View Full Version : The Golden Compass question?

Autovolt 127
12-09-2007, 09:23 AM
Why is the Golden Compass so contrecersial,Why are schools banning the books?

12-09-2007, 12:40 PM
Apparently some people think it is disparaging of the church or Christianity. Others say it only criticizes use of religion to control people. It has bombed at the box office apparently. I haven't seen the film myself, but personally I wouldn't consider that a good enough reason to not watch it.

12-09-2007, 12:53 PM
Trailer makes it look like Final Fantasy. I can't believe they are banning books, is the ban in Canada?

Code of Honor
12-09-2007, 02:09 PM
is the ban in Canada?

Yeah it is, it started at a catholic school here in Ontario. I think the whole issue is stupid, it's just a fictional story, read it and hate it, or read it and love it, it's your choice, but banning literature is wrong.

12-09-2007, 04:32 PM
No books should be banned.

This whole issue with the catholic school boards are insane. Sure, there might be hints of atheism in the book, but come on. Next they will ban every book that doesn't contain the phrase "God is Great!"

I am not religious, but I do respect other people's beliefs, I do however also believe in common sense. People who think too much into these things are morons, and if they don't like the book, then don't read it.

Autovolt 127
12-09-2007, 04:43 PM
No Offence But i'm Christian,But i could careless about the Contreverisal Crap.

12-09-2007, 04:44 PM
Hello gang!

That movie was sooooooooooo against *orthodox* christianity.

The Golden Compass kept pushing a free will plot but that is a "free will of the ego". Meanwhile, orthodox christianity believes in free will based on the Truth (deeper topic folks)

But not all Christian churches, denominations, sects, cults whatever are structured like the bigger and older forms of Christianity. So the obvious targets is the Roman Catholic church.

I should point out that The Chronicles of Narnia by CS Lewis were passing a subtle *othordox* Christian message. This is because CS Lewis converted to Christianity (Anglicanism).

The friend of CS Lewis , JRR Tolkien and his Lord of the Rings worlds etc is much like the Gold Compass. It was pushing a vague morality or just a spiritualism that is both negative and positive.

I dont really find any blatant anti-Christian messages in the Middle Earth sagas...well other than the complete ignoring of the subject. But Golden Compass - yep - big time attack on the Church or Churches or any christian group or person that would find it offensive.

In the end, you might find the Lord of the Rings,Golden Compass or Harry Potter, etc under the "Speculative Religion" section in Christian book stores.

I dont know whats worse - ProChristian propaganda of Narnia or anti-Christian propaganda in the Golden Compass. However, I was really getting into the Golden Compass :D

12-09-2007, 09:37 PM

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