View Full Version : 2D Art LET'S DRAW! Challenge - *Cold*

01-07-2011, 12:33 AM
You are hereby challenged. Challenged to DRAW!

The theme for this round is:

Draw any kind of Transformers image that features some sort of usage of snow, frost, ice, or winter, and/or a character who's name or special powers evokes these things.

Because it's like winter outside and stuff.

Officially ends on February 7th, 2011.

The Rules:

- You can use any medium and any tools as long as it's a 2D drawing. Computer or traditional, black and white or color.
- You must stick to the theme. Interpret the theme however you see fit, but it must somehow relate to Transformers.
- It doesn't matter if you know how to draw or if you think you can't. You just have to try!
- Be supportive and encouraging towards other artists, and don't get discouraged yourself!
- If you specifically want your work to be critiqued, say so.
- Post your drawings in this thread. Discussion is allowed and encouraged.
- Even if you miss the deadline, don't let that stop you from trying anyway if really want to.
- Have fun. Seriously.

Are you ready? LET'S DRAW!


01-07-2011, 10:46 AM
Ooo, me like!! :)
And no lack of inspiration with the temperature dropping outside.

I hope to see myself and many others submit an entry this time. :)

02-05-2011, 09:23 PM
So there is just a few days left but I am thinking I'll have to extend the deadline a bit. I scrapped mine a couple times since it really wasn't working out. I'm sure I'll finish though.

If you're still working working on it or would like to try now, you'll have a few extra days before the next one starts. Let's go!


02-05-2011, 11:47 PM
Never did this before. Oh well its worth a shot.

02-15-2011, 08:34 PM
Man... I just can't get my entry together. I scrapped what I was doing 3 times and I'm still not satisfied. It's just trash. :(

I'll try to salvage something and finish some other time. Due to my failure, you all get a free pass. New theme tomorrow.


02-15-2011, 08:56 PM
I actually did a sketch of G1 ironhide using his "liquid nitrogen" for this one while I was on the train, but then I thought it was total crap, so I threw it away. :-(

02-16-2011, 10:36 AM
I actually did a sketch of G1 ironhide using his "liquid nitrogen" for this one while I was on the train, but then I thought it was total crap, so I threw it away. :-(

Why they heck would you throw something like that away???

I understand if it's not up to your standards, but wouldn't it make some little kid's day if you just handed it to him?

...i mean, assuming he's not a spoiled kid who cries until his dad prints any 'cool image of the hour'. :p

02-16-2011, 09:43 PM
Hey now, don't be guilting on Bruticus unless you're bringing the goods to this thread yourself, kimosabe!


02-16-2011, 09:44 PM
Why they heck would you throw something like that away???

I understand if it's not up to your standards, but wouldn't it make some little kid's day if you just handed it to him?

...i mean, assuming he's not a spoiled kid who cries until his dad prints any 'cool image of the hour'. :p

Yeah, but I'm not an artiste, my work looks like it was done by a little kid. :p

Thanks for the Ninja Backup, Ninjatron.;)

02-17-2011, 10:46 AM
Yah, sorry.
I gotta get a submission again next time.

02-18-2011, 03:48 PM
Sorry I'm late. Funny, that I always have time to draw at work, but once I get home can't seem to find the time. Or maybe I'm just incredibly bored on my lunch breaks and incredibly lazy at home. Anyways, here's my drawing. Better late than never. The coolest cat of them all!
I don't normally draw that big. So the proportions ans stuff came out a little off from what I intended.

02-18-2011, 10:15 PM
Nice! I was also drawing Tigatron. I just couldn't get him to look right. Kudos for finishing! It has a fun style to it.


02-21-2011, 10:46 AM
Nice 1, Ultra P! :)

At 1st thought I figured Tigatron fit the theme cause of the arctic climate he and Snowstalker lived in.

But being 'cool' definitely works as well!

02-21-2011, 11:46 AM
Nice Tigertron!

I especially like how happy the tiger head looks. I get a very lilformers vibe from it.

02-21-2011, 01:04 PM
Robot Heroes Tigertron, very nice.:)