Cybertron.CA - Canadian Transformers News and Discussion
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Cybertron.CA - Canadian Transformers News and Discussion: Members List
User Name Join Date Posts Reverse Sort Order Last Visit Favorite Transformers ToyLocation
Super_Megatron 04-21-2007 49,942 N/A Fortress MaximusCybertron, Ontario
GMfan 04-29-2007 14,771 09-24-2014 TOO MANYMississauga
Protoman 04-30-2007 11,617 Yesterday Studio Series 86 Hot RodMontreal (Iacon)
Robimus 05-19-2007 8,382 01-30-2025 SoundwaveWinnipeg
wervenom 05-15-2010 8,217 02-05-2025 Masterpiece MegatronWoodbridge, On
JLvatron 04-25-2007 8,172 Yesterday GalvatronMontreal
pandaprime 07-25-2007 7,489 Yesterday any combiner!Vancouver, BC
chans formers 03-06-2008 7,289 01-18-2022 fortress maximuscalgary alberta
Dark Rage 05-11-2007 6,787 Yesterday Masterpiece Ultra MagnusToronto
brr-icy 01-16-2008 6,544 04-11-2023 G1 OverlordStratford Ontario
Matrix_Holder 04-26-2007 6,370 Yesterday Maketoys Green Giant, FP Rodimus Prime and Steelcore,, MP Grimlock and MP Prime 2012Burlington, ont, canada
Prowl_2009 08-19-2009 5,609 03-20-2013 Universe 2.0 ProwlNewmarket, ON.
Bruticus82 07-27-2008 5,572 10-15-2024 TrypticonThe Hammer (Hamilton)
CobraCommander 06-06-2007 5,537 Yesterday Getter Robo G - Bandai DiecastTerror Drome
kirbenvost 09-29-2009 5,505 Yesterday MP ConvoyVancouver Island
zuffyprime 04-25-2007 5,445 04-09-2024 MetroplexToronto/Miss/Brampton
down_shift 05-19-2008 5,150 04-21-2022 MP LamborBurlington
Darth Cylon 03-28-2011 5,090 02-05-2025 Masterpiece StarscreamVanCougar
Code of Honor 04-24-2007 5,088 06-18-2021 I can't pick just oneMississauga, Ontario
jourdo 04-25-2007 5,042 10-08-2022 MP OptimusCalgary
jjwankenobi 02-07-2008 5,027 08-02-2017 Classics JetfireGernsback Continuum, B.C.
Crobot91 04-25-2007 4,993 02-01-2025 MP StarscreamToronto
Nocturn 09-28-2007 4,906 01-31-2024 Jiang Xing Cold DragonCalgary
joshimus 06-16-2007 4,731 12-25-2023 Optimus Prime (movie)Hamilton
Xtreme987 11-01-2013 4,648 03-19-2024 Generations JetfireTilbury, Ontario
PrimeCron 08-18-2010 4,604 N/A Takara G1 SixshotToronto, Ontario
Cheers Ian 04-12-2008 4,578 01-25-2021 Classics BumblebeeKitchener, Ontario
Benzo 05-14-2007 4,565 N/A MP-10/Universe 2.0 CyclonusWinnipeg
RNSrobot 08-08-2008 4,510 Yesterday G1 Swindle =DFraser Valley
MULTIPLEX 08-11-2013 4,473 N/A Metroplex of courseAutobot City - a.k.a. Guelph
Showing results 1 to 30 of 10449

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