attack destroyed a facility while I was working there, and the Aerialbots were responsible for saving my life. But as for my original memory of my reconstruction, before they were sent to the past… I don't quite remember it anymore.”

The timing of the discussion taking this turn coincided with a corner Jazz and Optimus turned, leading down another path. This was not something Jazz thought he’d hear from the respected Autobot Commander. “No kiddin’? You sure it ain’t just a glitch in your memory circuits?”

“I’m positive. All my circuits are running fine, but that one memory still eludes me.”

“Crazy. I hadn’t thought about it working like that. Normally, when talking about going back and forth through time, people only think about it affecting stuff around us, but not in our own heads.”

“It’s something I find concerning. There’s no telling how much can be affected when going back in time and encountering the residents of a past era. The risks can be anything from altering an individual’s memories to completely changing history.”

“True. Still, not to brush aside your worries about your missing memory, but with or without the Aerialbots mixed in your past, you’re still the same Optimus Prime everyone’s always known.”

“Yes, I suppose that makes sense. But it also made me think of… something else I believe I once saw - a vague image of some kind; maybe even a mystical vision.”

“Mystical, huh? How'd'ya mean?”

“I don’t remember when I saw it. But it was very brief, as though I was looking face to face with another being. But it was this other being’s appearance that confounds me - its faceplate, the design of its head, evoked my own. Do you think there might be some meaning to that?”

Jazz’s point of view was now met with polar opposites. He and Optimus had reached the Ark’s entrance, which framed a clear view of the mountainous path just outside their headquarters. But for this vision, he couldn’t see any significance it might have, nor decipher its symbolism if it had any. “Sorry, chief; 'fraid that's outside my main fields. Societies and cultural stuff; I'm your ’bot. Psychoanalysis and interpreting dreams; can’t help you there, man.”

“That's all right. It might have just been my imagination anyway; nothing to be concerned about.”

“Good, ’cause right now, my concern is heading down to Cali without getting slogged in traffic.”

“All right, enjoy the show, but don’t stay too long. We were fortunate the Decepticons didn't interfere in this mission. But I suspect they’re preparing for an attack anytime.”

“Not a prob, chief. Even if the ’Cons hit while I'm at the show, just buzz me and I'll zip on over.”

With a casual salute, Jazz dove head-first to the rugged outdoor terrain, smoothly transformed to his Porsche 935 mode - with a bounce on his wheels as he landed - and drove off.

* * * * *

Epilogue - Case Closed?

{ … excerpts from selected file … }

Laboratory Record - Phi-Delta-05-28
Analysis of Extracted Samples from Underwater Anomaly in North Oregon Coast
Filed by: Perceptor (Chief Science Officer)
Assistants: Beachcomber (Geologist), Skids (Theoretician, Researcher)
Date filed: June 20, 1996 (Earth date); Update 2.0: August 1, 1996; Update 3.0: September 16, 1996

* Object of unknown type detected under seafloor and base of unnamed islet by Three Arch Rocks National Wildlife Refuge, west of Maxwell Point on north Oregon Coast shore; located by Seaspray (Naval Unit) on May 9, 1996 (Earth date) during marine patrol
* Survey team consisting of myself, Beachcomber, Seaspray, Bumblebee (Espionage; Acting Videographer for mission), and Hound (Scout; Acting Security for mission) was dispatched to locate object
* Mission purpose: if possible, deliver object to base for further investigative study, away from Decepticon seizure or other interference - if excavating object was not possible, extract suitable sample for study

* To ascertain, via all available scientific analyses and procedures, the true nature and origin of the sample(s) - and by extension, the unknown object itself

Methods / Procedures: (detailed further in Appendices)
* Geochronological measures pertaining to the video-recorded footage of the excavation site and the sample of rock debris collected from the site - lithostratigraphy to identify the type(s) of rock in the site’s strata; chronostratigraphy to determine the age(s) of the rock in the strata; radiometric dating to determine the age of the debris fragment sample
* Metallurgical analyses to determine physical and chemical properties of samples from the object (e.g. molecular chemistry, electrochemistry, thermodynamics, matter phase transitions, heat and electrical conductivity, crystallography, magnetism, failure analysis under corrosion and/or physical stress); radiometric dating to determine samples’ age(s)
* Additional supporting information from the World Wide Web applicable to the experiment was researched and contributed by Skids

Results: (detailed further in Appendices)
* Strata measured in dig site indicate Zanclean Age, or early part of Pliocene Epoch (between 3.6 and 5.3 million years ago) - sample of sedimentary rock debris contains quartz and feldspar; age determined to be approximately 4 million years old
* Full-spectrum metallurgical analyses of the object’s samples yield inconsistent results - general molecular composition matches elements found on Cybertron as well as trace element similar to those found on Earth; however, analyses for certain specified physical and chemical properties do not correspond with any known science on record, whether Cybertronian or on Earth (one example is a sign of an unknown alloy compound never before observed, but at least one element does exist on Cybertron)
* Instruments and equipment underwent frequent adjustments and maintenance in case of possible errors in analyses and measurements - subsequent results remain consistent

Conclusions / Recommendations:
* At this time, complete breakdowns of the samples’ atomic or molecular compositions cannot be completed, due to the presence of unknown chemical elements within. Per its general physical properties, samples do not appear harmful short-term; e.g. no radiation, nuclear decay, or presence of hazardous reagents. However, long-term observations are advised before declaring the material is safe for use.
* As for the source of the samples, the object’s true nature may remain undetermined indefinitely; its presence in a wildlife-protected area prevents a complete excavation from the site. Perhaps more information can be found with penetrating scanning equipment, if the object cannot be accessed directly.
* Note: The experiment is not declared closed; this is a tentative conclusion to this record, allowing for more findings that may arrive if new data is obtained in the future.


* Update 2.0 - Re: Laboratory discussion and debate following the mission, which included all previously identified parties, plus Optimus Prime (Autobot Leader) and Jazz (Special Operations Agent) - With current proven scientific measures unable to fully resolve the unknown factors, some suggestions that were stated may be considered, depending on viability - e.g. realistic probability of executing an idea, resources available to implement it, etc. Assistance from Skids in extrapolating such imaginative concepts into coherent theories, if possible, will be most invaluable in order to unlock the specimens’ potential..

* Update 3.0 - Ongoing external circumstances - notably, the war with the Decepticons - have slowed progress of the experiment. Consequently, investigative studies on this matter have been severely hampered, as the war effort has taken priority for the use of the Autobots' limited resources. Because this experiment is of a non-military nature, I regret that it will remain perpetually unresolved.

* * * * *



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