View Full Version : classics voyager prime trailer

chans formers
03-08-2008, 11:12 PM
another one i did a few months back.unfortunately it doesnt transform.it was basically so that classics prime wouldnt look naked on my shelf beside all the other primes and their trailers.im presently working on a actually transforming trailer for movie leader class prime.im just waiting for the krylon to fully cure before drybrushing and vinyls.soon.....

03-09-2008, 12:14 AM
looking good

03-09-2008, 01:04 AM

In your travels have you ever encountered a trailer that would fit the RM-10 Robotmaster Convoy?

03-09-2008, 03:35 AM
Perfect size - looks good !

chans formers
03-09-2008, 06:51 PM
its kind of funny you ask that.i actually just found a trailer that fits rm prime pretty good.perfect hight and width,but unfortunately 3 inches too long imo.luckily im gonna slice it up anyways so thats when ill buck off the extra 3 inches.it was some kind of "racing champs"trailer with barbie plastered all over the sides.the date on it is 1998.does that help?

03-10-2008, 02:24 PM
VERY cool! Can't wait to see your final product.

Was the trailer from another toy? Can it be easily located in stores?

If I had some disposable $$$ I'd pay you for a trailer, but alas the new home purchase takes precedent.

chans formers
03-10-2008, 07:56 PM
for which prime? the rm "purple" sacrifice was found at a local value village in a bag with hotwheels all for 1.99 . the classics trailer was found at wallmart for 7.99 . i still see the trailer at walmarts here in cowtown.it had some kind of devil guy plastered all down the side.does that help?

03-11-2008, 11:02 AM
for which prime? the rm "purple" sacrifice was found at a local value village in a bag with hotwheels all for 1.99 . the classics trailer was found at wallmart for 7.99 . i still see the trailer at walmarts here in cowtown.it had some kind of devil guy plastered all down the side.does that help?

I was talking about the RobotMasters Prime.

I guess I'll just keep looking out for one that "fits" RM-10.

Be sure to post pictures of your finished trailer when it's done!

11-27-2008, 01:12 AM
your custom trailer is waaaay awesome. thanks for the nice find. bought myself one as well.:)