View Full Version : Beast Wars Animated Customs

03-19-2009, 09:25 PM
Soo call me a copy cat lol
i think what Nemesis Predaking n @l3x are amazing!
BW Animated! i mean things dont get any cooler then that!
the Animated line has alot of potentiel!
iv seen alot of animted toys that can be turned into many other figures, but not as much as Beast Wars figures!
Also, if anyone is intersted in a BW:Ani Custom please feel free to PM as i am accepting commissions for them!
Reserve Yours NOW!

Line Up of BW:Ani
TM2 Megatron(Leader Megatron)
TM Megatron(Grimlock)=Complete
TM Tarantulas(Soundwave)=Complete
TM2 Dinobot(Lockdown)=WIP
Inferno(Modded Waspinator)
Optimal Optimus(Leader Ultra Magnus?)
TM Optimus Primal(Voyager Prime)
TM Rattrap(Bumblebee)
TM/TM2 Cheetor(Jazz)
Rhinox(Bulkhead Thanks Darth Grimlock!)
Silverbolt(Blurr Modded:))
TM2 Blackarachnia(Modded Ani. Blackarachnia:))
Tigerhawk(You'll see ;))

Need a Little Help.
So i need a little help,
im currently workin on both TM Tarantulas n Fuzor Quickstrike,
but for the Fuzor im not sure on how to do something soo i need YOUR help,
i want to turn the Ram skull on Oilslick into a Cobra head, much like Quickstrikes Cobra tail head.
but im unsure of how to tackle it?
any advice?
Heres a pic of how it looks like(Located in Attachments Last Pic)

Last Update:March 27 2009 TM Tarantulas Completed!
TM Megatron
TM-2 Dinobot WIP
soo i was walking home from the corner store, and on the sidewalk i found a Animated Lockdown figure, it was beasten up had n the chest area has some sort of putty(as showen in pic) i mean what better then finding a free transformer lol.
soo after seeing NP reviews on his Dinobots, i decided to do my version of dinobot(currently still a WIP)
i had a junker Bestmachines Dinobots repaint of TM2 Dinobot. So i cut down dinobots claws n gave them to lockdown!
and i am going to stick the larger talon? where lockdowns claw use to be.
also gave him is lazer eye too :D
Claws are articulated.

TM Tarantulas

Here is Oilslicks head sculpted too look more like Quickstrike, finally had some time 2 take some pics. More info will be added to them when they are worked on more....whenever that will be.
UpdateStarted painting Oilslick so soon he'll be Quickstrike :D
heres what iv gotten so far :) More to come :)
Quickstrike was scrapped(except for the head)
The paint was old, it didnt stick to it. It just ran of the figure and warped it as well! sooo im in search for a Animated Oilslick(hopefully a cheap one)

So started some work on my soon to be BW Animated Rampage :)
changed his feet removed the "boot" look and gave him is own feet look to it:)
also any ideas on waht i should use for the head?
i was thinking casting a BW Rampage head n using it as that?
Work on Rampage has started!
he now has a head!
More to come later this week.
Rampage now has a completed Tank mode!
More BW Animated figures soon to come:ev:

03-20-2009, 08:19 AM
Hmm...Ram skull into snake eh? That's a tough one, I'm not sure if what you have to work with could pass for a snake if you make the horns the cobra's "cape" maybe you could use the same eye holes... To be honest I don't have an oil slick, so I'm not sure. It should be possible.

If worse comes to worse you could scratch make one and replace the ram skull, no?

Really ambitious project! I wish you all the best on it.

03-21-2009, 03:51 PM
Hmm...Ram skull into snake eh? That's a tough one, I'm not sure if what you have to work with could pass for a snake if you make the horns the cobra's "cape" maybe you could use the same eye holes... To be honest I don't have an oil slick, so I'm not sure. It should be possible.

If worse comes to worse you could scratch make one and replace the ram skull, no?

Really ambitious project! I wish you all the best on it.

Thanks you,
i think iv figured something out :)
But im going to keep it on the down low for the moment hehehe

Prime Roller
04-09-2009, 02:41 AM
How about trying to find a rubber snake toy at Zellers or a dollar store or something, and replacing the ram head.

chans formers
04-09-2009, 09:58 AM
the bw rampage from blitzy is a great idea.it works really well!!!

04-10-2009, 03:51 PM
How about trying to find a rubber snake toy at Zellers or a dollar store or something, and replacing the ram head.
I'v thought about it,
thats probly what ill have to do, thanks and if not...ill go look around the sales thread for a incomplete or broken Quickstrike and use his cobra for it insted :)

the bw rampage from blitzy is a great idea.it works really well!!!

thanks, it was Nemesis Predaking who game me the idea to use Blitzy for him, and if you like that wait and see what else i have in store :D
im going to change a couple of figure bases for the BW Ani line :P

04-11-2009, 01:04 AM
Rhinox= Sentinel Prime?

Darth Grimlock
04-11-2009, 06:18 AM
Hmmmmm, I'm thinking Voyager Bulkhead as Rhinox. That mold screams to be redone into Rhinox. Also gives way to BM down the road.

04-12-2009, 03:27 PM
Rhinox= Sentinel Prime?
Sentinel Prime is going to be a different character for another line of BW :)

Hmmmmm, I'm thinking Voyager Bulkhead as Rhinox. That mold screams to be redone into Rhinox. Also gives way to BM down the road.
again, thanks for the idea DG!
that will look like an awsome Rhinox! :D

Darth Grimlock
04-12-2009, 09:22 PM
Hell yeah, and you know I'll be wanting one. My lil buddy in GA would just bust a gut seeing it. Rhinox gets no love at all, and Bulky is just the bot for it.

04-13-2009, 06:11 PM
Hell yeah, and you know I'll be wanting one. My lil buddy in GA would just bust a gut seeing it. Rhinox gets no love at all, and Bulky is just the bot for it.

Well Remeber ill defently be honored to do a commission for ya :)
also for your buddy as well :)
im actully drawin up some ideas for a head resculpt :)

Darth Grimlock
04-14-2009, 09:25 PM
That's sweet.............