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Oreobuilder Oreobuilder is online now


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  1. justprime
    09-04-2016 11:23 AM
    Hello Orem builder
    I am interested in a couple of your scout and aoe optimus c above from the two pack please drop me a note and we can discuss details please
    Here is my address [email protected] thank you have a great weekend
  2. MahtimusPrime09
    08-10-2015 01:41 PM
    Hey Oreobuilder I was just wondering. I sent this to JLvatron too, and I was wondering, do you know people off the top of your head who live in Montreal, because I always love looking through sales threads and I find figures that are great prices, but the person is located in say Alberta or Ontario. So I was wondering I you knew people who love here so instead of paying for shipping from another province, I can just meet for local pickups. Thanks
  3. MahtimusPrime09
    08-02-2015 12:09 PM
    I think I got into TFs when the first movie came out. I went to see it on the day it came and have done the same for all 4 films. I think being a younger kid at the time, I just loved the concept of transforming and taking the mode of say a truck, jet, car, etc.

    I don't think a specific figure caught my eye, I think once I saw one of my relatives' collection of Star Wars, and then seeing pictures and reading the role of the Generations Line, I just got hooked.

    The Generations Line has really been my main focus, with the movie lines, a bit of Prime, and 1 MP (The Hasbro version of Soundwave with 5 cassettes), with MP-21 Bee on the way! Very excited for that! Also a few other figures from other lines.
  4. MahtimusPrime09
    07-30-2015 04:00 PM
    Hey Oreo, when did you start collecting?

    What do you specialize?
  5. MahtimusPrime09
    07-25-2015 10:02 AM
    About late 2012. So ya, about 2 1/2 years. Generations stuff has really been my thing/focus, but I want to start getting into MP-Figures. Where do you live then?
  6. MahtimusPrime09
    07-24-2015 11:37 AM
    Hey Oreobuilder, my name is Mahtimus Prime. You are the first person on here I have found that goes to TRU Vaudreuil. Do you live in Vaudreuil? I feel like I am the only one who lives here. I need a friend...

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  • Last Activity: Today 10:27 PM
  • Join Date: 07-24-2010
  • Referrals: 0


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