View Full Version : Weird post-secondary education ads

04-10-2010, 01:24 AM
In my high school, I've noticed the local College's and University's new advertisements posted around the building.

There were two posters advertising UVic in one room which were posted side by side with each other. One had a picture of some random smiling spikey-haired guy with the caption: "Ride a Unicorn." The other poster had a picture of a smiling (and rather decent-looking) girl with the caption: "Play Chopin all day." I would've taken a picture of those posters, but sadly they were taken down a few days ago.

As for the college, there are various TVs posted around my high school. Once in a while, an ad for Camosun College showed up with the caption: "Batman underwater fighting a shark with a lightsaber." Unfortunately there was no picture for that one. All it showed was a yellow background with text and the Camosun logo.

This isn't a joke. Anyone have any commentary for those ads? Perhaps we can post other weird post-secondary education ads here.

Dark Rage
04-10-2010, 01:42 AM
Ontario Colleges promo:


I think some immigrant parents were absolutely thrilled there when they saw those ads.

04-10-2010, 03:56 AM
UVic's slogan is Ride a Unicorn? Clearly I haven't been paying attention to my surroundings...

04-11-2010, 10:58 AM
Ontario Colleges promo:


I think some immigrant parents were absolutely thrilled there when they saw those ads.

My god.... I want a bottle of Obay just as an awesome conversation piece.

Or maybe just a label to slip over a bottle of Advil.

Anyways, I've seen a number of relatively tame advertisements for university and college.

Personally, with the number of highly educated people I've seen coming into temp agencies lately to work minimum wage jobs (pretty much everyone except for high school grads and new immigrants), I'm not seeing how there's a benefit to loading yourself down with a huge student debt. Might as well just start working in a minimum wage job and save yourself the 20 to 30 thousand it costs to go to university. Or save the 10 to 20 thousand to go to college.

But then there's always that sliver of a chance that you might land a job after graduating and not get laid off long enough to clear student debt.

04-11-2010, 01:09 PM
Ontario Colleges promo:


I think some immigrant parents were absolutely thrilled there when they saw those ads.


"Obey Me!"
"Because I said so!!!"

Thanks for sharing. Controversy is always a funny thing in the news. I can just imagine some parents' reactions to the "drug."

04-15-2010, 11:12 PM
Any Everest commercial ever aired.

09-26-2019, 01:18 PM
In my high school, I've noticed the local College's and University's new advertisements posted around the building.

There were two posters advertising UVic in one room which were posted side by side with each other. One had a picture of some random smiling spikey-haired guy with the caption: "Ride a Unicorn." The other poster had a picture of a smiling (and rather decent-looking) girl with the caption: "Play Chopin all day." I would've taken a picture of those posters, but sadly they were taken down a few days ago.

As for the college, there are various TVs posted around my high school. Once in a while, an ad for Camosun College showed up with the caption: "Batman underwater fighting a shark with a lightsaber." Unfortunately there was no picture for that one. All it showed was a yellow background with text and the Camosun logo.

This isn't a joke. Anyone have any commentary for those ads? Perhaps we can post other weird post-secondary education ads here.
This is hilarious, colleges nowadays go to very extreme lengths to enrol new students. This is not a bad thing, but the always rising costs are a really bad thing, and taking students loans is a very high risk if you can't employ yourself somewhere good. I'm from India and our situation is a little bit better, I enrolled last year to study civil service in a very good academy in Chennai https://www.chinmayaias.com/. And while it is hard paying my own rent and studies, I work part time and I make enough for an average living. Anyway, what I wanted to say is that we shouldn't bash original ads for colleges, it's just a way to be more visible for teenagers.