View Full Version : PCC Icepick w/ Chainclaw

Team Jetfire
10-12-2010, 02:44 PM
Just got this guy on the Toys R Us sale and thought I would share some of my thoughts.

Bio: Icepick believes that he represents the next generation of Decepticons. According to him, all those not gifted with the ability to combine are obsolete, and should be destroyed. He's willing to start with the Autobots, but he won't hesitate if an older Decepticon strays into his line of fire.

First of all: seriously great bio. Wanting to commit genocide on non-combiners? That is pretty hardcore!

Packaging: I'm not sure if I like the new trend of packaging in Robot mode as I think the vehicle modes look a bit better. Also, I find that some figures need to be put in awkward positions or miss-transformed to fit in the bubble, but I digress, Icepick looks fine and save for his feet flaps, I think he comes out properly Transformed. I do like the blue plastic that the Mini-con partners come in though; it creates a cool powered up effect. Only a few paper ties and this guy is free!

Robot Mode: Icepick has a decent robot mode with good articulation in the shoulders, hips and legs. My biggest complaint is the arms. They actually look worse in pictures then when you have them in hand, but they still are a bit funny looking as they are curved so it looks like he constantly wants to give you a hug. The hands are also a bit of a let down as they are shovel claws. I guess he has no weapon to hold, but these 'hands' look out of place. I also wish that the Power Core connectors could have been hidden a bit better, but that is a standard gripe for all the PCC's. Overall the robot mode gets a solid B+.

Vehicle Mode: I'm a big fan of Icepick's alt mode, not because I am from the great white north, not because I Snowboard and see these vehicles all the time, but because it also somewhat resembles the GI Joe Snowcat that I loved as a kid. (I realize that the Energon version of the Snowcat was a much better version of the Joe vehicle, but everything else about that toy sucked.)
I'm giving the Vehicle a B+.

Mini Con: Chainclaw.

The PCC Minicons are a bit of an anomaly to me. It is nice to get another little partner for my PCC's, but the Mini con partners seem to be more of an afterthought than anything. I like that they turn into a robot and weapon, but generally speaking they don't do either very well. Chainclaw seams to be one of the better ones, with a decent robot mode and a weapon mode not unlike one of my favorite Miniocons from the Playstation 2 Transformers Armada video game. He works well as a shoulder canon for Icepick in robot mode and gives the Vehicle mode some much needed fire power. I didn't try the third, armor mode so I cannot comment. Overall, Chainclaw is a nice little minicon partner for Icepick, but could have had a better name as he had No chains and no claws...hmmm

Overall I like Icepick a lot and give him a B+. If you are on the fence about PCC's and still don't want to take the plunge with a 5 Pack, this guy would be a good first purchase, especially with the TRU sale that is on right now.

chans formers
10-12-2010, 03:42 PM
i like this bot.in alt mode i kinda get a gijoe "snowcat" vibe from him.my only gripe for him in alt mode is that his hands just never seem to sit right as his back end rake things.
bot mode is cool too.it may be just mine but i have trouble posing his head without it looking lopsides/tilted.
it may have something to do with the dog collar around his neck joint.
the minicon rocks.
imho,he could have benefitted from having a extra minicon post on him(not just the post "holes"),enabling bigger bots to "hold" him like a cannon,as opposed to just sitting on some bot's shoulder.

10-12-2010, 04:04 PM
I love this dude.

His altmode has a nice steroid up benign vehicle thing going. I was never into GIJoe so the resemblence to the snowcat is lost on me really, but he looks cool.
My only gripe with him really is his robot mode arms. The articulation is there, just not in necessarily the right spots so all I can picture is him charging in with his "arms" just flailing madly about.

The minicon is awesome. I like these dudes really - they make me think of some sorta lite-brite mechano alien race that are more wannabe transformers - they kind just curl up and then say "look at me I'm a gun - pew pew pew." Go play with a 4 year old and you see the same mindset and imagination... except 4 year olds dont have feet made out of rocket launchers...

Team Jetfire
10-12-2010, 05:04 PM

This was the Armada game minicon that he reminds me of. I guess not so much the Robot mode, but you get why.

Ultra Maverick
10-12-2010, 06:01 PM
A solid PCC figure indeed, I currently have him displayed in combined form with the destructicon drones, I was a little iffy on the "Ice head" originally but it has grown on me.

Overall in Torso mode I find that he is more sturdy than the average PCC commander, and that's without a ton on kibble (like Sledge's shoulder shovels)

10-12-2010, 08:02 PM
Icepick > Smoulder > Leadfoot > Bombshock > Huffer > Sledge > Mudslinger > Searchlight > Double Clutch > Skyburst

10-12-2010, 08:28 PM
I agree 100% that the minicon partner is one of the better ones they've made.

10-13-2010, 07:00 PM
Really love this guy....best one in the second wave IMO

Wicked in all modes, cool minicon, and that bio...I REALLY like that bio...gives him a homicidal tendency I can't ignore and quite enjoy.

10-13-2010, 07:32 PM
Yeah, he's pretty solid overall. The entire wave 2 is actually.

12-14-2010, 09:35 PM
I definitely like IcePick. Along with Leadfoot and Sledge all three 2nd wave PCC commanders are much better than wave 1. The colors are nice. His head is too tiny in robot mode but I like the goofy hands, the vehicle mode is fun, and his torso mode is decent. His shoulders are super wide so any gestalt form looks a bit weird (esp if you use arms that ALSO extend wide like the dune buggy or missile carrier), but the "icy" head is really cool.

The mini-con's power mode looks like a Powermaster engine which is cool, too.

12-25-2010, 07:47 PM
I'm liking mine, with is mini-con setup as a shoulder rocket launcher, he just looks bad ass =)